Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Join the Angry Mob?

I first met Wind Gap lawyer Nick Sabatine, who's running against Marcia Hahn for Criag Dally's seat,
when he and his father were promoting Ross Perot's 1992 presidential campaign. Nick eventually became the national chairman of the Patriot Party, but eventually reached the conclusion that third parties are ineffective.

I do his title work, so I'm officially Switzerland in his race against Marcia.

But I can tell you this much. Nick is a very nice guy, but he's also very dry. An intellectual who likes to deliberate. And pontificate. His four years on Northampton County Council lasted four decades.

These days, Nick's something of a tea party activist. I can understand that because he's always been very conservative. But what blows me away is that he's formed a rock band. With guitars and everything. Not one violin or harp. Get this name: "Join the Angry Mob." If you click on the link, you can order CDs and buy T-shirts. Here are some lyrics from his first cut.

"All you grandmas and grandpas too/ You better watch out cuz' they're after you / making such a fuss at those rowdy town halls / soon you'll be staring at four small walls / People in Congress aren't used to being told if you don't do your job you'll be thrown out in the cold / it's news to them that they work for us / it's time they learn, so get on the bus / come join the angry mob / if you're mad as hell and can't take it any more / join the angry mob / grab 'em by the neck, show 'em to the door."

Grab 'em by the neck? Angry mob? Nick, what the hell are you doing? Are you going to hit them with legal pads?

I wonder whether Ron Shegda is playing bass.
Update: The Express Times' Tony Nauroth also has a piece on Nick Sabatine's musical debut.


  1. Thanks Bernie, now we know to warn everyone that Sabatine has you do all his title searches. So much for anyone having Sabatine do the closing on a house sale!

  2. Thanks Bernie, now we know to warn everyone that Sabatine has you do all his title searches. So much for anyone having Sabatine do the closing on a house sale!

  3. Nick Sabatine is a serial candidate. He's Rick Orloski, Ron Shegda and Harold Stassen rolled into a Ross Perot world full of black helicopters.

    At this time in the campaign it's altogether appropriate to ask Nick: what office are you going to run for next?

  4. No matter the criticisms, Nick is a gazillion times more likely to effect change than the "Staffer" to the smilin' suit who parlayed the office into another cushy taxpayer funded job.

    Rock on, Nick. Rock on.

  5. Has Nick ever won an election? Or is he a complete loser? Is he still lookin' under the hood with Ross Perot?

  6. I don't get the references to Nick as a perpretual loser or as a never-ending office seeker. When he first ran for county council, his primary race was against a guy named Ron Angle. I believe they actually tied, and the race was settled with the flip of a coin. He then ran for county council a few years later and won. He ran for the state senate against Boscola and was clobbered, and was defeated in an attempt to get reelected to county council. He's 1-2-1.

  7. Just another lawyer looking for a paycheck from the Government with free health care and a pension.

  8. Question for Nick:

    What's the frequency, Kenneth?

  9. An intellectual tea party activist?

  10. 11:56,

    There are as many intelligent tea party activists as there are Democrats not on welfare.


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