Local Government TV

Friday, November 06, 2009

Why is John Callahan Investigating ... Himself?

The NRCC wonders why Congressional contender John Callahan, who must be re-thinking his bid after Tuesday's election, is so intent on investigating himself. If this investigator comes up with Callahans stand on health care reform - or any other national issue - I hope he shares it with us.


  1. I don't understand that ad at all. I get that Callahan ran a criminal background on himself but I don't understand how the magic hand suggests all the different possibilities of nothing to everthing to it being blacked out like a Dick Cheney judicial testimony. I guess I'm reading into it too much. Local political ads need to be dumbed down for people like me.

  2. I'm with you on this. I'd like someone to learn where Callahan stands on some of the important issues that he says made him to decide to run. But I also think his decision to investigate himself for weaknesses as a candidate, is smart politics. Gotta' love the music in that ad.

  3. The Mayor knows the low levels Team Millan will go to. He is smart to rule out all possibilities, so when the mud flies he can show the official record.

  4. Anyone involved in politics knows that running an opposition research report on yourself is standard operating procedure at this level.

    I'm sure Charlie is running one of his own on his votes and public statements over the past 2 years.

    No one likes a surprise.

  5. So according to the AD is something comes up.. that's bad. If nothing comes up that's bad too. hmmmm?

    What's the title of this AD? "Head's I Win, Tales You Lose"? << Pun Intended

  6. I am glad to see the NRCC is wasting their money on nonsensical ads.

    Of course Callahan did research on himself. Every major candidate does. Charlie Dent's camp has filed right to know requests with the City of Bethlehem for the information, too. Why should Callahan find out what information Dent is getting? I am sure Callahan is pulling every vote Dent has ever made, along with copies of every public speech and all financial disclosure and campaign finance reports.

    Good use of money NRCC. Keep up the good work!

  7. Truly one the funniest things i've ever read, because of the stupidity of it. Any political candidate with an ounce of common sense runs a check on themselves to be prepared for any stupidity comming from the other side, just as they run a check on the opposition. LMAO! Thanks for the laugh this morning Bernie!

  8. It's critical of Callahan. It's topical on a popular local blog in the district. It's brought his defenders out to defend him. In politics, when you are explaining, you are losing. It worked.

    It criticizes what Callahan has made available to criticize because he's chosen to remain silent on every single one of the most important issues currently being debated.

    When he finally offers an opinion on an issue of importance, he'll have to explain that too. His explanation of the nagging Obama/Pelosi/Reid 10% unemployment rate should be a real stem winder of a stump speech. He's not off to a very good start.

  9. When he finally offers an opinion on an issue of importance, he'll have to explain that too. His explanation of the nagging Obama/Pelosi/Reid 10% unemployment rate should be a real stem winder of a stump speech. He's not off to a very good start.

    I forgot we had a President before Obama named George W. Bush who did everything in his power to fail.

    Can you name one success of the Bush years?

  10. I don't care if he got arrested for streaking in front of the Christmas Putz during college as long as he is pro-healthcare. Where does he stand on that? That's what Dems want to know. We don't need a contest between two white men who are in a deathmatch to see how many deathbed veterans from the Spanish American War they can give certificates to.

  11. "I forgot we had a President before Obama named George W. Bush who did everything in his power to fail.

    Can you name one success of the Bush years?"

    Obama and a Democrat Congress have quadrupled the deficit and doubled Bush's debt in just six months. All in the name of a failed stimulus that has delivered 10% unemployment (he promised no higher than 8.5%), and grim predictions that the level will stay the same through 2010.

    Oh yeah, and Bush is not expected to challenge for the 15th. Callahan will have to speak to what his party has done to make a bad situation much, much worse.

  12. It's just dumb to concern yourself with Callahan's health care stand. The issue will be decided one way or the other even before the primary race. It's like asking him how he feels about WWII reparations to Japan. Who cares. It won't be an issue he'll be dealing with in Congress..

  13. Is this blog authored by Millan personally now? That was a very weak ad by a very weak candidate. Bye Chuck.

  14. Obama/Pelosi/Reid 10% unemployment rate

    Bwahahaha!! Who is this joker? This is Bush's failed economy and everyone knows Obama is trying to pick up the pieces.

  15. "Is this blog authored by Millan personally now?"

    That's NRCC stuff, as I told you. It lacks Shawn's special touch. You'll see that soon.

  16. "Bwahahaha!! Who is this joker? This is Bush's failed economy and everyone knows Obama is trying to pick up the pieces."

    Sorry, Obama has dropped more pieces than he's picked up, and the economy is worse off because of it.

    Besides - be a man and take responsibility instead of whining.

    The Banker

  17. Banker, One of my friends is a title agent who just attended a seminar on the new RESPAs, which are even more complicated than the old ones. Everything is now designedd to make it MORE DIFFICULT to obtain a mortgage or buy a home. Even if you are happy with your bank, you must now sign statements that you went mortgage shopping and goofy stuff like that. I'll be talking to him to write up a post. It seems like much of the bureaucratic bullshit accompanying the stim will actually slow down the housing industry, which has NOT picked up in the LV.

  18. Sorry, Obama has dropped more pieces than he's picked up, and the economy is worse off because of it.

    Sure he has.

  19. Of course lenders are going to be more careful. In case you forgot, mindless lending is one of the key reasons Bush's economy tanked. How soon we forget.

  20. Look, the housing crisis did not come about bc people failed to shop for mortgages. It occurred bc of greedy mortgage brokers and appraisers who were too willing to inflate home values. The state has finally required mtg brokers to be licensed. Most banks, to avoid any problem, avoid local appraisers. But the feds come in w/ even more bullshit that just slow the purchasers down. Most of this baloney does not protect anyone. It is just mumbo jumbo. In the meantime, despite the lies realtor will tell you, the housing industry is still in the tank.

  21. Bernie, right on all counts. In addition, the problems with housing actually started with the 1994 changes to the Community Reinvestment Act under Clinton, were compounded by Congress forcing Fannie and Freddie to buy crappy loans to foster home ownership, were further compounded by the Greenspan Fed that kept rates too low for too long, greed, illegal activities, incompetence, etc.

    I've said this so often I'm a broken record, but there is plenty of blame for this debacle, and it's bi-partisan.

    The Banker

  22. "Sure he has."

    Just look at the numbers and you'll see. As of now Bush was perhaps the worst domestic policy president in history. And Obama is well on his way to topping him.

    The Banker

  23. We all know a "Banker" can't be wrong, right?

  24. Callahan's investigation, does it have the same info as had President Clinton's. Monica...

  25. It should be difficult to purchase a home. Now if he could only make it as difficult to get a credit card or auto loan, we might not be in this mess.

  26. "We all know a "Banker" can't be wrong, right?"

    Another deep thought.

    The Banker


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