Local Government TV

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jerry Seyfried's Sexy Cousin

The only picture I have of Jerry Seyfried is of him posing with a wart hog, which many of you have mistaken for me. But did you know that sexy Amanda Seyfried is his cousin? For real!

What the hell happened?


  1. Besides her obvious hotness, why should we care?

  2. Hotness is in itself a reason.

    Jerry tells me she got her good looks from him. That could explain why Angle liked him so much.

  3. We are not interested in Angle's sexual preferences. Is she Jerry's first cousin or some distant so-called"cousin"?

  4. She's the daughter of his cousin, so that makes her a second cousin. Not quite a kissin' cousin.

    Maybe I shouldn't have posted this. Jerry's in hot water right now. He was driving his wife nuts around the house, so she told him to join a club or go shoot his bow and arrow.

    When he got home, Julie asked about his day.

    "Oh, I just went down to the courthouse and hung out with the guys. And, oh yeah, I joined a parachute club."

    "What? Are you nuts? You're 67 years old and you're going to
    start jumping out of airplanes?"

    "Yeah, look I even got a membership card."

    "You crazy old man, where's your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club!"

    "Oh, great! Now what am I going to do? I signed up for five jumps a week!"

    (Anybody who knows Jerry knows his humor).

  5. You know, Jerry is cool.

    I've been to his house - his collection of political campaign buttons is to die for.

    I may not subscribe to his politics, and he has been, on occasion, pretty rude to me...

    but he's still cool.

  6. You're just saying that so you can meet Amanda.

  7. She is a great actress, loved her in Mama Mia.

  8. So did I. I hate admitting this, but I loved that movie.

  9. I always wondered if there was a relation there. However, I never thought it because there is absolutely no resemblance. I know Jerry and his brothers. See absolutely no resemblance. Where did her genes come from??

    By the way, since everyone's coming out of the closet on this, I might as well. Love Mamma mia!!

  10. Momma mia was the ultimate chick flick. You are all gay!!!

  11. I think they are first cousins once removed, not second cousins.

  12. Catharine, I bow to your superior knowledge of consanguinity. I believe you are correct.


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