Local Government TV

Friday, May 14, 2010

What are Your Primary Predictions?

A reader asked me to set aside a blog for all your primary predictions, near and far. That seems like a good idea. Will Specter the Defecter knock off Sestak? Will Onorato win the lotto? Does anyone even care about the Lieutenant Governor's race? Fire away.


  1. Specter, Onorato, Seidel, Dertinger, Emerick, Beyer and I think that about covers it.

  2. Sestak and Onorato. Seidel is a lock.

    The Tock

  3. Specter, Onorato (I'll vote for Wagner), Seidel, Scagliotti, Albanese, Hahn & Beyer. (I am officially Swiitzerland in the Hahn-Sabatine race but think she wins it).

  4. Specter will sqeak it out, Onorato and Seidel by a respectable margin, Democratic under vote for Boscola.

  5. Specter, all the Italians, and Beyer. I got a great mailer from Nick yesterday with Hahn's empty chair and empty positions.

    A Hahn victory signals the recovery is on and everyone has gone back to sleep.

  6. Sestak in a close one(not decided for a few days close), Onorato (my vote will be Wagner or Hoeffel), Seidel (my vote will be Conklin), Mickey Mouse over Boscola.

  7. Sestak, voting for Wagner, haven't made my mind up yet about the others.

  8. Voting against every incumbent. Betting that every one of them wins. Hahn's essentially an incumbent and wins. Scags wins because people like personalities and really don't mind supporting the pension gravy train for those who've thrived on the public nipple. Grucela's gone soon; voters win either way and Rich laughs at contemptible taxpayers - all the way to direct deposit.

    Very Cranky Libertarian

  9. Sestak (we'll know by the 11 PM news), Onorato (voting for either Wagner or Hoeffel), Corbet (with 70% of vote), Seidel, Crawley, Beyer, Hahn, Dent (with about 66%). The race that will be most interesting is to replace Murtha. I'm picking Burns to win the special election but I reserve the right to say that Critz knocks him off in the fall (Daylin Leach pulled the same stunt a few years ago... it's not unheard of).

    Some other races: Kanjorski wins big, Buchanan eeks one out to square off against Altmire and Marino will take on Carney. Kanjorski is the most vulnerable of the three.


  10. Specter, Toomey, Onorato, Corbett, Saidel, Cawley, Dent, Kanjorski, Holden, Ryan, Rothfus, Critz, Gerlach, Fitzpatrick, Hahn, Emrick, and Beyer by 4

  11. Sestak, Toomey




    Dertinger, Emerick (Ron Angle gets 1 write in vote from himself)

  12. Bernie,
    The graphics you use in your commentaries are absolutely wonderful. Where you find these
    is beyond us but they are adorable, funny, and poignant. They work!

  13. My call is that the Admiral sinks the garbage scowl S.S. Specter who like Atlantis will try to rise from the deep blue sea running as a Whig in the next election.

  14. Onorato huge
    Specter close
    Simmons close
    Dertinger medium
    Saidel huge

    I am voting for Dan Onorato and probably Specter.

  15. Who would vote for Onorato? WTF.

  16. I'm voting for Sam Rohrer. But if Tom Corbett is the GOP nominee for governor, I will be voting for Dan Onorato. At least he is a pro life democrat.

    I also think Joe Sestak will sneak out a win.

  17. No way is Specter winning this one. No way. If we had open primaries, Specter might stand a chance, but as it stands now, he's TOAST. (Loved that one, Casey.)

  18. Whatever the statisically significant polls say. DUH!

    Whether we agree with it, that is another matter.

  19. ANON 3:44

    At least Onorato is a pro-life democrat.

    Does that insinuate that COrbett is NOT pro-life? You have not done your homework. COrbett IS PRO-LIFE A devout practicing Catholic, who has been to many marches for life BEFORE he was AG or Governor candidate.

    YIKES Don't beleive everything you hear from campaigns without checking it out yourself.

  20. OMG that is not what i ment. I just do not like Corbett! I do not believe when he called the constitution "a living document, and is only has good as the people elected to interpret its meaning." He also said he would not rule out strong gun control with is against the PA Constitution. I ment at least onorato is a pro life democrat and not a liberal. I know Corbett is pro life. lol

  21. 9:43

    Corbett is a life member of the NRA, has been for years and has an A+ rating ..didn't you get your Orange Card?

    Living documant..he aid that int he context that it is alive and well, living as opposed to dead.

    It is the job of SCOTUS to interpret the constitution, he is now part of a challange over healthcare and he has challanged laws on those basis several times before. If he did not beleive in the constitutin he would not be doing that nor could he have been a very good AG, whch he was.

    Think MAN THINK and DO your reasearch.

    Corbett endorsed by NRA, state Police Pa, FOB PA, EMS PA, Newt GIngrich, Jeb Bush, but you would vote for Onorato?

    Governor goes way past personalities. It goes to who is incharge or redisticting PA and which party is ont he top of every ballot for 4 years (including 2012)

    THINK well and then decide.

  22. Please Corbett is in this for himself! He was asked why he was running for governor and he said, "it is the next step." He just wants to further his political career further. He is not in it for the American people like Rohrer is.

  23. President Obama’s Campaign Arm Tries to Get Grass-Roots Democrats to Defeat Fellow Progressive
    May 15, 2010 9:31 AM

    Organizing for America, the former grass-roots campaign arm for President Obama’s 2008 campaign, is trying to rally supporters to phone bank and get out the vote in Pennsylvania for Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Penn., the former Republican locked in a tight primary race with a far more progressive Democrat, Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Penn.

    Chris Bolling, the national volunteer coordinator for OFA, writes in an email that the “stakes of this election are high: ensuring that allies of the President are elected in the House and Senate to fight for change. So starting this weekend, through Tuesday's election, there will be phone banks for OFA volunteers in D.C. We'll call into Pennsylvania and encourage voters to support leaders who will fight for President Obama's vision for change.”

    Specter, of course, supported the presidential campaign of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and only became a Democrat when it became clear he would suffer an ignominious defeat in the GOP primary to former Rep. Pat Toomey, R-Penn. But the White House, needing Specter’s support for various parts of the president’s agenda, pledged to help him in his re-election.
    Courtesy: DRUDGE REPORT

  24. Anyone who is not a teacher or a lawyer.

  25. Bernie,

    Had occasion to be driving around in the northern boonies yesterday and Hahn signs were everywhere...and on people's lawns, not just roadways.

    Certainly no indication of a victory but she may do better than expected against such a recognizable name.

  26. Had PCN playing on the TV yesterday afternoon and they were playing videos from Corbett and Rohrer events. The difference couldn't have been starker. Rohrer was attending townhall meetings, fielding questions, & laying out an inspirational message of where he stands on the issues. Corbett was touring businesses and giving generic campaign blather...

  27. Pam, I believe Marcia Hahn will win.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. With the weekend comes the usual assortment of trolls, cowards who launch personal attacks from behind a veil of anonymity. Some are political hacks playing the game. Others just want to be inflammatory.

    I am enabling moderation for a few hours.

  30. Wayne submittted a comment, which I accidentally rejected. Sorry, Wayne. Here's the comment:

    "I really enjoy it when Anonymous personally attacks Anonymous who's kissing up to political hack Anonymous...

    My primary predictions:
    'We Are Doomed'"

  31. Bernie, are you supporting Specter or Sestak? Or Toomey, whom I support... Just wondering!

  32. Specter is an unpleasant little cadaver who has done nothing for Pa. in 25 years. When the GOP contolled Congress he was a loyal R. Then the D's take over, he faces a challenging primary opponent and he switches parties to save his wrinkled old butt. What a spineless, self-serving fraud. Hope Sestak pulls off the upset and retires that phony for good.

  33. Spectre is hated by James Bond because of evil!

    Down with Spectre and all the operatives!


  34. I am voting for Wagner and Conklin, though I think Onorato and Saidel are locks.I am voting for Sestak, and last week I predicted a narrow victory. I think the margin will be wider now. If it rains Tuesday, in concert with lackluster rank and file union support, Arlen loses.
    And I think Charlie Dent gets 90%

  35. Onorato - though I am supporting Hoeffel
    Sestak - the real democrat wins
    Seidel because I know his name - but the up state voters may come out for the non big city candidate
    Dertinger - Other guy has no $

    Toomey - Luksik is a vote getter though but Toomey will win - And then teabaggers will find out he is a lobbyiest and turn on him in the fall
    Corbett - but I am seeing a lot Rorher signs on peoples homes so this race may be close
    If Dent does not get 70% of the the vote he is in trouble - & even if he does manyy of the teabaggers will still go to Towne in November

    Hahn is a lock for both now and November
    Not really following the other house

  36. Sestak in a landslide. Oranato narrowly though i voted Hoeffel and think Wagner would be best against Corbett.

  37. Doris Smith-Ribner in an upset becoming perhaps the highest elected woman and african-american in PA history on Demo lt. gov side.

  38. Well well the so called "less educated" Hahn beat the so called "highly educated" Sabatine. Whats that tell you Nick?

  39. Again, No lawyers or teachers!

  40. Anonymous said...
    Well well the so called "less educated" Hahn beat the so called "highly educated" Sabatine. Whats that tell you Nick?

    9:51 AM

    That cement dust causes irreversible brain damage.


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