Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should LC Comm'rs Be Replacing One Comm'r or Two?

Last Wednesday, Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners were scheduled to appoint a Democrat to Bill Leiner's recently vacated seat, but the meeting was postponed until tonight as a result of the snow. They have until February 25th to fill the vacancy, or the judges could step in and fill it themselves.

Out of the original dirty dozen who applied, Glenn Eckhart's Appointments Committee whittled the number down to five. It did so after a lengthy interview in which all eight commissioners, excepting David Jones, participated. Those who survived the first cut are Marc Basist, Geoff Brace, Robert George, William Hansell and John Hofmann.

Any one of these people would make excellent commissioners, but there are differences. Marc Basist is the only applicant who ran for the job in the most recent election. Geoff Brace brings a wealth of knowledge concerning downtown revitalization, and thinks commissioners should take a more active role in union negotiations. Robert George, a common sense businessman, is clearly the most conservative. William Hansell is the most knowledgable, but spends a lot of time in Florida. Hofmann is the best listener. All of them expressed reservations over the bi-county health department, but only Hofmann is flatly opposed to the concept because of its inevitable cost.

If Commissioners deadlock, and we see black smoke curling through the streets of Allentown, or if they refuse to accept the Appointments Committee's recommendations, the nomination process will be wide open.

As I've noted before, Commissioner David Jones has been MIA throughout the appointments process. He snubbed prospective applicants on the night of their interview, ignored my telephone call and has yet to respond to most applicants or even other commissioners. Anyone who is that unwilling to talk, return phone calls, emails or do his homework, doesn't deserve to vote on the matter. Sure, Jones is busy, but so is everybody else on that board, and they answer calls and email.

Instead of making one appointment, Commissioners should be naming Jones' replacement as well. Hopefully, he'll quit.


  1. First you attack Julio Guidry on Allentown City council and even mock his English. Now you go after African-American Jones. At least you are the consistent little bigot.

    Do you really think just because you have a make believe black "grandson", that makes it OK.

    Shame on you Ohare!

  2. Bernie -

    Jones just won re-election in Allentown, where the Democrat registration edge makes him a shoo-in.

    He doesn't have to show up at meetings, the Democrat voters will pull the lever for anyone.

  3. This Dem is disappointed in Jones. Other D's opted not to run against him in the primary in 2009 b/c he was showing that he cared about the job and seemed to be enjoying it. Two months into 2010 he seems to be shirking his responsibilities. Jones has earned the criticism.

  4. anon 2:00 am, in actuality bernie had advocated for another african-american candidate (kevin easterling) other than jones, primarily because of he is black.

  5. When someone like Julio Guridy likes to sell himself on his ability to be bilingual, he should be bilingual. His English is horrible, and he will say things that make absolutely no sense. I think it's fair to point it out, especially since he seems to be convinced otherwise.

    David Jones talks a good game, but never is around to do the job. I trhink it's fair to point that out.

    These crticisms have nothing to do with their ethnicity.

    Jones should step down while all thes applicants are out there and allow Comm'rs to select someone willing to do the job.

  6. Jones should quit. With less than a 50% attendance rate, his body
    language indicates he has no
    interest in serving. Maybe he
    did it for show, but now, a year later and a lackluster
    contributor to government proceedings, let someone else have a chance.

  7. Kevin Easterling would make
    a good candidate. He is committed to Allentown, volunteers for many events and is chair of a wonderful project to construct the first Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mrs. King Memorial in the country to stand at MLK Drive and Union Streets. Signs are already in place to indicate where the project will be installed.

  8. Bernie did not make David Jones
    miss the meetings. Jones did
    that on his own.

  9. anon 8:15, has kevin easterling attended any county meetings before or after he was considered a couple years ago? did he run for a seat at the last election?

  10. For comments like 2:00 AM to call someone a bigot, or whatever, because one finds fault with a black elected official is really a sad commentary. Unfortunately we see the same comments calling citizens racial if they disagree with Obama policies.

    I thought our country was above that. I was in the service 35 years ago and found better race relations between my black and hispanic comrades then I do now. The fact is that Mr Jones simply does not fulfill the requiremens of the job and should resign.

    Sad, Sad

    Bob Romancheck

    I would also like to suggest that commenters have the courage to sign their name when they comment. I have never met anyone with the name "Anonymous".

  11. Bob,

    The name callers here have demonstrated time and again that they lack the courage to sign their work. They are in fact cowards.

    Scott Armstrong

  12. Scott and Bob, you have anonymous people here agreeing with you about Jones. How about letting your moral outrage rest for a moment while anonymous Democrats AGREE with you? No wonder you guys can't win. You manage to piss off the very people who happen to agree with you on occasion.

    David Jones needs to be held accountable. Unfortunately for his district, it will have to wait another 3 years till the next eleciton.

  13. hey anon 8:17-----I have a conspiracy theory. I think Bernie O'Hare DID indeed make Jones miss the meetings. I think Bernie kidnapped him purpsely to create news.....

  14. Willie Mays was interviewed on NPR recently about visiting the White House as a Black man in 1962. He corrected the reporter, saying he visited the White House as a MAN, not a Black man, but as a MAN.
    David Jones is a man in an elected position who is not paying attention. Black or White has nothing to do with it.

  15. Wonderful point, Mr. Casey.

  16. Anon 11:02,

    Anonymous name callers are cowards, they are secondarily Republican or Democrat.

    Scott Armstrong

  17. Mr. Molovinsky,
    We don't know the answers to your questions but they are worthy
    of a response. We''ll try to
    find out and post back here.

    michael molovinsky said...

    anon 8:15, has kevin easterling attended any county meetings before or after he was considered a couple years ago? did he run for a seat at the last election?

    9:10 AM

  18. Easterling did not run in the last election, nor have I seen him at any of the meetings I attended in LC. So far as I know, he is not one of the applicants.


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