Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bipartisan Harry Reid Tells GOP to "Stop Crying"

... as he considers using "reconciliation" to pass an unpopular health care reform package. Kinda' makes me wonder why they're even bothering with that big summit with Obama on Thursday. In the meantime, Canada Premier Danny Williams defends going to to the U.S. for heart surgery. "This was my heart, my choice and my health."


  1. The Central ScrutinizerFebruary 24, 2010 at 9:03 AM

    Unpopular? Each issue individually polls very high on public approval. The popularity decreases when the GOP misinforms and basically lies about components of the bill.

    As for Canada, do you expect a country with a population less than the state of California to have the wide array of specialist surgeons the US does? Is this really a function of their system? This person saw an atypical specialist for a special type of surgery. Of course, this is a luxury only afforded those WITH HEALTHCARE coverage.

    By the way, Johnson basically told the Congress to "stop crying" when he passed the Civil Rights legislation. And only 22 Repubs voted for Medicare, a wildly popular government run system.

  2. yeah, how's that hope and change thing working out

  3. The Canadian pol is no different than our own.

    Kennedy had Salinger fetch him a thousand Cuban cigars, and then issued an executive order which, among other things, prohibited their purchase or possession by the peasants.

    I could go on, but you get the picture.

  4. Whimpering idiots...

  5. Central,

    Wake up and smell the coffee, or better yet for those of us who fear big government solutions, don’t. Keep telling yourself that the polls and actions of the American public are the results of misinformation and/or a lack of intellect. You know what’s best for the public even if they don’t. I say onward and God speed.

    Scott Armstrong


    Cannon to left of them,
    Cannon in front of them
    Volley'd and thunder'd;
    Storm'd at with shot and shell,
    Boldly they rode and well,
    Into the jaws of Death,
    Into the mouth of Hell
    Rode the Democrat Party

    When can their glory fade?
    O the wild charge they made!
    All the world wondered.
    Honor the charge they made,
    Honor the Democrat Party,
    Noble Obama.

  6. Senators are filthy rich overachievers and self-actualizers who aren't the brightest bulbs. It's why voters routinely reject senators for the presidency vs. governors. Obama is a perfect example of the Peter Principle as it relates to senators becoming president. He's clearly risen to his level of incompetence and it's embarrassing when it happens at this level. Reid is about to lose his seat. He's like a crazy uncle in the attic. His list of gaffs and ridiculous statements almost approaches Joe Biden. Almost.

  7. Central,

    Yes. Extremely unpopular.

    See what happens after this fool Obama and his Democrat Congress take over 1/6 of the United States economy.


  8. Joe "Just The Facts" FridayFebruary 24, 2010 at 12:31 PM

    From an excellent story on NPR:

    "... the way in which virtually all of health reform, with very, very limited exceptions, has happened over the past 30 years has been the reconciliation process," says Sara Rosenbaum, who chairs the Department of Health Policy at George Washington University.

    "... literally we've changed everything about insurance coverage for children and families, and we've changed access to health care all across the United States all as a result of reconciliation ...

    "... In fact, over the past three decades, the number of major health financing measures that were NOT passed via budget reconciliation can be counted on one hand."

    For full story, please go here:


  9. Obama is too nice.

    Go Nuclear freaking option!

  10. "The nuclear option (aka reconciliation) is an arrogant power grab that goes squarely against our founders' intent."

    Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL)

  11. but of course the mainstream media will never call him out on that

  12. 3% of Canadians polled wish they had American insurance. The fact that the US might have better doctors has nothing to do with insurance reform. Insurance executives are not MDs.

  13. I have a good friend who goes to work every day with intense kidney stone pain. She's waiting till April 1 when her insurance waiting period is over so she can get treated. That doesn't happen in any other industrialized country in the world but backwards US

  14. If I rob a bank today and kill six tellers, but am critically wounded trying to get away, I'll get a helicopter ride to a trauma center where extraordinary measures will be made to save my miserable life - regardless of my insurance status. God bless America. Health care is about the ninth most important issue for voters. Obama is looking for a legacy on a big government issue. He's likely sentencing his party to many years in the desert because most people really don't give a shit. They just love to complain. It's like airline stories. The more Obama promoted the plan (411 speeches in '09), the more support for it crashed. Let's review: people don't give a shit.

  15. "Mr. President, we are with you, but this is a bridge too far."

    Hillary Rodham Clinton, 2005

    on the Senate floor


    suddenly, the nucler option is now wonderful

    typical progressive liberal democrat stuff

  16. "Arrogance of Power"

    "I say to my Republican friends...you may own the field right now, but you will not own it forever."

    "This is a naked power grab"

    JOE BIDEN, 2005

    Speaking on the Senate floor

    Ha Ha - Got Hypocrisy to go with that Transparency?

    (don't know about the transparency; the hypocrisy is in the bag)

    QUICK - blame Bush!

  17. Let's see how that universal healthcare stuff is working in Mass...oh yeah, premiums have increased, taxes have increased....we'll see the same thing in a national level. If this goes nuclear we'll all explode!

  18. I'd like to know which insurance company is responsible for the fact that Miami has more specialized surgeons than Newfoundland. That's like saying Geico is responsible for the Toyota malfunctions. By the way, I love that Wellpoint is raising rates by double digits but spent 27 million on executive retreats last year. Yeah! We need more of that!

  19. The Central ScrutinizerFebruary 24, 2010 at 10:54 PM

    There is an alternative to reconciliation. The Repubs can take that course. You actually filibuster. All 41 GOP Senators go for as long as they can. Once everyone has spoken, the majority has defeated the filibuster. The legislation can then be passed by a simple majority. They need 50. The VP could cast the tie breaking vote.

  20. Central, Whether you like it or not, the package is unpopular. No major piece of legislation this unpopluar should pass via reconciliation.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. 3 AM Troll, I will not allow you to post comments with all kinds of sexual references.

  23. You deleted the post because it was the truth about the Republican strategy on Healthcare reform. Not because of all this "sexual" nonsense you are imagining.Can you ever be honest Ohare or are you just incapable of the Truth?


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