Local Government TV

Sunday, February 14, 2010

LC Comm'r Applicant Pushes Bi-County Health Department

Although not mentioned in this op-ed, Deana M. Zosky is a LC Comm'r candidate. She also co-chairs RenewLV, an issues-driven Lehigh Valley non-profit that promotes smart growth, water regionalization, regional rail and equitable school funding. She is Comm'r Percy Dougherty's first choice for appointment to Bill Leiner's vacant seat, but the Intergovernmental Committee declined to recommend her to the full Board. If they deadlock Wednesday might over the five names that have been submitted, you can expect Percy to mention her again.

Of all the LC Comm'r applicants, only John Hofman stated he is unalterably opposed to a bi-county health department, believing it too costly. He survived the first cut.


  1. Why are you so opposed to this idea. There is no doubt that regionalization is the answer to cost-effectiveness. We will never see a merger of the 60+ local governments in the Lehigh Valley. But somethings need a larger base. Maybe its just that we have't done resional issues well in the past. But certainly the highly-taxed public could benefit fromn any cost-saving regional plans. Why not start with school districts. We have way too many of them in the Lehigh Valley.

  2. Where do you get the notion I oppose regionalization? This a\is a factual account, devoid of opinion, but I actually support regionalization.

    Since I've started blogging, I've supported consolidating municipalities as a way of reducing our fragmented government. I support reducing the number of school districts. I support the idea of a bi-county work release (the judges were opposed) and have often wondered wether we should merge LC & NC into one Lehigh Valley County. Those all create efficiencies and save money.

    I do support the idea of a bi-county health department, but the attemopt to educate the public has been an unmitigated disaster. Months ago, I wrote to RenewLV and told them that no bi-county plan will e acceptable unless no county real estate tax dollars are involved. We are in the midst of a recession and both counties face major tax hikes. The ONLY way this could be sold would be to present a plan that involves no money from the counties for at least three years. The hospitals, who are wealthy enough and will benefit from this, should fund the department for the first three years.

    But the bi-county health department appears to be in la la land and think that if they parade the same tired group of supporters to scream, they'll get what they want.

    They won't.

    That's reality. This will not sell at all in NC at this point. I know Dougherty, Hamm, McCarthy & Roman and Jones support the health department. But I would not count on Dougherty continuing to support a plan that involves too much money.

    It may be dead in both counties, and mostly, because the supporters are not being reasonable and made a poor effort at educating the public. If they want the notion to survive, they won't ask for a dime right now.

  3. As a taxpayer, am I supposed to then pay for it after 3 years? I don't want to pay another penny for anything. How have I managed without it all of this time? Unless it serves a function that is current for me now and will lower my taxes, forget it!

  4. At the moment Water and Sewer Regionalization is synonymous with debt Regionalization.

    AT the moment RENEWLV is on the path to dismantle well run, well maintained water and sewer systems that have invested in infrastructure over the decades in favor of paying for those systems that may have not been so prudent. How are you going to tell someone that Regionalization is good, will save money and then double their rates?

    Political agendas have fogged Engineering logic. It is time to go back to the drawing board.

  5. This Renew LV, is a product of the Marins and the LV Partnership and their desire to redistribute the money in the suburbs back into the cities.

    By offering free bi-county health care to the cities they can spend all they need as the Townships who really don't need the service will pay the freight.

    This has always been a bullshit proposal that will in a few years cost the Counties millions in county tax dollars every year.

    It was based on a big lie by very deceitful people and the joint health board is nothing but pro-health board boosters who will say anything to get it passed.

    It's time has come and gone.

  6. "Although not mentioned in this op-ed, Deana M. Zosky is a LC Comm'r candidate. She also co-chairs RenewLV, an issues-driven Lehigh Valley non-profit that promotes smart growth, water regionalization, regional rail and equitable school funding. She is Comm'r Percy Dougherty's first choice for appointment to Bill Leiner's vacant seat, but the Intergovernmental Committee declined to recommend her to the full Board. If they deadlock Wednesday might over the five names that have been submitted, you can expect Percy to mention her again."

    Some Lehigh County residents
    don't know any of these names.
    We'd welcome comments about
    all these guys so we
    can be informed before
    we attend Wednesday night's

    On another issue:
    Bernie, you recently wrote about
    Commissioner Jones' attendance record: Anything new there? Has
    he offered any explanation?

  7. Anon 7:27, I have uploaded resumes of the dirty dozen, posted their interview session, did a post about Hansell and a small post about Geoff Brace. So far as I know, Jones has made no effort to reach out to at least two of the applicants, despite several calls.

  8. Anon 440. I hear more people making similar suggestions.

    It is important to note that the former co-chair of RENEWLV was Allentown DCED director Joyce Marin who coincidentally was the spouse of Paul Marin who was LVs most vocal passenger rail advocate.

    I also read on this blog how many of the RENEWLV members were part of the advisory committee for the planned Route 22 widening project. Kind of like the fox guarding the hen house don't you think? Sure wish you could provide that list as the link miraculously disappeared soon after PennDOT announced plans to widen were off.

    Ms. Marin was the only LVPC member to vote NO when LVPC wanted to request a sit down with State Legislatures and PennDOT officials to discuss the progress of Route 22 widening. A few short weeks later, PennDOT made the abruptly announced that the plans to widen Route 22 were off. Imagine that.

    How is RENEWLV's opposition to investment in Route 22 with the intent of diverting funding to other projects in the best interest to the Lehigh Valley?

  9. Widening Route 22 is not in the best interest of the Lehigh Valley, no matter what Charles Snelling is trying to sell.

  10. Bernie,

    Excellent responses.

    Regionalism can work. Remember Lehigh Valley Transit. They were ready to go out of business. Lehigh and Northampton County Commissioners created Lanta. Great decision. Saved public transit for the Lehigh Valley.

    Regionalism does not work. Remember the Bi County land fill authority. Borrowed millions. the idea failed. Someone got stuck with the tab.

    When these ideas were being tossed around, I fought them tooth and nail. I used to work for a Lehigh Valley municipality. There was this stupid idea to regionalize water and sewer. Bad idea for the rate payer. Great idea for the engineering firms pushing the projects. I recall Easton area folks getting stuck with the bill to provide sewer service for Northern Northampton County along the Bushkill. People don't ante up for these services when they are not required.

    The valley wide Chamber of Commerce destroyed downtowns which were supported by local business groups. regionalization is not our answer. It is only a stupid concept pushed by some millionaires who want people to believe that they are "big" leaders and players in a major US metropolis.

    Bi county health can work. But instead of government, let the multi billionaire wealthy hospitals create the program and fund it. They are doing a lot of the work anyway.

  11. If she supports a bi county health department she should be rejected on that issue alone...It's a bad idea at this time...The last thing Northampton County needs right now in the midst of a recession is a new department..They just cannot afford it..Period!!Angle is so right on this it is ridiculous!!!
    Human Services will take a big hit by the state next year..The county might have to make up some of these lost funds..You cannot sacrifice human Services at the alter of a boondoggle Bi county health department. The casino monies were supposed to go to departments impacted by the Casino..Thjose departments would be Human Services and the courts..Those monies should not be going to a health department or for tax reduction. The State monies are supposed to reduce property taxes, the local money is supposed to be used by the city and county to mitigate the impact of the Casino..Period!! No Health department..

  12. Bernie,
    Thank you for reminding us of those past efforts on your part
    to keep LCC voters informed.

    If Jones is too busy to serve, he should step down and allow someone else who has more time to spend serving the public have a chance.
    A 47% attendance rate is not appropriate.

  13. To 12:11 PM:

    We thought some of the casino money was to go to Seniors for their well-being such as hot meal programs. Is that wrong?

  14. Why is there a disregard for life one block outside our thrid class cities.

  15. Many suggested Route 78 would NOT improve Route 22 and they were right.

    How is depriving Route 22compatible with Cunningham’s desire to grow LVIA?

    Why do the smart growth advocates feel the only way to bring back the cities is to choke off the rest of the Valley?

    I am willing to venture a guess that a large percentage of the LV tax base is generated within one mile of the Route 22 corridor.

  16. Vote no to the new multi-million dollar jobs program planned by the Counties.

    The Bi-County Health Dept. would employ hundreds of friends of County and Renew officials all at the County taxpayer expense.


  17. Every time someone from the health board does a presentation, they keep saying that the reason they want this HD is because there is money in Harrisburg to be spent. However, if you look at the budget from last year and the budget for 2010-2011, money is being deverted away from local health departments. So the question is- what is the health board's plan if every year less and less money is given to local health departments?


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