Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Think I Dated Jihad Jane

Blond hair. Green eyes. Only 46 years old. Spends lots of time on the Internet. Lives in nearby Pennsburg.

I think I dated her until she found out my real name is Bernie, not Omar, and that I'm Irish, not Lebanese.

I'm speaking, of course, about our very own Jihad Jane. She wanted to kill a Swedish cartoonist in a way that would frighten "the whole Kufar [nonbeliever] world." Who the hell thinks like that? Seriously. Couldn't she just join a fitness club or something?

When news of her October 15 arrest was made public yesterday, LV Congressman Charlie Dent released this statement:

“The indictment released today is a chilling reminder that the threat of homegrown terrorism is real and that even American citizens can be susceptible to radicalization. This indictment underscores that terrorists are actively exploiting the Internet as a powerful tool to communicate, recruit, plan and execute attacks.

“I commend the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Force for their thorough investigation of this case. In my capacity as member of the Homeland Security Committee, I will be monitoring this situation closely.”

I was wondering why I never heard back from her.

Update: "Did you really date Jihad Jane"

"Not really, no."

"Well, you better make that clear before you find your ass in Gitmo."

"Do they serve hummus?"


  1. you look Lebanese O'Hare. I believe you were a co-conspirator with Jihad - Jane.

  2. I hear Dent is sponsering a resolution to declare terrorsts bad people. any truth to this?


  3. Dent will try gain political capital from anything...he must be running scared.
    Who really cares or benefits from Charlie Dent monitoring this situation?

  4. I'm really glad my Congressman is focused on important issues. My dog just pooped in the kitchen. Can he get on that and make a statement about that too? Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

  5. I agree. I always thought you were
    Lebanese, especially hailing almost from Easton, a hotbed for fab feta and mouth-watering grape leaves.

  6. So can we all agree now that racial profiling as a method of finding terrorists is no longer worth arguing?

    On a side note, the quote from the neighbor that appeared in the Morning Call today made me chuckle:

    "'She was the weird, weird, weird lady who lived across the hall,' said neighbor Eric R. Newell."

  7. "Easton, a hotbed for fab feta and mouth-watering grape leaves."

    Don't forget the hummus. That's what I like. It's the perfect food.

  8. MOB514 said...
    So can we all agree now that racial profiling as a method of finding terrorists is no longer worth arguing?

    Profiling does work and people may die because of political correctness. Idealism over the value of life.

  9. "I'm really glad my Congressman is focused on important issues."

    Yeah, who cares about issues? They must hurt your wittle bwain. John Callahan, who vapidly plays celebrity bartender in the midst of a recession turning into depression, is so much better.

  10. Bern,

    You just had to go there! No kibbee for you!

    Do you know where you fouled up? There are no Lebanese men named Omar living in Pennsylvania.

    Peace, ~~Alex

  11. Alex, I'll try again in ten to twenty. This time my name will be Chicken George.

  12. I read the article and see she had many loud arguments with her cats.
    I guess that beats taking orders from an urn or two of ashes, or worshiping at a Rock.
    I would be more worried if she would have had a blog.

    "Jihad Jane's Death to the Infidels!"

  13. Bern,

    You might set off FBI alerts if you use that name! (Ha!)

    Peace, ~~Alex

  14. "I read the article and see she had many loud arguments with her cats."

    My kind of woman!

  15. You should have known she was only playing you Bernie. No self destructing (oops I mean self respecting) suicidal nut job would have you. You've been sleeping with too many camels. However, I do agree you have one helluva sense of humor.

  16. "So can we all agree now that racial profiling as a method of finding terrorists is no longer worth arguing?"

    I agree with Margaret Mead here. Having finally found one white, Anglo, female jihadist, we should suspend our common sense and pretend that 99% of these nihilistic murderers are not young Arab males.

    I'll only agree that this poster is dangerously naive.

  17. Ohare you only have eyes for Angle. Well maybe Stoffa, well maybe Dent, well maybe.....

  18. Let me clarify, I'm not saying we should trust Arab males and look for blonde-green eyed women instead. I'm saying that we can't really trust anyone.

    It's clear from the intercepted communications that there was a level of excitement that she didn't fit into the normal racial profile. NPR had a report almost two years ago about the rise of female suicide bombers. (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=90367974)

    I think it would be more naive and dangerous to ignore the fact that there is not just one face of terrorism.

  19. MOB514, For what it's worth, I heard a program on NPR just yesterday about the use of women as suicide bombers. Apparently, prostitution is off the charts in Iraq, too, where widows have been forced to sell their bodies to support their children. I forget the name of the journalist, but she was talking about it to Terri Gross on Fresh Air.


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