Local Government TV

Friday, March 12, 2010

Jerry Seyfried Has a Dream

Jerry Seyfried recently met Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan in the halls of the Government Center and shared a dream he had the previous night, in which God taps him on the shoulder and says "Jerry, you will be the next Executive of Northampton County."

Mayor Callahan retorted, "What a coincidence! I had the exact same dream. I dreamt that God touched me on the shoulder and said 'Mayor, I have decided that you will be the next Executive.'"

At this point Ron Angle, who was silently standing behind both of them, said, "I hate to spoil your dreams, but I wasn't near enough to touch either of you on the shoulder last night."


  1. O'hare,

    Rest assured the only person other than you that thinks Angle is god is Angle, plain, simple and accurate

  2. Jerry loves to have people think he is a candidate for things. He isn't running and would not win if he did. Remember Commander Kinky??

    The County is so beyond the relics of Angle and Seyfried, give it a break. They crave new blood!

  3. I think a Jerry vs Ron match up would be great. Jerry could run on the theme: I've never stolen socks or from my retarded nephew. I think Jerry gets that second term

  4. I heard if Ron wins he is going to hire Dennis Reichard. Apparently, Ron likes what he's seeing.

  5. with the financial fiasco in bethlehem the boy mayor won't be able to make assistant dog catcher. if the city owes you anything write it off now

  6. Finally you made me laugh Bernie!!!!

  7. WOW! Another reeeeeeeally slooooow day. crappy topic.

  8. Another fluff piece about a couple of Ohare mancrushes.


  9. Does Jerry's dream include a "happy ending" where Callahan's financial mess goes away and he actually delivers on his broken casino promises to taxpayers?

    One man's dream may be another man's nightmare.

  10. I'm really now torn about Seyfried vs Angle. On the one hand, if Jerry had a fund raiser headlined by Amanda, I'd be ponying up the grand or whatever he asked, but on the other hand Sharon Angle as Register of Wills would be a hoot.

  11. Jerry and Angle could go on the road as the new dumb and dumber

  12. If Angle is a Jew does that mean he has to get rid of his Nazi memorabilia and stop using his anti-semitic remarks?

  13. The future of politics in Northampton County belong to new exciting guys like Callahan and Barron. Not to the old pol's of old time politics like Anlge and Seyfried.

  14. I'd like to throw another name into the future County Executive ring: John Conklin. With my limited dealings I have found him to be direct (which I like), honest, and an extremely hard worker. I can't say I am a John Stoffa fan, but he got it right with Conklin.

  15. Fortunately for those of us who live in Northampton county, Conklin lives in Lehigh County. You have got to be kidding! Conklin is just another of Stoffa's parade of incompetents that don't even know what towns are in the county. Good Grief this is the worst Administration since home rule ensued.

  16. The 3 AM troll is early tonight. Must be off his meds.


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