Local Government TV

Friday, January 29, 2010

Congressman Dent's Reaction to Obama's SOTU Address

“I appreciate that the President wants to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending — two areas which I’ve been supporting throughout the past year, and which the Congressional majority has ignored. The federal government doesn’t create jobs; the federal government must foster an environment for the people to create jobs. The agenda going forward must be a complete reversal of the 2009 agenda if we’re going to grow our economy and get our fiscal house in order.

“The most important domestic issue facing this Congress is our rising unemployment levels. We must take steps to turn this economy and promote job creation. More ‘jobs legislation’ that just spends money recklessly, like the ‘stimulus’ bill, isn’t the answer. Instead of helping, Washington has been hindering a sustainable recovery. Congress needs to kill the ‘cap and trade’ bill that is basically a national energy tax; start from scratch on health care reform that focuses on lower costs instead of massive taxes; and cut taxes for small businesses and innovators who will invest their money more wisely than Congress.

“The other issue that is worrying Americans is Washington’s runaway spending. I’m glad the President acknowledges that government is spending too much money. The President’s proposed budget freeze is a good step, but it pales in comparison to the massive spending increases of the past year that precede it. This Administration and Congress have increased non-defense domestic discretionary spending by 22 percent in a year – and if you include the failed ‘stimulus,’ it’s more than 65 percent. Our yearly deficits, which were coming down in my first two years in Congress, now exceed $1 trillion. This is unsustainable.

“In addition to putting a hold on new spending, we need to call back unspent funds from the ‘stimulus,’ plus end the Troubled Asset Relief Program and dedicate all repaid funds to deficit reduction.

“Until the President and Congress commit to real economic solutions instead of expensive gimmicks, and until Washington quits its growing spending habit, the goals outlined by the President will remain a distant pipe-dream.”


  1. Of course Charlie supported a war by cutting the taxes necessary to fund it. Good job Charlie. We realize that was a Republican President and we ended up with good deficits. Now we have a Democratic President and these are bad deficits.

    See it isn't hard to understand. Gee, when I grow up I want to be a professional congressman.

  2. Let the Dent bashing begin

  3. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. At least we won;t have to hear his response next year since he will be out of office.

    Or will you still be following him....

  5. "will you still be following him"

    You don't realize this, but you've just confessed why Dent is and will remain our Congressman. people do follow him. he is a leader, willing to speak out on issues, willing to put his record out there for everyone to see. He leads from the front.

    Nobody is following Callahan bc he is not leading. He's just raising money.

  6. Charles in charge...of our days...and our nights!

  7. I like Charlie Dent. He does something crazy -- he tells you where he stands.

    I know -- what a nut.

  8. If he gets out of the primary he'll kill Bennett or Callahan of Orloski or whomever.

    Also looks good for Toomey vs. either D.

  9. I think that this will end up as a race between Towne and Dent. The only reason Callahan is getting any coverage at all on this race is because he has a D after his name. I mean he never says anything that isn't vague or obscure.

  10. You guys are funny! The race has not even started yet and your predicting a winner. You further think an internal poll of a handful of people demonstrates viability. We can talk in September and then it will be quite clear who is a leader and who is a partison hack.

    Note, Dent is not a "leader", he is taking positions simply because it's his job to do so. He says one thing and votes as the party tells him to.

  11. Anonymous 3:33PM
    You need to take a look at his record if you believe he is voting with the Republicans.

    Anonymous 12:40. Name a president who had the funds in the bank to go to war? Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK, Johnson, Bush 41? A convenient memory is nice to have until you go get the facts. The DOT.com mess, 9/11/01, the Clinton recession upon his exit from office. If you want a real complaint to spew how about the fact that Bush 43 told us to go shoppping. One of the dumbest statements made particularly when you put it up against the "day of infamy" stuff spoken by FDR a true Progressive president

  12. It is the R's who con people into thinking you can wage war for free. Cut taxes and spend billions on never ending wars is the Republican creed.

  13. The above link to yet another attack on Father Alex shows just Villa as nuts and hateful. I guess giving him a forearm at the courthouse is not enough. He will be unable to continue spammin this blog with his hate now that DISQUS is installed.

  14. I have to agree with others here. Dent and the republicans supported two wars that cost trillions and broke the budget. Then when it comes to Domestic spending they talk about cuts, cuts , cuts..Same old republican crap..

  15. oh it is most certainly his record that will be highlighted...


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