Local Government TV

Thursday, May 06, 2010

NYTimes: 32 Black Republicans Seeking House Seats

Yes, they can.


  1. During the 2008 election I had seen a brief interview with a Black Republican woman (from SC?) and she was fiery!. I do not recall her name, but I was impressed by her steely belief in conservative principles.
    The party needs hundreds more like her running for office. Michael Steele, Fox News and other broadcast outlets are starting to give black conservatives some exposure and they have interesting things to say.

  2. This is news only to those who believe the democrat lies that Republicans and conservatives are racists. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The greatest fear of the democrat party is that enough minority voters figure out that big government is not the answer and that democrat policies have enslaved them to generations of poverty.

  3. I love to see such diversity. And actually, as the NYT article indicates, many of these Republicans were inspired to run as a result of Obama's stunning vvictory.

  4. Bernie,
    Guess who has made Politico's front page? Our very own "Hiller" TJ Rooney. Nice article too.

  5. It's "cataclysmic." I'll link to it.

  6. The greatest fear of the democrat party is that enough minority voters figure out that big government is not the answer and that democrat policies have enslaved them to generations of poverty.
    Sad truth is the Democrats have little to fear. The Republicans and their tendency to be aloof combined with decades of relentless bigotry propoganda against Republicans will ensure the Democrats will have the majority of minority votes for years to come.
    A good example is the current argument over the Arizona immigration enforcement act. Republicans did take great care to produce a balanced bill (refining it even further after it passed) yet you see Hispanic and Democrat groups continually misrepresent the bill.
    The truth may set the public free but sometimes it takes a long time for the truth to be presented to the public.

  7. Perhaps some African-Americans are tired of their votes being taken for granted by Democrats. The candidates have guts, as the Uncle Tom charges are already flying. In other words, if your not a Democrat, you really aren't black. I'm just glad that antiques like the NYT are still obsessed with keeping counts of colors. Their subtle bigotry of low expectation is a very popular salve for liberal guilt.

  8. Bernie,

    Pennsylvania’s Republican Party embraced Lynn Swann four years ago with an endorsement from the state committee. The media blew it all off and labeled this stellar candidate as “a football player”. The smear of Republican racism should be seen as what it is, a Democratic/media slander. One might want to question how a belief in small government and individual liberty gets morphed into racism. The answer is quite simple, because the message cannot be defeated on logic those who believe must be impugned.

    Scott Armstrong


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