Local Government TV

Thursday, March 25, 2010

ET Editor Jim Deegan Zings Lisa Boscola

State Senator Lisa Boscola was on a roll, talking about her love-hate relationship with the press.

"I've been on the front page of the news with a photo, a really great photo, with a really great issue, and I thought the article just explained exactly what I'm trying to do. ... However, I've been on the flip side of it with a lousy frickin' picture, and I'm like, 'Where'd they get that, and why dd they use that. That was done intentionally.'"

At this point, Express Times Editor Jim Deegan quietly interjected, "The camera never lies."

You can see Jim Deegan's video here.


  1. There has never been a good picture of Boscola.
    Deegan is right.

  2. Lisa Boscola represents her constituents very well and she has a really good staff. It is usually the good ones that the press picks on in my mind.

  3. Dude, Lisa made sure to repeat what Deegan had said for everyone's benefit. She was laughing at what was obviously intended as a gentle rib. If Deegan had a bad opinion of Boscola, I don't think he'd be kidding her.

  4. Anon 952. Are you from Easton.....oh wait isn't that Mensch's District.

  5. I am sure there was probably a grain of truth in Deegan's comment.

    Boscola is what you expect from a politician. She has a public personna, but can be very different in private. (I've heard her described as a female Charlie Dent, which may be an insult to him. I would just say she is a politician). If local Dems would ever get a set of balls and start calling her out in public for her votes, I am sure they could put some chinks in her armor. Repo's will never beat her though, after she's never voted for a tax increase---which she loves to tout.

  6. There has never been a good picture of Deegan.

    Nice you got to feel like an insider at this thing. But as far as wasting on these videos on this subject the opinion of the public is clear.

    Who gives a shit!!


  7. When she was making drunken statements about her affinity for performing fellatio, she should expect the worst. To paraphrase Dean Wormer from Animal House, it's a relief that she learned that drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.

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  9. Lisa has learned through the trial and error process and freely admits it.Yeah,she lit the candle at both ends in her earlier political years but to her credit she did clean up her act and admits to earlier indiscretions......And dealing with the press is no easy task and I think she does a good job of it.I have always found her to be friendly and accessible,and you are right Bernie,she laughed at Deegan's remark which was an acknowledgment of a very necessary sense of humor.It is not easy being a woman in the "good old boy network" and I think she has done a pretty fair job of it all,I don't always agree with her but I do respect her for how far she has come,and I admire the fact that she hung in there,now that takes balls!

  10. Anonymous 2:08 said...
    "...When she was making drunken statements about her affinity for performing fellatio, she should expect the worst."

    Bernie says:

    "I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks."

    So how on God's green earth did you allow that idiotic remark above???


  11. You know you're from the Lehigh Valley when you say "fustrated" instead of "frustrated."

  12. "have wrote..er...written" too

  13. "When she was making drunken statements about her affinity for performing fellatio, she should expect the worst."

    It's both accurate and on topic.

  14. VOR,

    I don't like the statement, and do not intend to pay attention to it in any posts, but it is part of her past and appeared a few years ago in the newspapers.

    The attack I deleted involved matters I never saw anywhere and have no relevance to her ability to do her job.

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  17. I am no Lisa Boscola fan, but will not allow personal attacks against her that have nothing to do with her fitness to perform her job.

    If you would like to attack her for her votes, fine. If you would like to condemn her for her drinking problem, fine. If you would like to condemn her for some inmappropriate statements that she made while under the influence, go ahead.

    That's a pretty big area of criticism. But discussions of her personal life are off limits on this blog, especially when they are posted anonymously.

  18. I don't get all the fellatio references about Lisa. She had a reputation in Harrisburg but she got the job done. I think the fact that some people begrudge her some extra-curricular fun because they have a double standard for women and men.

    What Lisa did when she was off the Senate floor is her business.

  19. She embarrassed herself and her constituents in a very public way. To paraphrase Vice President Biden, at the time, it was a big fucking deal.

  20. I normally agree about the double standard, but if Charlie Dent talked publicly about his proclivity for oral sex or was caught engaging in the act publicly with one of his staffers, he'd be raked across the coals and potentially painted as a sexually harassing boss. I actually think this is a case in which the opposite is happening. People are so afraid of being attacked for calling a woman out that they don't want to address the fact that her actions are inappropriate.

  21. I have not deleted the references to oral sex. She made them. She's stuck with them. I've deleted additional claims, made anonymously, that are outside her record.

    But I think it's a mistake to focus on a remark she made under the influence. First, it was made many years ago and the people have since that time had an opportunity to get rid of her. Second, it was made while she was drinking, and she has sought treatment for her problem. Third, I myself have a drinking problem, and did things much worse than saying a few inappropriate things. So let he who is without sin ...

    I'd prefer to judge Boscola on her votes. Is she really a PPL rate hike foe, as she proclaims, when she is one of the legislators who voted to remove it?

    Why did she allow a misogynist to remain as her chief of staff, giving him a pay hike, instead of stopping his behavior?

    Why did she immerse herself in McHale's race? Was she trying to get her husband's job back?

    What about the rumors that she vacations at the homes of wealthy campaign contributors? (I hear this about Pawlowski, too, and I'd like to get these stories confirmed or denied).

  22. Bernie are you naive? Why do you think she kept her constant companion on the payroll? He was with her quite a bit. I agree her alcoholism was a factor in her sexual exploits then but she is allegedly cleaned up now and he is still around.
    Who knows maybe some men took advantage of her impaired state and she was really the victim, point is it is her business. You are angry with anyone who was not 100% behind Stoffa. At least be honest.

  23. I have no idea what you are trying to say, except that you hate Stoffa.

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  25. When was the last time you seen her in Lehigh County?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.