Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama Accepted $20MM From Healthcare Industry in '08 Presidential Bid

That's almost three times as much as McCain.


  1. And that's only the money that was tracked. He was soaked in untraceable money. Can anyone say "Nazi collaborator and liberal darling George Soros?"

  2. Corporations are not allowed to contribute to candidates, Bernie - only individuals and PACS., Since Obama did not take any healthcare/pharma PAC money, then the 20mm referred to must have come from individuals who identified their employer as a pharma or healthcare company.

    This is "wrong" why?

    and, 12:23 - Prescott Bush's Nazi involvement dwarfs what you are referring to.

  3. Dirty money. Current office holder taking money from Nazi collaborator. Obama is bought and paid for. It's why he's tanking worse than Carter and GW in the polls.

  4. The bill is a disaster and a slap in the face to everyone who supported Barack Obama and democratic federal candidates in 2008.

    Money needs to get out of politics. Our political system is an absolute disgrace.

    In 2008 2.4 billion was spent on the Presidential campaign. In 2012, I anticipate it to be over 4 billion.

    There was this guy from Nazareth who once said you cannot serve two masters. I think the past 20 years of political life in America have shown which master tends to win.

  5. McCain and Obama agreed to accept public campaign financing with all its restrictions. McCain kept his promise. Obama reneged and smashed all spending records. He's poised to do it again in '12. His people joked that they didn't know what to do with all their money at the end because they'd already bought all available commercial slots in numerous markets. Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss - except his money bags are bigger than all his predecessors put together. It couldn't save a mess like Corzine when he tried to buy it. It may not save a mess like Obama when Soros tries to buy it again in '12.

  6. Holy smokes!

    What a shocker, this.

    Pleasant evening, O'Hare.


  7. How much did your mancrush Dent take?

  8. Dead link 1/13/2010 at 5:20pm. Any other sources?

  9. "How much did your mancrush Dent take?"

    I don't know but do know Dent never worked for them like Callahan.

  10. I went downtown for lunch today. I ate at a NY Deli on 15th Street in the NW sector. I got a liverwurst on rye with onions and mustard, potato salad, and celery soda. You can see part of The White House from the deli.

    After lunch, I went next door and got a haircut. It is an all black barbershop. I got my shoes shined, as well. I asked the barber if he ever got close to Obama or if Obama ever came in to get his haircut. All the barbers laughed at me. I thought it was because I was either the only white guy in the shop or because I was the only clergy in the shop. (Clericals make people uneasy sometimes.)

    The barber addressed me as, "Father." He excused himself and said, "He might be the president, but he's no rocket scientist!"

    I changed the subject real quick. I started talking about how bad The Redskins are. Everyone began to laugh at me, again! What a tough crowd. I should have been on Comedy Central. I got a good haircut and shoeshine, though.

    Peace, ~~Alex

  11. Did it really matter that he took money[if it is true] ayway ? He didn`t give in to them. Every one who has health insurance care nothing about those who don`t have it ..shame ...shame....

  12. The sky is falling! (as always)

  13. Yes, the link now works this morning.

    Interesting information if you go to OpenSecrets.com (the Center for Responsive Politics site). Obama raised more than twice what McCain did, so you would expect to see some of the differences in the individual sectors. But the really interesting stuff is how badly Obama beat McCain in every single industry. Now I know money follows the leader, and Obama lead the whole time it was just the two of them, but that is still an incredible difference.

    I had no idea that McCain received so much money from single large donors and PACs. Heck, without them it would have been a 10 times the amount.

  14. looking at opensecrets.org as the other poster said...sorting by industry it looks like Dent's largest donar after "retired" has been "health Professionals".....hmmmm....

  15. I agree with Jacob. With Democrats like we have now, who needs Republicans?


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