Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lee Butz Is Sincere About Allentown

Yesterday, I told you that a recent letter to the editor penned by Lee Butz was basically a free classified ad for his office building complex on Hamilton Street. In hindsight, I believe that snark was a bit unfair. Butz really does mean what he is saying.

Believe it or not, I actually know the guy and even consider him a man of integrity. He first reached out to me some time ago, to set me straight about what his company was doing at the Courthouse. We had several telephone conversations, leading to a lengthy meeting at his office. Why he was s concerned about what one crazy blogger might think, is beyond me. But he did. Kinda' like Jesus going after that one black sheep. The County's engineer later confirmed everything that Butz had told me, even to the point of admitting that he had some things wrong himself.

While I was in Butz' office, we also discussed Allentown. He told me in no uncertain terms how much he loves it there, explaining that he goes out on walks at lunchtime and is always impressed by the friendliness of the people he meets.

Actually, I think that says more about Butz than Allentown. He's a decent man who brings out the best in people. I do stand by what I wrote about Allentown, LVEDC's penchant for secrecy and the folly of a relocation to the Queen City. I do respect contrary views, and may the better argument win.


  1. Lee is a leader, Stoffa is an idiot. Every elected official laughs at the fact that Stoffa is an elected official. He is seen as an incompetent buffoon and no one is surprised by his stupid remarks.

    The Tock

  2. Bernie,

    Let’s just say Allentown city government works very well for a special few, for the average resident the truth is quite different. Let me also warn that charm is in the end just that and not a indicator of integrity.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. Bernie,

    Let’s just say Allentown city government works very well for a special few, for the average resident the truth is quite different. Let me also warn that charm is in the end just that and not a indicator of integrity.

    Scott Armstrong

  4. Sounds like Bernie got a call from his pal Dent, or maybe Millan, telling him stop bashing their buddy. Bernie you need to add this to you blog for full disclosure: "Bernie O'hare's Lehigh Valley Rambling brought to you by the generous support of Dent and Angle."

  5. 3 AM troll (3:51), Well, Donovan really told him.

  6. It seems to me that Mr. Butz is being loyal as would the suitor to the gal he brings to the school dance. He has made the commitment to downtown Allentown and he is going to give it the ol' college try. He moved to 9th & Hamilton when he could have moved to a pristine field in the suburbs. I know he was enticed by tax credits, but what's done is done. He needs to become a positive voice for downtown and that's what he is doing. I find it hard to criticize him because at the end of the day, he's a doer and there aren't enough of them.

    He and others like him are at least trying to turn Allentown around and doing it their own way. The problem with Allentown is that it will take much more than one or two business men like Butz and the Fegelys. It will take the combined efforts of many people. A-Town has nowhere to go but up.


  7. VOR said:

    "A-Town has nowhere to go but up."


    VOR -

    I thought the same thing 4 years ago. Ed Pawlowski has proven me wrong.

  8. 9:44 said:

    "I thought the same thing 4 years ago. Ed Pawlowski has proven me wrong."

    Sounds like a case of "buyer's remorse". Unfortunately, it's not a car or a defective appliance we're talking about here. From what I have seen, Allentown has had three mayors not necessarily fit for duty and they include Heydt, Afflerbach and present company. Hey, it's so bad that Heydt is far and above the best of this lot, IMO.


  9. Anyone who thinks Allentown has nowhere to go but up isn’t paying attention. Take a look at some of America’s other single party towns and see how low they have gone.

    Scott Armstrong


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