Local Government TV

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Pundits Rank Dent-Callahan Race

Pa2010 - 5th most competitive Congressional race in Pennsylvania. The top two competitive races are for open seats. Interestingly, the races being run by incumbent Democrats Kathy Dahlkemper and Paul Kanjorski are considered more competitive than Dent's race in a Democratic district.

CQ Politics - Leaning Dent's way.

Cook Political Report - Leaning Dent's way in a slightly Democratic District.

PoliticsPA - 7th most competitive Congressional race in Pennsylvania. Democrats Kanjorski, Dahlkemper, Carney and Holden are considered more vulnerable.

National Journal - 25th most competitive Congressional race in the county. "Can Callahan hang in there while facing a national headwind?"


  1. Wow are you cherry picking the quotes....

    This is one of the toughest races in the country and is all but a toss up, to characterize it any other way is disingenuous.

  2. I'm not cherry picking anything and link to the sources involved. But I admit a bias in favor of Dent.

  3. Well lets hope people actually take the time to click on the links and see the context.

    I for one can't wait to see the next six months. The story is just starting to unfold now.

  4. the race had better be leaning toward Dent. he's the incumbent. The moment the race starts leaning away from the incumbent, that's when it becomes really interesting.

    Dent should win this 55-45 b/c he has every advantage he could ever want.

  5. You might as well write my name in.

    Drake Minder

    The little guy and the average Americans need to be represented.

    The below title might as well say Charlie Dent to Propose Citizenship-Stripping


    Many here don't consider anything but fox real news.

    Here's a little fact that you may not be a where of:

    Fox News gets okay to misinform public, court ruling

  6. Gallup came out with a poll showing that this Republican whirlwind everyone is talking about, might not happen. Republicans are losing interest in the midterm elections.


  7. Republicans will crawl over broken glass in a blizzard to vote. They always do. It's the Independents who are most prized.

  8. Has Dent taken any BP money? Obama's their biggest recipient and his relaxed attitude toward their Katrina is an indicator that they own him and he appreciates their money. Is Dent as filthy as drill baby drill Barack?


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