Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tom Corbett Just Elected Governor

Deputy AG Frank Fina: “Veon’s been convicted of stealing over a million dollars of taxpayers’ money in the form of bonuses. And we think it’s a good day. We hope it sends a strong message to the rest of our elected officials.”


  1. think it's a little early to call the race, but this is certainly a huge boost

  2. Maybe that would be true if prosecuting people had anything to do with creating jobs.

  3. It is a little early, but I don't see it any other way. Thus major conviction, in addition to Corbett's stand and lawsuit against unpopular health care overhaul, will propel him into the Governor's mansion.

    Onorato will point to all his money, but will be portrayed as someone who can't even keep his word, as he demonstrated w/ Morganelli.

    Wahgner is actually the better choice amiong Ds, as a true reformer, but does anybody really know who he is?

  4. I'll allow the political pundits to argue the political implications on elections. I claim nothing has changed in Harrisburg.

    I will say that in this trial, Veon escaped a guilty verdict on 45 counts (found guilty of 14) and the others escaped 56 counts (guilty of 8). I really fear this won't do much to deter corrupt behavior in Harrisburg. Keep in mind that Remaley was completely acquitted last year. If you only have a 16% chance of getting convicted as the ring leader of this circus, the corrupt leadership will continue to take risks (well-calculated according to the conviction rate) to build their power, win elections and hurt the taxpayers. Veon was the biggest fish and not much stuck to him.

    The candidates will spin this for the next few months. Whatever. If I am on a crusade to clean up Harrisburg, I look at the results and am disappointed. But we all know politicians make their spins, regardless of what may be accurate. What is accurate is that we still have terrible gov't in Harrisburg.


  5. "“Veon’s been convicted of stealing over a million dollars of taxpayers’ money in the form of bonuses."

    That's what people will remember. If a pol is charged with stealing $1MM, but is only convicted of stealing $500k, do you think I care? This was a major vicrtory for Corbett and, to be honest, for good government. Yu say it will make no difference, but it has already had an impact on how business is done in the land of midnight payriases. i'd agree that it's only a drop in the bucket, but it is a drop.

  6. We'll have to disagree on the matter that it has changed how business is done in Harrisburg. It is still a culture of pay to play behavior and back room deals.

    Like I said, I'll let the pundits talk about the impact on the election. From my perspective, Harrisburg is still broken today. That isn't election or campaign spin (since I don't have a dog in this race). It's the state of Harrisburg.

    Perhaps this is my cynicism coming out, but this verdict did nothing to restore my confidence in state gov't. The best I can do to describe it is something my dad has said to me in the past: "it's like using a tooth brush to clean the corner of an army mess hall. You know damn well the rest of the place is a mess."

    Well, Harrisburg is still a mess.

    I'm glad you are hopeful though. I need to see more before I'll hold the same thoughts.


  7. Corbett is a political grandstander of the 100th degree. He'll be wasting tons of state money by suing the federal government over the health care bill and has already pandered to the extreme right by agreeing to no tax hike if elected. That means that our property taxes will go sky high but what the hell does he care. He a political piece of pandering crap who, because of that constant pandering , will become governor..

  8. B.O.
    don't count your chickens yet, Corbett has announced on Monday that PA will join multiple other states in a Law Suit against the Federal Goverment stating that the Legislative and Executive Branches of are Goverment acted unconstitutionally in passing the Helthcare. Corbett among 11 other Attorney General (all Republican) are alleging that the States rights trump that of the Federal Govt. ( There is a little thing called the Federal Supremacy Clause) But anyway , this is a COLLOSSAL waste of time and money. You have him winning for convicting Veon I have him losing for bringing on a ridiculously frivolous lawsuit against the U.S. Govt. This is Political Posturing at its best under the guise of a legitimate lawsuit

  9. "in addition to Corbett's stand and lawsuit against unpopular health care "

    according to whom? look at the latest cnn poll.

  10. Notwihstanding the Supremacy Clause and Article 6 of the US COST, there is such a thibg as states' rights under our Tenth Amendment. Unfortunately, most of the time, it has been used to promote slavery and desegregation.

    In recent years, as the federal gov't has grown by leaps and bounds, the US Supremes ahave been more willing to recognize state rights. For example, the US S Ct has held that states are sovereign when it comes to enforcing their own criminal laws. And recently, the feds have backed away from thise few states that allow medical marijuana.

    So no, I don't consider this a frivolous issue, especially since the helth care overhaul does impose unfunded mandates on the states, and they can't print money.

    It's a right-leaning High Court, who was recently insulted by Obama during a state of the union address. The bill signed into law is unpopular with most Americans.

    If this costs Corbett votes, it will only be amongthse who were never inclined to support him in he first place. But I think he gains more traction from this move.

    Is Onorato or Wagner supposed to identify with Obama now? That will kill them.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. "The bill signed into law is unpopular with most Americans"

    per the most recent cnn poll, most americans either support the bill, or feel it doesn't go far enough. these folks aren't gonna be wowed by a republican legal effort to derail it.

  13. "Washington (CNN) - A majority of Americans have a dim view of the sweeping health care bill passed by the House, saying it gives Washington too much clout and won't do much to reduce their own health care costs or federal deficits, according to a new poll released Monday.

    A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed opposed the bill, and 39 percent favored it. All of the interviews were conducted before the House voted Sunday night, but the contents of the bill were widely known."

    You were saying?

  14. Pa. is still an older blue coallar very dark blue state. So Mr. Corbett you are in support of taking away healthcare reform?

  15. When Pa's aging blue collar population learns they are losing Medicare Advantage, I think they'll be jumping on Corbett's bandwagon. This Bill is going to hit seniors.

  16. "State rights and individual freedom and all that."

    This sarcastic comment is exactly why Corbett will win. The political powers in Washington are out of touch with mainstream America. "State rights and individual freedom and all that" was what our country was founded on. It wasnt, "What can I get for free from the government." By the way, those "benign" contents of this health care bill cost massive amounts of money and if you havent noticed, our country has a debt problem.

  17. "The political powers in Washington are out of touch with mainstream America."

    I'm beginning to wonder whether a lot of us are out of touch. A few weeks ago, when I went to the much-maligned Tea Party, I was shocked by the number of people I saw. There were over 320!

    I just saw that, so far, about 70 people have already RSVP'd for a candidates' night in April.

    Their thinking is way to the right of most people I know, so I'm beginning to weonder just where the mainstream is these days. is there a mainstream left, or has everyone polarized?

  18. Bernie, you stopped a little too early in citing that poll. From the AJC blog post on the poll:

    "In a new CNN poll released today, 59 percent of Americans say they oppose the health-insurance reform bill passed Sunday night, while just 39 percent support it. (13 percent say they oppose it because it isn’t liberal enough.)"

    My math says that 59%-13% is less than 50%, so running on the GOP talking point that reform is bad will be a killer. I hope that Corbett does this, although as a political man I am trying to figure out who is telling him this is a good idea? Here's the link to the article I'm citing:

    One more little bit to chew on for thought:

    "However, a couple of other numbers in the poll ought to undercut that optimism. Asked who they trust more to handle changes in health care, Obama or congressional Republicans, Obama remains the clear favorite, by 51-39 percent. That will be important, because once this bill clears its last congressional hurdle, Obama rather than Congress will be seen as its chief defender and proponent.

    Conversely, the leading critics of the bill will continue to be congressional Republicans, who lack Obama’s credibility. In fact, even congressional Democrats outperform Republicans in Congress on health care. Forty-five percent say that given the choice, they would trust Democrats, while 39 percent would support Republicans."

    Now I won't speak for all of PA, but I think that at least in the Lehigh Valley, which usually mirrors national numbers, Corbett, Toomey, and yes, Charlie Dent, all made a bad, bad miscalculation trying to get out front against HCR. Polling just doesn't support the GOP's theory that the country agrees with their position. If the President can motivate those that wanted a more liberal bill to go out and vote against the GOP, the election's not going to go well for the GOP.

  19. Rising Sun,

    A visit to the dark side, eh? Well, by now, you know I consider that health care overhaul a disaster. The more I learn, the less I like.

    But I'll tell you, I just don't see an R who is capable of taking on Obama and winning. I'm very disappointed by the guy, but have not given up on him yet.

    But there is little doubt in my mind that, after November, Obama is going to have to learn how to play nice w/ the Rs.

  20. I like to think there is still a silent, moderate middle out here. Maybe i am mistaken. This health debate has certainly polarized many though. It would definitely do our country well to have more people like Holden and Dent in Congress representing a more rational centrist perspective. The elections over the last 10-12 years havent helped though. Before it was the far left taking out middle of the road democrats, now the tea party is set on taking out republicans that dont pass their confusing litmus test.

  21. Bernie,

    I tend to like reading your page, and yeah, it's pretty clear we disagree. What I'd say is, the GOP was going to win a few seats back in this cycle no matter what, simply because their are Democrats sitting in districts in Idaho, rural Louisiana, and Kansas, and in some cases they've chosen to retire. There's always a bit of a correction after an enormous wave, just as there was in 1998 after the GOP gains of 1994 and 1996. It's very hard for any party to hang onto seats in areas that largely oppose them, and still pass legislation.

    My main point is that running on "repeal" is usually a political disaster, and most polling indicates this is the same here. Gallup's poll, conducted entirely yesterday, shows 49% of the country thinks passage was a good thing, and 40% think it was bad. Last week, daily tracking polls not run by Rasmussen had both sides between 45% and 48% in terms of what people wanted their Congressman to do. I think the GOP's attempts to run on their opposition to the bill, and their actions during the debate, will leave them with a vote share that looks a lot like John McCain's. The fact is, at least in this poll cited, 39% supported this bill, and 13% wanted them to go further left. This makes the Democrats job rather elementary- turn out their voters. Yes, they will lose a few of the "McCain" District Dems, but not 40, and they'll win a couple of tough GOP seats. I think these poll numbers also stand to answer your questions about polarization- yes, both parties are pretty polar right now in their beliefs.

    As for your Obama optimism, you'll probably like him more in coming months/years if you supported him because of his call to bring people together. If you look at the remaining "big" ticket items- energy, education, and immigration- there are GOP Senators who are co-sponsors right now to the bills in the Senate. So, unless they back away, bipartisanship is likely next year, and maybe even this year.

    Btw, AJC is Atlanta Journal Constitution for anyone wondering, the major paper in Atlanta.

  22. 100% agreed RS, that was my point to Ohare but he is so into the Milan talking points he can't hear well.

    Candidates who run on the "repeal" slogan will not do well, it is just political history.

    Also there is no doubt there will be Democratic casualties this November even if this bill had never even been conceived. The problem for the Republicans at the State level is there is more of an anti-incumbency mood then a purely partisan mood. Of course Teabaggers will swing Republican in November but the true "independents" will not be swayed by either parties talking points and are just angry at the incumbents in general. Why do you think Grucella ran for the exit door.

  23. "Washington (CNN) - A majority of Americans have a dim view of the sweeping health care bill passed by the House, saying it gives Washington too much clout and won't do much to reduce their own health care costs or federal deficits, according to a new poll released Monday.

    A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll found that 59 percent of those surveyed opposed the bill, and 39 percent favored it. All of the interviews were conducted before the House voted Sunday night, but the contents of the bill were widely known."

    You were saying?"

    the truth lies in the cross tabs.

    always look at the crosstabs, and in this instance the reveal:

    39 percent favor it

    14 percent oppose it because it isn't liberal/doesn't go far enough (e.g. single payer/public option).

    That equals 53 per cent who are in favor of some kind of federal healthcare reform.

    those folks are all unlikely to support a candidate who claims the fed has no power to enact such reform. that 14 per cent sub group is also highly unlikely to support any republican.

  24. This is NOT health care reform. It is institutionalizing more taxes, minimally 16,000 government hack jobs that I have to pay for so that they can harass me, and making a system bigger so that it ends up being more inefficient. They threw in a couple of sugar treats to make the medicine go down (pun fully intended)except that it will be handled by the IRS. My favorite thing is trimming money from Medicare which is ready to go belly up. Oh, please give me more government since we have such stellar models in Social Security, Medicare and the Post Office.


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