Local Government TV

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kate Micucci Talks Up Annual Nazareth Kazoo Parade


  1. I am having a special demonstration today in your honor, O'Hare.

    How To Dynamite A Bridge Effectively

    Exhibit A : "Obama Should I Trust The Government"

    Exhibit B : "Bowing To The Wishes Of Ferrous"

    Be advised the screen name IRONPIGPEN is formally dead.

    Your readership will note the new screen name for proper race-card play.

  2. And like a loose cannon, you post OT on a blog about Nazareth's kazoo parade. Well done.

  3. PigPen, your true racist colors can never be hidden. You spew more hate than a grand wizard at a cross burning.

    David Duke

  4. Getting back to the actual post, I thought it was great! Cute kid, and I sure hope she write the mayor - standing in a field playing kazoos instead of marching through town playing kazoos is just plain silly.

    The Banker

  5. kazoo's rock.


  6. Hey, Banker.
    We started a petition that you might want to sign: http://www.weirdnazareth.com/2010/01/kazoo-petition.html

    God knows that online petitions always work.


  7. My first thought was:

    "Who the hell is Rula Lenska, er, uh, Kate Micucci?"

    But then I watched the vid. Cute kid, evervescent, and bright. Best of luck to her, though she obviously is doing quite all on her own.

    I need to get out more often, I guess.

  8. She definitely is a cutie. And funny.

  9. She's also a very talented classically trained pianist and composer. She represents everything good about today's kids. Good story.

  10. She's a great young talent. Our area has been blessed with many gifted TV and film performers. Maybe cuase of the valley's high pollen count.

  11. She has the funkiest face. Wowza!

  12. How cute is she? I first saw her on Scrubs. Her pairing with the dim, socially-inept lawyer character was perfect. Glad to see her getting more roles and attention. Way to go, Kate!


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