Local Government TV

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two Republicans Mulling Craig Dally's Legislative Seat

Now that State Rep. Craig Dally has been elected judge, his state House seat in the 138th District will be up for grabs. For the Republicans, there may be a contested primary.

Marcia Hahn has been employed with Dally for over 10 years and is currently the office manager in his Legislative Office in Bushkill Township. Before working for Dally, she spent 14 years as a member of State Rep. Leonard Gruppo's staff in Nazareth.

Nick Sabatine is a Wind Gap attorney and former Northampton County Council member who once was national chair of Ross Perot's Patriot Party.

I know Nick very well. As a matter of full disclosure, I should tell you I do his title searches. He has forgiven my many mistakes. I also know Marcia. I met her during a party at Ron Angle's house in the middle of a monsoon. I was the only Democrat there, but she was nice to me anyway, even when I accidentally ate her food.

Who do you like, Hahn or Sabatine?
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa: Looks like I screwed up. Because this is a "Special" election, it will be up to the party to nominate the candidate, not the people.


  1. As a minister of Propaganda for Angle of course you were there.

  2. Nick is a serial candidate and should not be further enabled.

    Marcia is a new voice with lots of experience.

    I'm voting Marcia. And lots of Bushkill voters have told me they are, too. Craig's nod carries lots of influence.

  3. There will not be a primary. Each state party will select a nominee since this will be a special election.

  4. Craig better be doing all of his nodding now as once he takes the bench even the nodding is a no-no. The R's would be nuts to nominate Sabatine for the Special Election. That's why they won't. Sorry, Nick. It's Marsha.

  5. Kevin, Holy shit, you're right. Now I have to fix my post.

  6. No dog in this hunt but any news on the Dem choice(s)

  7. Donald, The Dem name I hear is Lamont McClure.

  8. Lamont would be the best choice for this seat. he is intelligent and cares about people.

  9. Lamont cares about Lamont, but I hope he runs. He will lose badly and then will go into the county council race wounded.

  10. Ugh - The Democratic party used to have stars what happened to this county party - there is no back bench- I guess I am more out of the loop than I thought.

  11. 11:27 was me - I hit the wrong key and I want to be consistant about being Anonymous

  12. Unless signs off on them they are not stars. Looking at who he thinks are Stars, we have a problem.

  13. Marsha has the experience, knowledge, and compassion needed for the job. Her constituents will be top priority as they were with Dally.

  14. Are they the only two being considered?

  15. Those are the 2 Rs I've heard mentioned. The 2 Ds I've heard about are lamont McClure and Chris Reed.

    Do you have some names to share?

  16. I have heard 3 other "R"s being mentioned. Two with connections to Harrisburg.


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