Local Government TV

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Magisterial Candidate Felton Removes Partisan Yard Signs

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I belly-ached about 13 campaign signs decorating the yard of magisterial candidate Walter Felton. They endorse Allentown's Democratic mayoral and city council hopefuls. They also violate a rule prohibiting partisan political activity by mini-judge wannabes.

Sometime Wednesday, Felton took down these political signs. I compliment him for recognizing a possible error, and doing the right thing.


  1. The big question is, will the residents vote for a judicial candidate that commits errors or possible rule violations?

  2. Ohare is now the moral conscious of the community on "doing the right thing"?

    Good Grief, we are indeed, doomed!!

  3. now, will future mini-judge candidates do the right thing and stop attending partisan rallies where red meat is served up to fellow partisans.

    it may be "permited" by the judicial code, but it wrong. those events are partisan events. a judicial candidate's presence at them shows a partisan agenda, not one to serve in fairness. just b/c it's allowed doesn't mean it's right.

    Walt was wrong. Ron was wrong to show up at a partisan affair.

  4. Like it or not these are still elected offices and as such, a person seeking election must campaign. Here in Northampton County judicial candidates routinely attend and speak on their own behalf at "partisan" political gatherings. Moreover, it is not unusual for a Democrat to attend a Republican event or a Republican to attend a Democrat event. The events I am referring to are clearly "partisan" events. Public exposure is necessary, and these events are wonderful forums filled with people actively involved with the electoral process. I can't see how this is wrong.

  5. Wow. So Bernie, Guess you weren't wrong about those signs.

  6. A hat tip to Bernie and the original tipster. Too little too late for Felton.

  7. bernie you are an idiot!

  8. So I'm told. Julio Guridy screamed that at me, twice, right after the NAACP debate.

  9. The bigger issue is still:

    Walter Felton was among the first to take advantage of the big pension deal that is bankrupting Allentown, taking a pension that was almost 90% OF HIS PAY WHILE ON THE FORCE. Walt received his inflated pension after only 21 years of service.

    Why reward someone (with a magistrate position) who is helping to bankrupt the city?

  10. The city bankrupt itself by siginging the contract. Dont be jealous of what you dont have. You know if you could have a great retirement you would.

  11. Felton's a sponge who flaunts the law.


  12. Anonymous 12:58 said...
    The city bankrupt itself by siginging the contract. Dont be jealous of what you dont have. You know if you could have a great retirement you would.

    Anon -

    No one is jealous.

    Just don't come around acting like you're all about doing what's best for the voters when in the past you've only done what's best for yourself.

  13. Manescu oversaw the distribution of those pensions to his officers, some of whom only had 9-13 years. What about the Sipmend case? He cheated in the election. Why is it that usually the polls report from the west end first, but this time they came from 3 and 13 first. It gave them time to inflate Manescu's numbers out in the Westend because they know they couuldnt do it in center city.


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