Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

John Callahan: A Day Late and a Dollar Short

Callahan leads from the rear.


  1. What a coward. Every person i know had an opinion on the healthcare bill. Not a good idea to run for Congress but keep your positions secret until the debate is over.

  2. Not exactly a profile in courage.

    No matter how you feel about this midsguided overhaul, Callahan's weakness has already hurt him.

  3. The only people who did not know his position was you. Enjoy making up issues, because it's all your guy can do. Dent has no record to run on, and has been on the take for years.

  4. Wrong. When repeatedly asked about it by the MC's Scott Kraus, Callahan ducked every question. He hid until all the fighting was over and then came out to announce his position. That's like the french general who sauid, "There goes my soldiers. I must follow them."

  5. Sounds like the tact of a successful candidate for Congress.

    Coward Callahan runs a city. Dent can't even make a speech on the House floor when every other member did. Dent is powerless in Congress and a certifiable empty suit.

  6. Callahan runs a city? I thought it was Business Administrator Dennis Reichard, who seems to be taking responsibility for everything.

    Dent did not deliver his speech on the floor, but then again, neither did Sestak, who is running for the Senate. I also do not recall hearing from Altmire, Carney, Dahlkemper, Doyle, Gerlach, Holden, Kanjorski, Pat Murphy ot Todd Platts, other members of the Pa. Congressional delegation.

  7. When Callahan went to a health care protest at Dent's office he made his position pretty clear. Actions speak louder than words.

  8. "When Callahan went to a health care protest at Dent's office he made his position pretty clear."

    Rewriting history huh? He was directly asked at the protest and he wouldnt take a position. Fact is, he is not a leader but a political coward.

    I hear tomorrow he will announce his support for the New Orleans Saints for last year's Super Bowl.


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