Local Government TV

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Moveon, SEIU to Hold Health Care Pep Rally Today

I've received a news release from Washington telling me that today, at 5 PM, "local residents," i.e. Moveon and SEIU, will hold a pep rally outside Bethlehem City Hall to demand health care reform with a public option.

No word on whether the SEIU plans to roll a few boy scouts, or whether Bethlehem Mayor and Congressional wannabe John Callahan will bravely join this gaggle and do his famous chickendance. He might sneak out from the basement.


  1. I don't believe there will be more than 2 or 3 people standing around for this "rally," but members of moveon and the SEIU are also residents and voters, and should be able to rally or protest same as anyone else without their voices being discounted or diminished by what email lists they sign up for or where they work.

  2. They have a constitutional right to rally and I have a constitutional right to make fun of them. That's the way it works.

  3. How nice of you to exercise your right to needle the mayor also. Be proud of yourself....

  4. Hey Constitutional rights now that's a great subject. I tried to exercise my constitutional right to protest my Slumlord's failure to exterminate the apartment I rented, by putting up a large sign that said "ANT FARM,FREE ADMISSION" ,well the cop thought it was funny but the Slumlord jumped up on the porch ripped the sign up and hurled me & my plant stand into the wall. So any good civil rights attorneys out there??I plan on making this guy rue the day he assaulted an 90lb little lady like me. Anyone hear me roar????? And now he is trying to get money out of me. I guess those oxycontins and beers at the Brickhouse Tavern are expensive!

  5. "How nice of you to exercise your right to needle the mayor also"

    My pleasue. He promised the citizens of Bethlehem that he'd give them a tax cut once Sands was built. I don't think Bethlehem can spare him until he keeps that promise.

  6. Speaking of protestors, whatever happened to Cindy Sheehan?

    No longer politically useful?

  7. He promised to best use the host impact fee (note: the fee to try and abate any impact of a casino, not tax reform....be clear Bernie)...to first address any needs that arise from having a casino/hotel in our little town....to second strengthen the city's finances (he reduced city debt by over 60 million thus far) that will set us up for a prosperous future...then after the city has addressed the first two points work towards reducing taxes...and keep in mind the casino impact funds have been coming in to the city for less than a year not even one budget cycle...play your games all you want Millan oh I mean O’hare

  8. In his 2007 State of the City address, Callahan did promise to cut taxes. "[W]e need to give a direct financial return to all of our taxpayers in the form of a tax cut."

    I'd agree that, before that happens, he needs to make sure that the city's finances are secure, etc. But that's his promise to Bethlehem. I think he should stick around long enough so he can keep that promise before running for another office. Bethlehem's citizens deserve his continued good stewardship, don't you think?

  9. What I think is he established a sound financial plan for the city that should be followed. The tax cut will come if that is done. We as citizens need to ensure that happens.

    I further think he is our best chance to help Allentown and Easton to lift themselves out of the mire they are currently in. The district needs sound leadership, John has proven his ability to deliver to his constituents and its time the rest of the valley gets a leg up.

  10. Healthcare. One less sticking point the SEIU would take the city to task to pay for in future contracts, no?

    (1) Maybe Mayor Callahan will come out say a few words to address their concerns.

    (2) Failing that. Maybe the press will wander the halls inside and pressure him for a response.

    Dream on. Two things that ain't a gonna happen.

  11. Your comment says absolutely nothing. It is completely mindless, to be frank.

    "The district needs leadership," blah, blah, blah. What frickin' leadership has Callahan provided to the district? He's spent most of his time in hiding, and has ducked taking positions on actual issues. In the meantime, Dent leads from the front, going to town hall after town hall, facing the people who cast the votes. You may disagree with him, but at least you know where he stands. Callahan looks to his political handlers for his positions, and it's really kinda' sad bc he is a bright guy who should know better than let Washington goofs screw up yet another Congressional race.

    The only things I know for certain is that he supports the stimulus, a 17% sales tax increase, and is trying to get out of Bethlhem w/o keeping a 2007 promise to deliver a tax reduction to Bethlehemites. They deserve better.

    Instead of coming out and taking positions on issues like cap-and- trade or Afghanistan or actual health care bills, his head is in the sand. He could not even return a call about the SEIU treatment of an Eagle scout candidate. Dent, by contrast, wrote a letter to the union demanding a public apology, and got it.

    By being so afraid to open his mouth and actually say something, our latest congressional wannabe has allowed himself to be painted as Chickendance Callahan. You may say it's too early. Dent does not know that, and has already painted Callahan into a corner.

  12. My comment is addressed to Anon 12:20, not LVCI, with whom I agree.

  13. uh...Bernie, you’re the only one who uses the chicken dance metaphor and it's pretty poor at that...Dent holds town halls because it’s his job to do so, john continues to act in his capacity as mayor of Bethlehem first and foremost as well....But ask yourself in all of Charlie’s years of serving Allentown (state rep, congressman) how much better is the city for it?
    Dent is many things, a doer and a leader are two things he is not...Bernie your better than this, stop being a one man band and open your eyes...

    There is no "polling for positions"...no DC run campaign (guess you already forget your spin on the whole Pawlowski congress piece)....your back talking and making a fool of yourself....

  14. The chickendance metaphor comes from a statement made by Dent himself. It was subsequently repeated here, in The Morning Call, Express Times and by Ken Petrini.

    No DC run campaign? Are you nutz? Pelosi handed him a nice chuck and Callahan's campaign manager Justin Schall comes straight from the DCCC, after working for Massa, Chavez and Clinton. Let's at least be honest, ok?

    As far as Dent being a leader is concerned, the people disagree with you. They elected him and then reelected him twice in a Democratis district. That does not happen without leadership.

  15. your kidding Dent made that moronic statement...that makes it even worse...

    Oh, I don't doubt the DCCC coached the mayor in how to start his congressional campaign, but that is a far cry from running it...

    Dent had no real competition before, now he does, so we will see what happens now. But to be clear winning elections does not in fact show leadership at all.

  16. "What I think is he established a sound financial plan for the city that should be followed. The tax cut will come if that is done. We as citizens need to ensure that happens."

    Translation: He lied and/or failed to deliver on the central promise of his campaign.

    No more liars.

    Callahan lied.

    No more Callahan.

  17. No....a plan was established and is being executed as should be....not all things are as simple as turning on a light switch...the big things take planning and execution...

  18. Mr. Dent can I have that suit in a 40 regular.

  19. "No....a plan was established and is being executed as should be....not all things are as simple as turning on a light switch...the big things take planning and execution..."

    Do you, perchance, work for the government?

  20. 8 PM
    Now Ya Tell Me!

  21. "No....a plan was established and is being executed as should be....not all things are as simple as turning on a light switch...the big things take planning and execution..."

    TRANSLATION: I lied about the central promise of my campaign. And I have a pathetic, bureaucraticspeek defense of my aforementioned lie.

    No more liars. No more Callahan. It really is as simple as turning on a light switch.

    I'll say it again, slowly so his defenders might understand.

    N o m o r e l i e s .

    N o m o r e C a l l a h a n .

  22. OK read my lips. If you chose not to read or follow the facts and make this falsehood a campaign strategy it's your choice.

  23. Anon 10:04

    I couldn't agree more it is the Republicans and those tea baggers that should be silenced.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  24. Allentown is Dent's fault! Yeah that's it.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  25. God Bless these folks who are willing to fight for the working men and women of America who are raped by corporate greed.

  26. Bernie,
    Do you know how many SEIU showed up last night?
    You do get around.
    Bethlehem at five.
    Bangor by eight.

  27. God Bless these folks who are willing to fight for the working men and women of America who are raped by corporate greed.

    1:30 AM

    and I guess you woudl never take one of the jobs created by that corporate greed

  28. "getting raped by corporate greed"

    Is this really a legitimate point of view. Who exactly is being “raped” by corporate greed? Exploited perhaps, but raped. I sense extremism in this sort of hyperbolic rhetoric.

    Scott Armstrong

  29. Anon 7:45, I was in bethlehem at 5, but not to watch SEIU. I instead watched a basketball practice.


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