Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Only Six Pa. Women Have Ever Served in U.S. House!


  1. That is six to many!!!!

    R. Angle

  2. Er uh, served what?

    T. Kennedy

  3. I'm going to assume that R. Angle's post was sarcastic as he even used the wrong form of the word "too". It was a poor attempt at humor. That is actually a surprising statistic, but I'm not exactly sure why it's important.

  4. Anon 7:30, If you're surprised by this statistic, perhaps that's why it's important. The "R.Angle" comment is just another attempt to demean him. Long Dems don't give a shit about gender equality, but never miss an opportunity to poke Angle.

  5. When you get candidates like Siobhan- whatever her first name is-Bennett, or Jane Wells Schooley or anything else in a skirt pushing a non main stream agenda, then you can see why we will have nothing but men for the next one hundred years.

  6. No thanks to Bernie! He will never support a women. He likes bears ;)

  7. I put my money on Lisa Baker to add to that list someday.


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