Local Government TV

Friday, December 04, 2009

Pawlowski for Congress?

This comes straight from these wacky kids at the NRCC. President Obama is a tad confused about just who is running against LV Congressman Charlie Dent. But then again, so am I.

Here's the unofficial transcript: "We’ve got Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, but maybe the next member of congress. We’ve got John Callahan, Mayor of Bethlehem. I just want to clarify here — Ed’s not running. John’s running. I got those reversed. So don’t vote for Ed because — I mean vote for him for Mayor. John’s beginning to be outstanding."

According to NRCC spokesman Tory Mazzola, "This does start to explain why Callahan won’t talk about the issues – he’s not sure he’s the candidate."


  1. That was hilarious..Bernie! King Edward for congress..no way! Not what Callahan wanted to hear either. Big Ed got a lot of face time the past few days..did you see him on Hardball with Matthews? What a goof ball!

  2. Outside of the fact that he got the most votes I’m not sure why Obama’s president. He is clearly glib but also at times clueless.

    Scott Armstrong

  3. The NRCC comments might make sense if Callahan did not have a web page that has his position on several issues listed....

  4. This was a mean Dent/Milan written entry for Ohare to personally attack Mr. Callahan. It is sad that this blog is just an apparatus of the NRCC.

  5. At least we know what Charlie is..nobody knows what Callahan is! How about a debate or something? I'm a conservative Dem. that keeps voting for Chuck because his opponents are pathetic!

  6. Hahaha! That George Bush is such a stupid yokel he can't even . . .

    Oh, (nervous cough, look around to see if anyone overheard) never mind!


  7. A side note -- you know all those extra congressional districts that show up on the Government's Stimulus website recovery.gov?

    They actually belong to the 57 states that are current President said we had!

    (Best Jimmy Durante voice):

    I got a million of 'em!

  8. For a minute I thought you were fuckin serious. Don't fuckin' do that to me! I gotta go help your mad monk find a barber tomorrow.
    I might have to steal a city Snow plow and drive it up to 18th and Livingston and park it on an a'hole's front porch.

  9. That's funny...."no one knows who John Callahan is". You must be living under a rock then. The man has been the mayor of Bethlehem for 6 years, drive around the city sometime, I hear good things about it....

    By election time next year the only ones who won't know the canidate are those who really don't want to.

  10. 3rd base,

    Thanks. I appreciate your time in attempting to locate Eskimo.

    While you are up that way, stop over to 19th and Livingston and pick me up a slice from Penn Pizza. I'm good for the $$$.

    Maybe, we'll all have to pitch in some $$$ to bail you out of that snow plow mess?

    By the way, Arabic is a lovely language. If you have to availability, get one of your Arabic speaking friends to translate my new moniker. You'll like it. I don't know how long this one will last.

    Peace! ~~Alex

  11. Anything to dig into Callahan, eh, Bernie?

    Every time the NRCC comes out with something (even as stupid and pointless as this), it's like Christmas for you!

  12. "The NRCC comments might make sense if Callahan did not have a web page that has his position on several issues listed...."

    Still makes sense. His web page was blank last time I checked, and that was just a few days ago. You are probably part of Callahan's (or is it Pawlowski's?) campaign. And if you look at it, he still says nothing. Health care reform that will work for everyone? What the hell is that? Dnet could say that, too.

    Callahan busily conducts polls to determine what thinks while Dent leads from the front.

  13. Get the quote right..I said nobody knows..WHAT..Callahan is ..as in what the heck is his position on the issues of the day. So he's been a mayor..BIG DEAL!

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Bernie,
    Get your quotes right, He did not say John's BEGINGING to be outstanding. He said GOING TO BE. meaning he's going to be an outstanding congressman.

  16. Ed should forget congress and go to work for Obama. With his knack for figures, unemployment would disappear. And, federal deficits . . . What federal deficit?

  17. EDIE Batezie. i just got back from the market. It is trying to snow, but not quite. Mike M explained it better than I did. I am surprised that a barber shop is not open at 9 Am on a Saturday, but it was closed. If I get a chance I will stop in there and ask about Eskimo this week. I think he and Woody were good friends.
    I was wrong about the address, I think the Snowplow needs to blast the corner of Congress and 18th.
    I was looking for a Lamborghini but all I see is a couple of hooptys. I thought people who made millions off dead relatives drove better than clunkers. Maybe they are hiding their pimped up ride at their house in the Caymans!

  18. what polls has callahan conducted? have you been polled?....

    Your blatent one sided nature is really sad....

  19. I'm sorry. Next time I'll genuflect first.

  20. The Congressional Budget Office has stated that Tort reform, the "Dent (Republican) Plan, would save less than .5% of total healthcare cost.

    Oh yes, lets us stop everything until we do that.

    There are facts not emotional hate that will be brought to light.

  21. The guy is a national embarrassment.


  22. 7:28, do are you refering to Ohare or Angle?

  23. No, I'm referring to Mike Fleck and Bob Daday, the loser who tried to screw the county with unemployment.

  24. I don't want Ed to run for Congress because we still need him here in Allentown.

    Outside of that Mayor P would make a better congressman then Callihan. Love him or hate him, Ed hustles and fights hard for what he believes in.

    Callihan just seems like he is looking to ride some wave or something.

  25. "Anything to dig into Callahan, eh, Bernie?

    Every time the NRCC comes out with something (even as stupid and pointless as this), it's like Christmas for you!"

    Obligatory Rylock bleating about how unfair life is post -- Check.

  26. Hopefully, Dent still remembers how to sell TV's.

  27. "Hopefully, Dent still remembers how to sell TV's."

    Hopefully you still remember how to choke chickens.

    Ahh, who am I kidding, what's the chance that a born chicken-choker like you would ever forget how to do that?

  28. Hey Anon 10:33(Bernie) I remember that Stoffa TRIED to stop his unemployment compensation and was forced to not hold it up.

    There was story in the paper with Stoffa quoted as saying as much. Does it hurt that much to tell the truth. You must be a Captain in the Hater Army

  29. I guess the politcal silly season never really ends - another piece of fluff - December is not s good time for serious political discussions

  30. Rather Fight Than QuitDecember 6, 2009 at 10:06 AM

    You can say that again.


  31. This is OT, but my recollection is that Stoffa did stop the unemployment for hallwalker Bob Daday.

  32. Anon 431. So what happened to the so called Tort reform during the Bush years? They had the political capital, right?

    Why do the Republicans suddenly have health care reform ideas when they had zippo for eight years? The say only fix what is broken. My question is, when the GOP had the reigns, why didn't they fix it?

    The bankruptcy reform the GOP pushed only made it easier for corporations to default, harder for average Americans, and favored credit card companies. Just why did the GOP oppose an amendment to the bankruptcy bill that would have informed holders what the interest penalty would be if they only made the minimum payment…..because they want you in debt.

    GOP deregulation lead to higher cable bills, higher electric bills, and fictitious energy shortage, Enron, and a collapse of the banking industry. Failed vision, failed policies.

    In Reagan's word's "All in All" eight years trickle down Reaganomics handed this Nation two recessions. Roam was not built in a day. GOP failed policies cannot be cleaned up in a year.

  33. Anon: 6:17.. Yea, you got it... Jimmy Carter had it right!! And Obama will be just as successful..we'll show em!

  34. Hi Anon 808. You bring back some history. Carter lost to Reagan by a landslide because of the “Economy”. I also remember hostages being let go on inauguration day because of an arms for hostages swap with Iran, but never mind “negotiating with terrorists”.

    But to his credit, Carter tightened the money supply to fend off inflation. Because of his efforts, the U.S. economy recovered in the 80's under Reagan. Some have suggested that recession was an intentional recession to prevent run away interest rates.

    Bush's recession comes from ignorance and greed.

  35. Anon: 9:08

    Yawn.!!. Bush, Bush, Bush.. Typical.

  36. Hopefully you still remember how to choke chickens.

    Well, Millan, if I were running for Congress that may be a salient point. However I'm not and I'd like to see that Rep. Dent does not add to our unemployment rolls. He may have to brush up on the whole LCD vs plasma debate.

  37. Who cares? Ed nor Charlie nor John have any ideas about how to improve the healthcare mess. THey're all adequate seatwarmers...last I checked they all had asses.

  38. Stoffa did stop Dady's unemployment but reversed his decision based on legal advise from his own solicitors, check it out.

    Your hero screwed up, again.

  39. Even the best ball players only hit less than .400. Ed Pawlowski is learning the ropes as a politician and has a lot to learn. But, he is a work-aholic and passionate about Allentown. When you send totally unqulified people up against him you only get a quarter of the vote and most of that was party ticket voters.

  40. I agree. I can see Pawlowski going for Congress or the Senate in a few years.

  41. Bernie,I was playing catch up and I must say that was hilarious. Boy,no wonder that couple got into that White House dinner. Hey, maybe I should send my resume to the Obama administration as a fact checker. Whoops,shades of George Bush but I want to know is how did ya get in..LOL

    Oh by the way, I have several berets,do you have a favorite color, I think perhaps red, then you might be mistaken for the Guardian Angel you are!!!


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