Local Government TV

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pawlowski Appointed to Airport Authority

Brain Callaway's well-written report appear above. The decision was unanimous. Even I agree. The Lehigh Valley's three city mayors might make a difference on that beleagured Airport.


  1. Bernie -

    I have a big issue with Pawlowski being on the board:

    The board also has authority over Allentown's Queen City airport. Queen City serves a vital aviation need in the Valley. Pawlowski is not concerned about Queen City's importance as it relates to local aviation - he wants the land so he can have it developed.

    Putting Pawlowski on the LVIA Board is truly putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

    Besides, I think it's evident Pawlowski doesn't know how to run a city. Why should we believe he can run an airport?

  2. QCA needs to be sold. It is a country club airport where the golf-course types park their recreation planes for when they want to go play. QCA should be sold and used to pay off the settlement that the Airport Authority incurred in its land grab or used to improve opperations necessary to relieve the heavy traffic in Philly/Newark. I can't stand the guy, but on QCA, he is right!

  3. I'm no Pawlowski fan, but he is the democratically elected mayor, and all three mayors should have a voice on that mismanaged authority, which is crucial to the economy of outr cities.

  4. Who wants to bet that if Queen City gets developed that it turns into one giant KOZ? And we all need to remember, KOZ = no tax revenues for a very long time.

    The Banker

  5. Banker, there won't be any more KOZ's for a while. The state legislature isn't so inclined to add more to the program. Besides, there are developers chomping at the bit to get that property. There is private sector demand for it already. the authority, however, won't do anything to sell it.

  6. Anon 1214, thanks for the information. My fear is the city has no idea how to sell from strength instead of weakness.

    I still haven't seen a good answer why we even need Queen City, any thoughts on that?

    The Banker

  7. Anonymous 12:14 said...

    ... Besides, there are developers chomping at the bit to get that property. There is private sector demand for it already. the authority, however, won't do anything to sell it.

    Anon 12:14 -

    There is no shortage of developable land in Allentown, some of it very near Queen City Airport. The Authority shouldn't do anything to sell it, because doing so does nothing to improve the aviation situation in the Valley.

    Queen City is not just a "country club airport", and I suspect the person who made that comment has never been there (or maybe I just missed the lavish bar and other amenities when I was there).

    The flights originating to/from Queen City have to go somewhere, and LVI can't take it. It would seem to me that a Mayor (and other elected officials) with vision would try to find a way to develop a lucrative niche around this unique asset, instead of just trying to grab the land and sell it off. There's NO IMAGINATION/VISION IN THAT, but look who's Mayor.

  8. 'It would seem to me that a Mayor (and other elected officials) with vision would try to find a way to develop a lucrative niche around this unique asset, instead of just trying to grab the land and sell it off. There's NO IMAGINATION/VISION IN THAT'

    My point EXACTLY....

    Alfonso Todd


  9. "The flights originating to/from Queen City have to go somewhere, and LVI can't take it. "


    Last I looked, LVIA (which I have flown out of both commercially and privately) is so underutilized it's ridiculous. It could easily absorb the flight traffic from Queen City.

    The issues you'll run into are pilot skills / ability to handle flying in and out of LVIA and cost in that LVIA is more expensive.

    The Banker

  10. It seems like there is a lot of land to recycle in the area before we destroy open space at QCA. We certainly do not need any more warehouses.

    Congestion on Route 22 is most certainly a limiting factor to the growth potential to LVIA. Why haven't we heard any comments from Stoffa, Cunningham and the Mayors about Route 22 widening lately?

    Why would you want to expand LVIA and not expand Route 22, the main transportation corridor that serves the most populous sections of the Valley?

  11. Anon 8:05 asked:

    "Why would you want to expand LVIA and not expand Route 22, the main transportation corridor that serves the most populous sections of the Valley?"

    Because every time Route 22 - and other roads - are "improved", runaway development quickly clogs it back up.

    Those who are really behind having Route 22 widened are the developers who can't wait to pave over our remaining farmland and open space.

    That's their right to want to do that. However, I'm in no hurry to use my tax dollars to help them along.

  12. Bernie says, "and all three mayors should have a voice on that mismanaged authority, which is crucial to the economy of out cities.

    11:04 AM

    I would agree Bernie if the mayors knew how to manage. Pawlowski, City was at least $2 million in the red last year and $3 to $4 million this year. A great manager to bring to a mismanaged board. All Pawlowski wants to do is give out contracts to his developers so he can "ask" them to contribute to his campaign fund.
    Bernie with him on the Board it's like putting the wolf in the hen house.
    Sorry Bernie, I disagree with you.
    And yes, I fly out of Queen City Airport.
    Bob Romancheck

  13. Perhaps before Pawlowski talks about closing the airport, he should talk about his vision for the site.

    If it's anything like what he's done for the rest of the city, be frightened.

    Why give Pawlowski a blank check to dole out contracts to his cronies?

  14. fact: only the authority can sell QCA. No mayor can do so.

    opinion: the authority will have to sell it to pay for it's mega million settlement. I can't wait for people to blame pawlowski for that.

    opinion: put the property on the market for sealed bids and sell it to the highest bidder. let the market determine what should happen to the property. the market has already spoken about the airport, as the declining revenues for QCA indicates.

  15. Anon 924.

    ROute 22 is 60 years old. When was the last time it was widened. ROute 78 did not fix the problem.

    Rail will spur more development of fertile farmland than a wider Route 22. More people living in LV and communting to NJ.

    What farm parcels will be developed as a result of Route 22 widening.

  16. ok folks, let's get this straigh: widening 22 will cost millions that state and fed gov't simply don't have right now. it isn't going to happen. it might be right, it might be wrong, but unless we are willing to jack up gas taxes and start tolling other limited access highways, it won't happen. sure, we might want it, but i beg anybody to find the millions it will cost to build. and be specific on where that money is coming from b/c there are 18 other projects just like it across the state that other regions want built.

    and finally, the traffic on 22 was worse in the late 1990's but airport traffic (you know, planes) was up. traffic on 22, after some improvements, is better (still terrible) but aiport traffic (again, you know airplanes). So, can we stop this cute little attempt to protect the lvia staff from mismanagement and recognize that they are the culprit in the problem.

  17. Interesting that the Airport was actually started and financed by the city of Allentown as Allentown Airport way back. Not relevant but interesting.

  18. Anon 1143.

    I do not know about the issues of LVIA you make reference to, however, my point is why are we considering an expansion for future capacity at LVIA but ignoring the existing capacity of Route 22.

    You probably are not aware that Route 22 traffic went up between 6,000 and 9,000 vehicles per day since the 90’s.

    I mention Route 22 because the goal is to grow LVIA. If that happens and I hope it does, what will Route 22 look like.

    This past fall Rep Jim Gerlach requested $90M for Route 202 widening. I would like to see the same Federal Commitment for Route 22 while we work on expanding LVIA.

  19. Widening a road because of congestion is like loosening your belt when you need to lose weight. What we need in the Lehigh Valley is true multi-modal planning in which we have transportation choice and all modes of transportation connect.

  20. Anon 710 said “Widening a road because of congestion is like loosening your belt when you need to lose weight.”

    Interesting, so I suspect widening of Route 412 or expanding LVIA for some future capacity is like buying pants with the hope you grow into them?

    How do you think potential rail commuters would get to a terminal? How do you think the masses will get to the Allentown's Riverfront and new hockey arena? How do you think masses of travelers will get to LVIA? The common denominator is Route 22.

    I happen to believe Rail to NJ and local traffic on Route 22 are two different issues.


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