Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Is This Principled Enough?

Last year, Allentown School Board member Bob Smith challenged David Jones for Lehigh County Comm'r. Running in a heavily Democratic district, Bob never had much of a chance. When the NAACP scheduled a debate in downtown Allentown, Bob never even got word until the event was well underway. He got there, but too late to be allowed to speak.

Jones, the eventual victor, has a habit of ignoring constituents and missing meetings. But Smith is a person who shows up and never lets someone down.

It was very sad to read a Morning Call account that Smith was seriously injured yesterday at Mount Trexler Manor, when he was pulled from the third story roof by a suicide jumper. She landed on top of Smith, suffering only minor injuries. But Smith has suffered broken arms, a serious gash to the forehead, but fortunately, no brain injuries.

I am reposting a very video from his campaign last year, in which he claims it's "so aggravating to be an Allentonian."

This is one of the "unprincipled Republicans" derided by our local tea party.


  1. i didn't know about this, thank you for this post. bob smith is one of the most dedicated citizens this city has. my prayers for his quick and total recovery.

  2. Bernie,

    Shame on you for injecting politics into this tragic event. It is despicable. I’m sorry to see you fall so low.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. Agree. Despicable. His heroic act and subsequent tragedy has nothing to do with politics. I wish him a full and speedy recovery.

  4. Knock it off. He's just pointing out what the dumbasses let slip away, in terms of the type of servant they could have had.

    If this is what it takes to help the to blind see, then another good, albeit subordinate to saving that troubled soul, comes from it.

  5. Bob Smith is a "good" person and a tireless worker for the citizens of Allentown. To do what he did is not only a brave act, but also a selfless act.
    I understand he was in the OR for about 8 hours.
    I ask all Allentonians to offer a prayer for "Bob".
    May God be With Him and his family at this time and for always.
    Bob Romancheck

  6. Bob Smith is one of the finest individuals I've ever known. I am proud to call him, and his wife Eva friends. While your concern for Bob is appreciated, I must agree with Scott Armstrong.

  7. Hey Scott, I was at an A-town City Council meeting, but was thinking about your comment the whole evening. I apologize for upsetting you. If I could write it over another way, I would do it. But I really liked Bob when he ran for county comm'r and think his selfless act demonstrates that nobody can claim a monopoly on principle.

  8. Wow. I don't know Bob but will certainly pray for him and his family. He literally saved a life without regard to his own. How many of us could say we would do the same thing.


  9. Citizens like Bob and others who sacrifice for the good of others are the real heroes, not Tiger or Lebron or any other pampered professional athlete.

  10. Bernie,
    This facility has had "issues" before. An unlocked 3rd floor outside door?

    So glad you wrote about Mr. Smith's courageous act. Imagine if he hadn't been there. This woman most likely would have been killed. We've known Mr. Smith more than a decade. Never has he been anything less than a gentleman and gracious individual who sincerely cares about his city and its children. We too wish him the best.

  11. If Robert Smith had been elected to Lehigh County Council, beta he would never have missed a meeting!

  12. Bernie -

    I have to agree with Armstrong about injecting politics into this story.

    As to Bob, one of the most interesting parts of the MC story was that despite his injuries he insisted that his wife phone the Superintendant of ASD to let her know that Bob wouldn't be at the school board meeting on Tuesday.

    Now that's taking your (unpaid) job mighty seriously.

    Best wishes to Bob for a speedy recovery.

  13. "I have to agree with Armstrong about injecting politics into this story."

    Yes, I agree myself. It was unnecessary.

  14. If it was unnecessary, then why did you do it, Fuzzy Bunny?

  15. i think it was entirely necessary Bernie. The LVTP rests 90% of their organization around neither political party being princpled. But we find people like Smith every day, out leading the community and clearly from principle. They don't like to be called on it. I say tough.

    I'll point out their resounding silence on the matter.

  16. I think I could have found a better way to say it, and Scott was right to admonish me. I feel like I accented the political over the very real tragedy and the terrific person that Bob has demonstrated himself to be over these past few years.

    He has had some adversity in his life, overcame that, and saved a young woman's life.

    The truth is that there are many principled people in both major parties.

    But I feel I detracted from them by pointing it out. I should have let readers draw their own conclusions.

  17. Bernie,

    We all make mistakes and if one considers the volume of your public posts you have an excellent track record of getting things right. It is however the mark of the man to recognize a mistake when it happens.

    Scott Armstrong


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