Local Government TV

Friday, May 28, 2010

Allentown Ethics Board to Meet on Wednesday

According to a public notice published in The Morning Call today, the Allentown Ethics Board will meet 12:00 noon on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 in the 5th floor Conference Room, City Hall, 435 Hamilton Street, Allentown, PA. I suspect the Board will convene for the purpose of disposing of a patently frivolous complaint filed against City Council VP Michael Donovan.

An elected official actually willing to discuss his votes and issues openly, has been rewarded with an ethics complaint.


  1. i question why the board even chose to accept this allegation. i can only surmise that they were intimidated by the probability that they themselves would become targets of the plaintiff, if they did not accept the case. how ironic that somebody can publish hundreds of insults against someone, then cry foul when a few comments are published about them.

  2. Bernie,
    We're not in the know like you but please tell us it isn't that kid the councilman hit in return for a broken nose?

  3. Anon 12:22,

    Actually, Donovan suffered a serious injury when he told some punks tearing up athletic fields with ATVs that they had to stop. His action was designed to protect kids like my grandson, who use those fields for sports, and are injured unnecessarily when thye trip over the rutted tracks left by ATVs.

    Of course, you know this but are engaged in a campaign of misinformation to sully the name of a good man, and one of the very view who is open.

  4. Bernie,
    You misunderstood our post. We
    were not being anything but sincere as we recall when the Councilman was injured protecting the park. We didn't want to see him hurt. It could have happened to any of us trying to stand up for some issue in Allentown.

  5. I did misunderstand you and hope you will forgive me bc there really is a campaign of disinformation against Donovan, in which facts have been distorted and disregarded.

  6. ATVs will not only cause tracks and rutts, which are injuries waiting to happen for the ballplayers...

    ...maintainence workers would need to come by and fix things, which only adds to an existing workloads / budgets for the bureaucrats.

  7. Bernie O'Hare said...
    I did misunderstand you and hope you will forgive me bc there really is a campaign of disinformation against Donovan, in which facts have been distorted and disregarded.

    1:11 P

    We have nothing against Mr. Donovan. He is willing to try and make the city better and we wish well.

  8. ATVs can go 50/60 MPH They are deadly in a park. That is one of the reasons some Allentonians are
    so concerned about the city's park czar ordering the black topping of all Allentown park paths. There is no way Allentown
    and its short staffed police dept. is going to keep cars and ATVS and snowmobiles off these blacktopped roadways. By the time someone calls in a complaint and an officer has a chance to reach a park, the guilty will be long gone. No one at city hall will listen.

  9. How can an interested blog reader offer support for Donovan? Having read the local blogs for quite some time, I am well aware of the frivolous nature of this ethics complaint. Anyone who's read the local blogs regularly would know that Donovan is not the bad guy here. Coupled with Pawlowski's current relationship with Donovan, I wonder how this will all pan out in the end. I'd love to help the councilman, but I do not know how. Any advice? Perhaps a simple letter to the members of the ethics board would do? Of course, I love my anonymity, but I would be willing to step forward on this matter if it would be of any help.

  10. "but I do not know how. Any advice? "

    Join me in sending him a check for $100.

  11. Most of the time I would spout off about Donovan being a petulant, left-wing wacko. But he really did show something when he stood up that day and faced what could have been a potentially serious situation (never know if one of those kids would pull a gun, knife or other weapon).

    The POS that are pushing this realize they can't win on the battlefield of ideas. So, the cowards resort to abuse of a procedure in place to ensure the integrity of public servants. Some may think he is out there politically and philosophically, but can anyone really question his integrity?

    What a place, that Allentown. Can't wait to move back!


  12. Monkey Momma,

    I like the idea of goint to the Ethics Board on Wednesday and speaking on behalf of Donovan, and I've decided I should go myself.

    I'd like to caution you against revealing yourself. You've seen Villa's blog and know what he does to people. I have pretty thick skin. He will attempt to bully and threaten you, as he has done to so many others.

    I am impressed by your courage, and am sure your remarks will strengthen Donovan's resolve.

  13. Incoming cryptogram:

    "The actions of all Council Members will be guided by the provisions of the Pennsylvania Ethics Act, the Ethics Ordinance of the City of Allentown and the provisions on ethics in the Charter."

    Respondent +1
    Complainant -1

    That said, the nonbinding resolution passed.

    Good Day!

  14. Excuse me Mr. Ohare, "attempt to bully and threaten", that is what you do. If someone dares anger you by telling the truth behind your propaganda you attack them and spread lies.

    You have outed people in the past, so you really can't claim a moral high ground on that front.

  15. Maybe the Ethics Board can discuss the ethics of the Sestak job offer?

  16. Wow! Villa is really worked up that I am going to the Ethis Board on Wednesday. Close to the witching hour, he fired off anemail to them, warning them "FYI, it seems to be shaping up (in certain circles of the local blogosphere) as some sort of angry mob gathering, with people clamoring and cueing up to speak on Donovan's behalf, and maybe throw some punches (I'm not planning on throwing any)."

    This is how he distorts thing. One person becomes an angry mob. My desire to speak for Donovan, if I can, becomes people clamoring and cueing up. Violence is suggested.

    Then, he suggests he'll soon be stalking them. He weants answers, and if he doesn't get them, "I'll (politely) come to your homes over this holiday weekend unannounced to pose them in person if you don't answer them by 5:00pm on Saturday."

    Monkey Mama, this is why you need to remain anonmymous.

  17. "I'll (politely) come to your homes over this holiday weekend unannounced to pose them in person if you don't answer them by 5:00pm on Saturday."

    He will end up in jail over the weekend. that email needs to be sent to the chief of police.

  18. I would agree with Anon 7:53 AM. That e-mail needs to go to the police. It should also be presented to the ethics board.

    I appreciate your caution, Bernie. I also applaud your willingness to attend the ethics board meeting. Donovan is the victim of cyber bullying, plain and simple. I certainly hope the Ethics Board recognizes this.

  19. Bernie,

    I’m coming to this story late but I have it on good authority that Pawlowski is behind the Ethic’s Board taking up this complaint. Understand that the board was appointed by Ed. They have been dormant for the past ten years and could have remained so on Villa’s ridiculous charge. We have the right to question why in light of all of the shenanigans that transpire routinely in Ed’s Allentown the ethical Ethics Board has decided to allow itself to be used by the mayor to even a score with a disobedient council person.

    Scott Armstrong

  20. of course I meant to write "unethical Ethics Board".

    Scott Armstrong

  21. Confidentiality.--As a general rule, no person shall disclose or acknowledge, to any other person, any information relating to a complaint.

    Frivolous complaints and wrongful disclosure.--If a public official or public employee has reason to believe the complaint is frivolous as defined by this chapter, or without probable cause and made primarily for a purpose other than that of reporting a violation of this chapter, or a person publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that a complaint against the public official or public employee has been filed with the commission, the public official or public employee shall notify the commission and the commission, through its executive director, shall conduct an investigation.

    Liability.--A person who signs a complaint alleging a violation of this chapter against another is subject to liability for wrongful use of this chapter if:

    (1) the complaint was frivolous, as defined by this chapter, or without probable cause and made primarily for a purpose other than that of reporting a violation of this chapter; or

    (2) he publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that a complaint against a person had been filed with the commission.

    Supplemental provisions

    Any governmental body may adopt requirements to supplement this chapter, provided that no such requirements shall in any way be less restrictive than the chapter.

  22. Hey Gang!

    I have been away a few days, but I am free Wednesday! I will stop by!

    Oh look, I signed my comment. No "Sasha" "McJudas" or any other imaginary friends here!

  23. Villa has now posted the home address of each ethics board member, as well as that of their att'y.

  24. I am not an ANONYMOUS person either and DO support Donovan in this issue. I will be there also.


  25. Double standards stink.

    If I had the $$$ to make the trip up, I would.

    Instead, I will keep all of you and all parties in my prayers.

    Peace, ~~Alex+

  26. ...
    actually, I won't say anything about 1,000 souls lost in Afghanistan. My plan calls for endless funerals until we win the goddamn thing - whatever the hell that means.

    I've asked Bernie to keep a lid on the subject as well. The NYT put it on page eight and the sleepy Express-Times just got to it today, but tucked it out of the way (A-5).

    My opponent shares my views about supporting his president on the endless pursuit of whatever the hell we're endlessly pursuing in Afghanistan. That's why there's no issue here. It's refreshing to be able to send so many to die and not have to hear the incessant whining about those stupid body bags, and taps at Dover and misty photos of crybabies at Arlington. Ho frickin' hum lol :)

    Happy Memorial Day all! Enjoy the potato salad and near beer Bernie! I appreciate your help in keeping this from being a sticky issue. It's like there is no war!

    Vote Me for Congress !!!! :)

  27. Good to see the comments on bullying. It is important to realize Villa's job is to be the bully of the administration.

    This type of action is cruel. Already the whole ethics board issue is mute. It should be cancelled. Bound to be a three ring circus given what has been said in the blogsphere already.

    Would not surprise me if all the members quit after this first attempt at political lynching.

    What is next, public hangings in center square?

  28. Did Villa really post all their home addresses? Talk about having no conscience whatsoever!
    And you know what his excuse will be when he is confronted?

    "My Daughter died."

    Yes, she died tragically, but four years after the fact, that doesn't wash anymore.

    All Villa is doing is showing everyone what his true colors are.
    I keep hearing that he is a tool of King Ed and Fleck. If anybody can prove otherwise, I would like to see their evidence.

    I will be there Wednesday.

  29. Anyone going to Mayfair with "bells" on?

  30. Maybe the 5'1" Villa has a short man's complex? More ways than one.

  31. Anon 12:13 AM, I stopped going to Musikfest the year after they erected a fence and started charging admission to keep out the poor people.

    I would have made an exception this year, but there is a baseball tourney going on all weekend, including tomorrow.

    On my way home, the radio is reporting that at 2:30 PM in West End A-town, all the dogs began howling simultaneously. Several people began jumping off their roofs.

    I understand that Mayfair began charging so people could leave.

  32. Bernie,

    Nothing going on done this way. And I may get an advance on my stipend. You willing to do a late dinner Wednesday night? Maybe, I'll come up after all? Gives me a reason to see my friends and family.

    Peace, ~~Alex

  33. Bernie -

    Let me offer another view.

    The Donovan case seems like a no-brainer. Even if the Ethics board is made up of Pawlowski hacks, they would have a difficult time finding any wrong-doing by Donovan.

    By going to the hearing and speaking on Donovan's behalf (along with others), it will needlessly lengthen the hearing. Also, I doubt that few would have anything truly pertinent to the situation at hand.

    Ultimately, I think it will only give Villa what he wants - an audience.

  34. Bernie -

    For all your readers (and occasionally you) who like to take people to task for posting anonymously, I hope you remember Villa in general and this incident in particular.

    As you know, he is not the only cyber-bully out there (although he may be the worst).

  35. "By going to the hearing and speaking on Donovan's behalf (along with others), it will needlessly lengthen the hearing."

    You are probably right. Not going, however, will send the message that nobody cares what happens to Donovan. I do not want what should be a one-minute hearing to last longer than is necessary, but don't want to see an injustice done.

  36. "As you know, he is not the only cyber-bully out there (although he may be the worst)."

    I do know, and deal with anonymous taunts and vicious attacks against many different people every day. But they pale next to Villa.

  37. "I suspect the Board will convene for the purpose of disposing of a patently frivolous complaint..."


    The Public Notice advertises a Public Meeting, not a Hearing.

    The Ethics Board may also opine the complaintant filed the charges without probable cause and made primarily for a purpose other than that of reporting a violation of the Ethics Code, and the complaintant publicly disclosed or caused to be disclosed that a complaint against the public official has been filed with the Ethics Board.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.