Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dertinger Better Fire His Pollster

Charles "Don't call me Charlie" Dertinger was bragging that his private poll showed him a 10-point winner. With all precincts in, he's ahead by a scant 6 votes out of 3,838 ballots cast in his state house race against popular Frank Scagliotta.


  1. Jeeze - how much money must Frank come up with to pay for a recount? What about absentee ballots?

    Ms Stoneknocker

  2. Shouldnt there be an automatic recount?

  3. Lord, I hope so.

    Ms Stoneknocker

  4. There won't be a recount until the vote is officially counted. The results are unofficial right now. I'm not sure about the absentee ballots.

    Pretty amazing that Frank spent next to nothing, has no experience in politics, and may very well knock Dertinger off.

  5. Don't be Jealous BO, Charles is in charge.

  6. A win's a win. Please refer to the scoreboard. It's time to come together for the general.

  7. I've seen plenty of NORCO's official results and when there are changes, the changes frequently exceed 6 votes.

    It ain't over until it's official.

  8. I agree. It's not over yet. I'd really hate to have to choose between Emrick and Dertinger.

  9. Morning Call shows a 6 vote difference.

    WFMZ shows a 42 vote lead going to Charles.

    Funny, Frank's votes on WFMZ are lower than his results at mcall.com.

    We'll see.

    Ms Stoneknocker

  10. Stonedknockers(aka Ron Angle) Charles won against a well known 30year local teacher and coach.

    Despite the vicious and hateful comments and campaign about him by the Angle and Ohare hate posse, truth prevailed.

    You are the man Charles and next year at this time you will be a state representative.


  11. Does it really matter? Whoever wins this seat will be a non factor in Harrisburg. Pa state politics is a total mess. Corbett/Onorato? Hold your nose and push either button.

  12. Dave, please eat your nuts and shut up

  13. What happened to Wagner? All that Onorato money wiped him out and he was well qualified and a decent guy. Money talks..

  14. Sorry..I thought I had the right to express my opinons here...

  15. Northampton County's website shows Dertinger up over 150 votes.

  16. Everyone knows the "misplaced" or "overlooked" sacks of ballots always go to the union thug in the end.

    Wait. Just how does that work when both candidates are union thugs?

  17. The boss machine triumphs, I suppose. Ooooh party boy.

  18. Pretty amazing that Frank spent next to nothing, has no experience in politics, and may very well knock Dertinger off.

    12:18 AM

    Is it? Dertinger appears to have had to work for it, running in a district where so many would vote for a guy whose only qualification/position is that he is nice now, and would be nice when he got to Harrisburg.

    That said, Dertinger would do much more damage in Harrisburg.

  19. Charles will beat Joe "another double-dipper" Emrick in November.

  20. He better worry about whether he's won the primary first. 6 votes according to MCall. A handful of about 40 according to WFMZ. Alittle more accordingto NC Elections. The official tally is going to be interesting.

  21. It's about 150 votes. Charles won, period.

  22. Given the different results from different places, I think we have to wait for the official tally. I notice Scagliotta has not conceded.

  23. Bernie, I usually agree with you, but it seems you can't give Dertinger any credit. He ran a good campaign, worked his butt off, and beat a popular football coach/teacher. I'm glad we won't have to hear the "scank" comments anymore.

    With that said, who will you back in November, Charles or Joseph?

  24. It could be a choice between Joseph and Frank. I am concerned that the unofficial results have such a big variance and will wait for the official tally.

    I do not think either Dertinger or Emrick are particuliarly accountable or transparent. I do not like Emrick's stands on most issues. I do not like Dertinger's union money, which funded almost his entire campaign. So it's really hard for me to support either of them. This is my district, where I live, and this really bothers me.

  25. Bernie, back in the days of paper ballots (yes the voting machines had paper in the back which tallied votes) numbers were misread repeatedly and unofficial tallies were significally changed during the final tally process. Even to the tune of several hundred votes. In this day of electronic ballots, I don't see that happening. Congratulations to Charles. Even with all his so called "baggage" he pulled off a primary victory.

  26. MCall:
    Scagliotta - 1916
    Dertinger - 1922
    3838 votes

    Scagliotta - 1909
    Dertinger - 1951
    3860 votes

    Unofficial Elections:
    Scagliotta - 1845
    Dertinger - 2002
    3847 votes

    I think we need to wait, although I agree it's likely Dertinger won.

  27. Must be those union hacks counting the votes. Wait were the machines manufactured in a union shop?

  28. The Mcall again shows its ineptitude. Their count is way off.

  29. O'hare, why would you put any stock in counts other than the one prepared by the NorCo Elections Office? It is the official of the unofficial counts.

  30. Charles won by about 150 votes. A victory for the people and for open, honest and accountable government.

  31. all the reporting groups must all be inept then - WFMZ actually called the race for scagliotta by 5 votes around 11 and only then did the backflip take place an hour later.

    so where was joe long between 11 and 12 and who was he talking to?

  32. This will be a pick up for the GOP this year....If Scags would have won I think Dems kept it in a close one. Dems could pick up the 131st district though.


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