Local Government TV

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St Paddy's Day: Northampton County Style

Northampton County Courthouse had a few interesting visitors yesterday. I tried posting this at midnight, but like an idiot, set the videos for private viewing only. I've fixed that, and here are the visitors in all their Irish glory.

This Civil Division employee is convinced his new outfit makes him a babe magnet.

The real babe magnet, of course is 88 year-old Dick Benner, who was our Voting Registrar back in the day. "I'm in good shape for the shape I'm in," he said. Women were throwing themselves at him, but they were only after his lucky charms.

The last entrant, Controller Steve Barron, isn't even Irish. But hey, it gives him a chance to show off his legs. He wouldn't let me look up his skirt.


  1. What is the point of the video Ohare, it won't play!

  2. Wow Barron is a perpetual campaign machine. why is he in the government Center is office is across the street. do your job!

  3. Barron audits the county government. Being in the government center to audit things is part of his job. Therefore... being in the government center he is doing his job. Thanks for pointing out Barron is doing his job Mr. Troll.

  4. I get a "private video" message and the videos won't play

  5. I fixed that goof. They should work now,

  6. Ohare you are so bizarre you are interesting. I know you feel you have the "pulse" of everything but I can no longer let you dangle on this one. Even though I find you a repugnant bastard, your blog is interesting. I will therefore thrrow you a bone.

    You do realize you are an unsuspecting part of a scheme in which you are being played big time. This isn't an attack on Angle, Stoffa, etc. none the less it does involve some Northampton County Democratic political insiders and whats known as the "Ohare project". I will have more info for you later. I will see how far you can get on your own.

    Since I no longer have any ties to that crowd I could care less if they get outed.

    Think about it, if a group of Dem's you despise wanted to neutralize your poisonous attacks so they could get your help to promote a person, what might be a good strategy.

    More clues later.

  7. I am well aware that a group of Northampton County Dems have trolled this blog. Fleck has bragged about it. I have also been warned that certain Dems will troll this blog with disinformation, to try to disrupt the information being disseminated.

    Most of the comments come at the time you are posting, in the early morning hours, when the trolls are at play.

    With me, it's very simple. I will promote any person from either party who stands for transparent and accountable government, who is willing to be a little independent, and who works at it.

    If you're talking about my relationship with Steve Barron, I am very aware of all his ties to Joe Long, Lamont McClure and Charles Dertinger. I know the whole story, and am well aware that Steve is still friendly with Charles Dertinger.

    So what?

    Steve is also transparent, accountable and works fairly hard. He is a good public official. So I do support him.

    If you're anonymously trying to drive a wedge, you'll have to try harder. A lot harder.

  8. You are still blissfully ignorant of the plan. That's cool maybe you enjoy being that way. Of course anyone who posts late that you disagree with is this mysterious "one" person.
    Hey maybe you love the attention and don't mind being played. I figured you as I enjoy political intrigue so I would play a game with you of political stratego.

    Apparently you are just to smart and all knowing so I guess we don't get to play a fun game.

    By the way I don't have anything invested in Barron, positively or negatively, and don't care if there is a wedge between him and you or a friendship ring. I said a group of Northampton County Democratic Political insiders, you mentioned Steve.

    I will throw out some of the names involved and their connection to a former County Executive and what they are up to at this time. The game is afoot!

    Call me the Dark Brown Pumpernickel!!

  9. Hey I am a political junkie and former insider. I am aware of a great little plan. Will it work, who knows? I never mentioned Steve Barron. I just think this is such a bizarre idea it night work.

    The plan is banking on your hair-trigger temper and pig headed stubbornness.

    I will throw you this as time goes on you will see the supporters of a former County Executive consoidate their support. I just think political games are fun. sort of like Political Stratego

    I have no investment in Barron or other insider Dem's one way or the other. I don't care if you have a wedge between you or you share the soap in the shower. This goes beyond Barron.

    Play if you like.

    You will know me by my nom de plume, so I can identify myself in the future and gloat

    The Brown Pumpernickel!

  10. Call yourself what you want, but you are the 3 AM troll, and you make use of terms like "mancrush" and homosexual references just a tad too much.

  11. Who is the fag in the first clip, good God.

  12. The 3 AM troll has an unhealthy obsession with "mancrushes" and homosexuality.

  13. You have mancrushes Ohare. How else do you explain your unhealthy relationship with Angle and Stoffa.

    Hell you are their kept man. What does that make you? A pitcher of a catcher?

  14. Bernie I could not find even a taint of eroticism in that post.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.