Local Government TV

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eight Health Care Lobbyists For Each Member of Congress

Maybe Obama should have invited them to his Summit today.


  1. Pelosi's "most open and ethical Congress in history" my ass.

  2. Yup. Over $2million a day is given to our legislators by insurance lobbysits. I want to know how much Dent and our two senators are raking in.

  3. You're hanging an excess of lobbyists on Pelosi?

    No wonder things are screwed up - most folks can't even define the problem.

  4. Guarantee it's 7 insurance industry lobbyists for every pro-reform lobbyist.

  5. Now that the five right wingers on teh Supreme Court were able to pass the recent legistlation giving corporations "personhood" and allowing them unlimited campaign contributions, overturning one hundred years of tradition in that area, it will only get worse. The Republican get us closer and closer to becoming a small third world South American country. Soon we'll have no middle class, just a small corporatist ruling multi million upper class and the rest of the 85% of the people will be uneducated minimum wage serfs. How long till we're going to Mexico to pick crops?

  6. The revisionist history is curious. Few believed the majority of provisions of McCain-Feingold were constitutional when it was passed and signed by G.W. Bush. Its limitations on free speech were appalling and it was really just an incumbency protection law. And the whining from the left is truly laughable after Obama used millions in untraceable dollars after lying about accepting the spending limits of public campaign financing. His campaign couldn't buy any more TV ads in the final weeks because they'd already bought them all. They didn't know what to do with all of Soros' money. Both sides are neck deep in filthy money. Ds just won't admit that they've rewritten the playbook that used to be owned by Rs. Luckily, as in the NJ governor's race, and locally with Don Cunningham's close call, all that money doesn't always work. Trying to limit money is foolish. Prohibitions don't work. Making sure it's identified is key. Then all may judge a candidate by his friends and benefactors.

  7. The Obama administration and its Pelosi/Reid Congress.

    Ha Ha

    Ein Grossarter Witz!

    Angenehmer Tag, Obamabote.

  8. NBC switched from Obama's Super Health Care Summit


    Women's hockey at the Winter Olympics.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. The more those nitwits yakked, the more I wanted to watch curling. Nobody but a few zealots really cares about this issue.

    And may the ghoulish attention-seekers eat shit and bark at the moon. If it weren't for this space they wouldn't really exist. Which is why they slither in regularly. Even they can't stay away. Hell, they're obsessed.


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