Local Government TV

Friday, June 04, 2010

O'Hare Wins Election to Local Dem Committee, Demands Recount

The people have spoken. Well, one of them.

I was in a six-way tie for the Northampton County Democratic committee in Nazareth's second ward, which had been ruled by LongDem Rodney Applegate for the last thousand years. In a drawing at noon today, I was declared the official winner of that race.

Upon learning of my election, I demanded an immediate recount. I also called a news conference to announce my plans to knock off T.J. Rooney, but nobody showed.

I should be excommunicated in a matter of weeks, but not before I attend the election of the next county chair.


  1. Who handled your election campaign?

    Mike Fleck?

  2. run for treasurer

  3. "Who handled your election campaign?

    Mike Fleck?"

    Yes. He rounded up a bunch of derelicts to kock on doors for me, bt they all went to A-town.

  4. "run for treasurer"

    That might require two votes.

  5. Well, at least it will be interesting reading about your committee meetings here on LVR ! ...last year you wrote quite a bit about "new Dems"....now you're a vote on the Committee, so will you use your new voice for "change"?

  6. Lighthouse, I will, and have a completely different view of committeemen than most. I do not expect to last long, but I do expect to try and make this group more small d democratic.

  7. So who are you supporting for Chair? Garvin or Laws? Or the surprise third candidate?

  8. There oughta' be a Laws, don't you think? He's fresh and represents a move in the right direction. He's disgusted by the practice of endorsing candidates in contested primaries, even aganst an incumbent Democrat.

  9. This is just the start of bloggers taking over the world. With you as committee person, Donovan on the council and LVCI as Mayor of Allentown, we're bound to have some good times ahead!

  10. Congrats Bernie, make it worth every minute!

    The Banker

  11. Bernie,

    Congrats. I will see about the ex-communication for you. Book two tickets for Rome, first class. I know some good Canon lawyers.

    Peace be with you, ~~Alex+

  12. Bernie is certainly a qualified committeeperson. I liked Laws platform. Laws is certainly gifted with a camera. Just hope he can get that zoom-OUT button fixed on that camera.

  13. Bernie,

    As they say in comedy: "Sometimes you can't make this stuff up".

    Your name got pulled out of the hat. How great is that.

    Congratulations. Now go shake up the establishment.

  14. Let the O'Hare-a-clypse begin!

  15. Angle is gonna sue...don`t want no stinkin O`Hare in office...he can`t be a blogger and serve in elected office.

  16. So as a Democratic committeeman what will you do to assist in the election of the Democratic candidate John Callahan to Congress? If you refuse to help him you will be ousted by a majority vote of the committee.

  17. Maybe the majority of the voters will oust Callahan instead. Maybe Dems should stop fielding candidates against a good Congreessman just bc he happens to be an R.

  18. not so casual observerJune 5, 2010 at 6:04 AM

    does lady rep know about this?
    you two will be outside the polls togethr!

  19. Justice DicktatesJune 5, 2010 at 7:12 AM


    You shall not be permitted to hold both positions of blogger and committee member at the same time. You shall remedy by resigning and/or discontinuing one position or both positions immediately.

    F you very much,

    Connected Judges Who Override Voters

  20. Bernie.

    Here's a little something to help with your campain fund.

    Give em hell!

  21. There's probably a committee by law which says you'll loose your position if you speak out against a party candidate, endorse or assist a republican opponent, or report on committee meetings. Blogger criticism and committee partisanship do not mix. This is a lose lose proposition, speaking from experience here.

    I resigned my committeeship after one candidate loudly complained of otherwise fair criticism. He refused to answer a question concerning his statement of financial interests, and still has not answered to this day.

    I do not believe that party partisanship means drinking cool aid. You do not either. This can not be good.

  22. Bernie, I will stand outside of the polls with you! BTW - Dems have to stand 20 feet from the door and Reps stand 10. That's because you have the majority. See? I'll be glad to teach you all about the Election Code!

    Actually, "not so casual" made me say it.

  23. Lady Rep, I don't think they'll let me within 20 miles of any poll.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I will post about Judge Franciosa's decision once I have read it. The Anglephobes can hurl their insults there. It is OT here and I have deleted three comments. I will continue deleting them so don't waste your time.

  26. OK, I know it's off-topic but are you talking about this headline?
    Buoyed by Tea Party Support, Angle Takes Lead
    because that LV Tea Party ain't the Lehigh Valley one - It may be the Los Vegas one though.

  27. Anon 12:52 - Bernie can't be ousted. He's in unless he resigns. There are no provisions in the by-laws of the State Committee to rid people of positions they are ELECTED to.

    Bernie should try to gain a seat as District dude or whatever it is over there in soon to be ex-Longoonland. Now that would be funny.

  28. Tuesday Night DatesJune 9, 2010 at 4:17 PM


    That was a hell of good time seeing you at the courthouse today!


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.