Local Government TV

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More About Makaeya

The Express Times and Valley 610 have both featured touching stories about Makaeya Lynn Wheeler, the pretty little two-year old described on my left sidebar. She suffers from MLD, an incurable disorder that progressively attacks her nervous system, muscles and organs. Because this is genetic, there were concerns that her nine-month old sister might have the disorder as well. Thankfully, she's been spared.

Normally, I post blogs highly critical of government officials and public employees. But they have been very unselfish in their contributions for this brave little girl, who still tries to smile. I wish I could list some by name. A donation button is on my left sidebar. It will funnel any sum you can spare, however small, into an account set up for Makaeya.


  1. I feel that any existing and future donations from employees, bake sales, etc. for Mayaeka should go to research for a cure for MLD and hopefully save her life and/or the lives of children wko are born with horrible disease in the future.
    I am aware of the County benefits and salaries of employees and feel with both parents working there, this should be sufficiant to care for and make this child comfortable until God takes her home or a cure is found.

  2. Actually, I think county council can kick in a few bucks from its contingency fund instead of spending it on yet another rail study.

  3. Why does everyone question the fact of this little girl having a black father and a white mother? Who cares?? She is a very sick little girl that needs help to survive until hopefully a cure is found!!!

  4. I've posted several blogs about this and the first time I've heard it anyone mention it is now. It seems you care and your comment here is inappropriate. The time to confront racism is when you see it, not when you don't.

  5. I've posted several blogs about this and the first time I've heard it anyone mention it is now. It seems you care and your comment here is inappropriate. The time to confront racism is when you see it, not when you don't.

  6. I will never comment or read your blog again. You don't even understand what anyone says. I could care less what color you are or how much money you have, It is what is inside that counts. Help Makaeya, that is all. Nothing else.

  7. The only person who brought race into this was you, and i would appreciate it if you did stay away.

  8. As an employee of the County of Northampton, I can tell you that we are very underpaid. Yes, the benefits are great, however, if you knew that the insurance company was trying to DENY her treatment and dr's visits, the person who wrote the comment about " both parent's making more than enough $ to cover her expenses" you would havde kept your mouth closed. Lastly, Makaeya's mother is no longer working, as she has to care for her truly sick daughter, b/c what daycare can take a child like that?e think before you speak or don't post your opinions. Thank you.


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