Local Government TV

Monday, February 08, 2010

Cunningham Quietly Backing Bill Hansell for Comm'r Vacacy

In the post above, I tell you that Comm'r David Jones has snubbed twelve distinguished Democrats who've applied for a vacancy on Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners. The reason for this cavalier attitude, in which he has both ignored calls and played hooky, is that he already has his marching orders.

He's to vote for William Hansell, who just happens to be the first choice of Democrats Dan McCarthy and Gloria Hamm.

Behind the scenes, Lehigh County Executive Don Cunnigham has been quietly pushing for the appointment of Allentown consultant William Hansell. That's probably a mistake. In the last election, Cunningham heavily financed Hillary Kwiatek and Jeanne McNeill, who engaged in ugly races against incumbents Glenn Eckhart and newcomer Tom Creighton. Dean Browning, who now chairs the Commissioners, questioned their independence. If I've learned that Cunningham is backing Hansell, you can bet that Republican Commissioners know this, too. Instead of helping him, it's probably the kiss of death. I doubt he'll get more than three votes on Wednesday night.

Now on paper, Hansell is easily the most qualified of the dirty dozen. But in person, he is easily the most full of himself.

Asked whether he had read Lehigh County's Home Rule Charter, Hansell actually claimed to have had a hand in drafting Northampton County's version. That'll be news to Judge William Moran and Attorney Jay Leeson, who thought they were the authors.

Given more time, Hansell might told us he drafted the Declaration of Independence, too, in his previous life as Thomas Jefferson.

Blogger's Note: Blogger comments enabled.


  1. Yes donny boy's endorsement is like the kiss of death. He is politically DOA - soon the nasty joke that has been his political fantasy will be over - all the better for the valley

  2. Bernie,

    It has been some time now but I seem to recall that Mr. Hansell(perhaps then posing as a Republican) was a backer of Pawlowski. When he "returned" to the area he inserted himself tout de suite into the local political scene and the results are what they are. I don't blame him for our Ed problem but he hasn't been part of any solution here.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. Democrats are desperate about GOP strongholds like Lower Mac. So Cunningham has his marching orders, too. I had my money on Deanna Zosky, also from LMT.

  4. the problem with these appointments is that they become the incumbent, giving them the edge when election time rolls around. look at a no show like jones beating a workhouse like bob smith jr.

  5. "Yes donny boy's endorsement is like the kiss of death. He is politically DOA"

    That's a tad premature and wishful thinking on your part. But after a recent election in which one of th issues was his attempt to control the Comm'n, he should have sat this one out w/ the R-controlled Comm'n.

  6. MM, being the incumbent is okay until you are tied to a major tax increase. All of these candidates will have a tax increase attached to their record if they run for election county wide. That isn't a good sign for any of them.

  7. Bernie -

    So who is worse -

    1) Jones for skipping the meeting because he is taking orders from the County Executive and will vote for Hansell, or

    2) McCarthy and Hamm for acting like they are giving the applicants a fair hearing and then taking orders from the County Executive to vote for Hansell, or

    3) The County Executive for (once again) trying to influence who will serve in a (supposedly) separate branch of government.

  8. If the D commissioners vote for Hansell in a block, they will look end up with a D who is going to feel more compelled to work with the R's. Hansell will not get 5 votes. Period. He needs 2 R's and none of the R's will trust the guy.

  9. Anon 9:37, I'd give the award to Jones.

    Hamm & McCarthy, who did attend the meeting, have made themselves familiar with the qualities of the other candidates, and should be able to cast intelligent votes when Hansell is rejected. Jones has made no such effort.

    Cunningham has an interest in finding an administration-friendly candidate, but should realize his preferences will just kill him after an election in which his attempt to assert control was verty much an issue.

  10. I'm just grateful Cunningham is no longer a viable candidate to further governmental harm at a higher level. I hope Scott Ott uses another handful of lunch money against this hackneyed career taker and finally rids of him and his backroom dealings. He barely made it to re-election. despite outspending his opponent approximately six trillion to one. His connection to the POM scandal is just another sad chapter in his miserable political career. It's time to disinfect the exec's chair in LC.

  11. Bernie,

    How about if we have a Dady/Villa rant-off?

    I can see it now... lots of dancing dwarves in authentic costume, bowls of chicken wings (wait.. wouldn't that be cannibalism?), lots of drooling and red faces.

    I'll bet we could sell tickets.

    -Ms Stoneknocker


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