Local Government TV

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Biden: Only a "Smartass" Would Ask for Lower Taxes

Looks like Obama dumped the wrong guy. The McChrystal staffer who told Biden to "Bite Me" makes more sense. Biden, incidentally, is the guy who persuaded John Callahan to run for Congress.


  1. callahan is running. That is running away from bethlum and his responsibilities.

    wonder what that gala on thursday evening cost the citizens of bethlum

  2. Rs need do nothing to get the House back but let Ds be Ds.

    When the so-called Bush tax cuts are let to expire, 20 million more are going to start paying federal taxes again, and everybody who currently pays is getting a huge hit to their monthly take-home.

    Corporate dividends, such as Microsoft's first during the Bush years, will be a thing of the past. Nobody or their pension fund owns Microsoft do they?

    It's a tax tsunami that they'll have to explain until Jimmy Carter with a tan is relieved of his golf duty after his one, miserable term.

    And Callahan supports this?

  3. the gala he threw for all the state mayors

    city employees were out there for days landscaping, setting up, taking down tents, electric, etc - what was the bill for Melt to cater it? entertainment?

  4. my taxes went down under obama... the R's laughed that it was too small, but they went down. my taxes are about to jump under R controlled county gov't and will probably jump under the next governor (likely an R). The R's will spend us into a hole, raise taxes and then try to blame D's. R's have run the fiscally irresponsible train into the ground for the last 30 years.

  5. "the gala he threw for all the state mayors"

    There were sponsors for all of the costs, ding dong. And I went but don't think I've ever been called a mayor before. just a guy from bethlehem.

  6. "the gala he threw for all the state mayors"

    though i did see at least one Dent staffer there.

  7. Biden may be politically incorrect, but he says what many of us are thinking.

    I guess if youare a MODERATE you are out of fashion. What ever happened to common sense?

  8. what's wrong with this moron. We need to RAISE taxes to make this country fair again

  9. Only a smartass would NOT understand economics 101. By taking more money away from people, they get to keep more of their money. :D

  10. Hey, the ice cream man DID approach things with a bit of an attitude. So, why shouldn't Biden respond in kind? I mean, whether or not you support raising taxes, Biden's demeanor exactly matched that of the guy calling for lowered taxes. I suspect Biden doesn't feel everyone who supports lower taxes is a smart ass, just those who do so disrespectfully (some would say) on camera during a photo op probably designed to give that small business some free boost.

    You have to love Biden's up front and candid way of speaking to folks. We all say we hate phony politicians - well, here's one that says just what's on his mind. Props for honesty, in my book!

  11. You've got a point and I like that style when it comes to other pols and reporters. It's one of the reasons I like Angle, who incidentally saw and liked Biden when he was here. I'm just not crazy about that style when it comes to a custard shop manager. I looked at the tape again and Biden didn't say it in a nasty way. He was more or less joking and the custard shop owner still seemed starstruck. So I think I over-reacted a bit and that you are basically correct and I am basically wrong.

  12. You hate the style with the manager because it allows you to vicariously attack Callahan. You are as transparent as a window Ohare.

  13. What will Charlie do to stop the Bill in congress that will end all pensions. It will also allow companies and public entities to not pay promised pensions.

    where does Congressman Dent stand on that Bill?

  14. In response to Jon Geeting -- so let's raise them!

  15. Yes, how awful to have a plain spoken person as Veep. Miss your boy Dick Cheney, eh?

  16. Anon said:

    ...my taxes are about to jump under R controlled county gov't and will probably jump under the next governor (likely an R)...


    Which county are you living in? Both Lehigh and Northampton have Democrat County Execs (who create the budget).

    As to the state budget, your Democrat Governor is overspending by over $1 BILLION per year.

    Someone will be holding the bag after Rendell leaves, and that would be the taxpayers.

  17. No story here.

    Casual conversation in a casual setting. This VP is a shirt sleeves guy with a blue collar background. There was "give and take" and he gives as well as he takes.

    I like him and think it's refreshing. Our President is stuffy and Mr. Biden balances his staid personality.


  18. Biden is a gaffe machine.

    Whether snyone can believe it or not, he is the Vice-President of the US. His response to a citizen - someone he serves - was appalling.

    He might not have liked the question, but his response was inappropriate and unbecoming of the office he holds.


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