Local Government TV

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Northampton Has More Drunks than Lehigh County

PSP reports 1439 DUIs in Lehigh County last year. Despite Northampton County slightly smaller population, there were 1448 DUIs.



  1. We're #1.

    More drunks or more aggressive enforcement?

  2. Is there a breakdown by town also?Like how many for Nazareth, Northampton, Easton, etc. I don't think it is more drunks but much more aggressive enforcement.

  3. Is NW Lehigh Township suing to get rid of the DUI laws too? Are they encroaching on our states rights? our right to drink and drive?

  4. There is a town by town breakdown.

  5. Anon 7:30. Is it possible for the fed'l goernmtn to go too far? Do our DUI laws impose undunded mandates in individual states? Do they require every citizen to enter into a contract w/ a private company?

  6. we are required to have auto insurance if we own a car in pa. it isn't unusual for the gov't to require people to purchase something.

  7. moron, never the Fed government. That power is reserved fr or the states. Butlike most Libs, you probably consider the Constitution "more like guidelines"

  8. Obama was very smart. He has two layers of deniability for the back-breaking cost of his scheme. He whacked the insurance companies in a volume-for-margin exchange. They've not agreed to lose a dime and will be shooting fish in a barrel by getting new customers under threat of federal penalty. They'll pass the nuclear bomb-size portion of cost to companies who'll be charged with the responsibility of shoving it up individuals' asses. Many large companies are already announcing impending benefit cuts and, in some cases, elimination altogether of retiree plans. Retirees who manage to keep their plans are really going to get killed. They'll all be dumped into the government plan where the prescription drug benefit is double the cost of the current plan. You'd think these details would have been thought through. Way to be, Lehigh Township.

  9. The DUI "law" is STATE law, 7:30, aka Healthcare Handout Harry, so the state is exercising its right of self-governance.

    You don't ever think before you rant, do you?

    Now put that hand away, no one's got anything for you today.

  10. Another legacy of the Stoffa Administration. The depression brought on by the County governments performance is no doubt at the root of the excessive drinking in the county.

  11. The end of the world is coming!!!!!!!!!!


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