Local Government TV

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Share Your Snow Story in Six Words

Like this - "Silent majestic drifts, gleaming listing trees" - or this - "So glad the bars are open!"


  1. Snowmoblies race the streets at night.

  2. 1. - DC roads suck. Giant have no nachos!

    2. - Blizzard drives down crime in DC.


  3. Coffee, shovel, beer, burger, shovel, french-toast


    I spent the day shoveling, writing grants for work, giving up and going to the Brew Works for $1 beer and 1/2 off their giant burgers. Then, more shoveling while the lady built a snowman and then a night cap of terribly unhealthy french toast. What a great day. Then I had to shovel the alley this morning at 6:30 to get the lady off to work. Not so much fun.

  4. Thank heaven it's only water, dude.

  5. Oh really? Global warming? My ass.

    The Banker

  6. Working on my agoraphobia. Go away.

  7. also:

    No one actually understands global climate change.

  8. Flight to Tampa is on time.

  9. Is it summer yet-mid 80's?

  10. first was stuck in small town hotel with surly staff for 2 days,home shovelling today. shovelling is better

  11. Snow all gay, shovel all night.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Why the long face Angie?

  14. crime rate in allentown goes down

  15. Angle shovels Stoffa out of drift

  16. notso casualobserverFebruary 11, 2010 at 8:35 PM

    Happy Dogs, Beautiful view, aching back

  17. So this is real global warming

  18. Global warming causes radical weather patterns.


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