Local Government TV

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Joe DeRaymond: RIP

Northampton County peace activist, death penalty foe, Charlie Dent trespasser, writer, radio talk show host, chess master, title searcher and LEPOCO member Joe DeRaymond passed away today after a lengthy illness. Joe and I had our differences, but in happier times, we were fellow Green party members. I actually managed his county council campaign, probably losing it for him. A reader pays this tribute.

"A wonderful soul passed from our midst the afternoon of October 1, 2009. Joseph DeRaymond died from a brain tumor he had fought over the last year and a half. Even with the knowledge that his time was short, he went to El Salvadore this past summer to help with their election process. Joe stood for DEMOCRACY at its best. Outspoken, yes - kind and considerate, most definitely. His voice and smile will be missed."


  1. Totalitarianism has lost one of its most reliable useful idiots.

    At least he wasn't a phony.


  2. The Green Party, huh.

    (eyes rolling)

    Condolences with all that is truly sincere

    Death doesn't care about political affiliation

    I used to work in a cemetery growing up

    Rich or poor, this or that --- we threw the same amount of dirt on top of everyone

    Sorry about your friend

  3. How old was he?

    Also anon 5:22 must have been the GOP, Party of the three R's,Rude, Racist and Republican!

  4. Don't you righties have any class?

    You have to take cheap shots at a dead man?

    Rest in Peace Joe!

  5. I don't know Joe's exact age. he was somewhere around 60.

    Joe and I were at one time close, but we had some differences a few years ago. I am nonetheless saddened by his loss. He was a man of conscience who stood up for his beliefs.

    I considered deleting the first comment, but it is in some way a tribute.

  6. If you agreed with him or not he was always civil and friendly. He was a true gentleman and a reflective person ...cared about our world and how we treat it. Bye Joe hope we meet in the wild blue yonder someday.....

  7. Not always civil and not always a gentleman, I guess you didn't know him but he believed in what he argued for.

    RIP! Even ohare will deserve that when he goes. Hell, we all deserve at least a RIP!!!

  8. Joe was a close friend of mine. We met as title searchers in the early eighties before he went to El Salvador to help harvest coffee beans with the Sandinistas. Joe was man of courage and integrity with a great passion and a temper that flared. I will always be grateful for the political platform he nurtured in me. Joe, you are in our hearts and will continue to inspire our activism. Go in peace, dear friend.

  9. note: I meant Nicaragua, not El Salvador. MLL

  10. Bernie O'Hare- Thank you for your kind words for my brother. We will miss him terribly.

    Amy DeRaymond Fontno

  11. How was that a cheap shot?

    I offered condolences and pointed out we all end up the same?

    If you are waiting for an endorsement of the green party, keep waiting.

  12. IronPigPen, Don't think anyone was complaining about your comment. It was the first one, but even that one is mostly a tribute.

  13. I made the first comment and meant it as salute to a guy with whom I disagreed vehemently, but respected for not wavering like phony Pollyannas who disingenuously play to the middle.

    I didn't like his romantic support of totalitarian thugs on the left, but give him credit for saying what he believed and never wavering.

    Again, may he rest in peace.

  14. Anon 10:43, Thanks for your clarification.

  15. joe and i agreed about nothing. nevertheless, we genuinely liked each other.

    I don't want him to rest in peace, though, and i don't think he would want to either. i prefer to think that's he picketing the afterlife, lobbying God for a living wage.

  16. I will be with you walkin these hills


  17. Isn't this the DeRaymond that Angle sued and filed charges against for supposedly throwing soda on Angle.

    I am sure it is the same guy. Angle claimed he was attacked. Of course with Angle, he claims everyone is attacking him. RIP to DeRaymond, go to Hell to Angle.

  18. Hey Joe. Don't ever forget the Repo Code dude. Everyone needs a code to live by. : )

    Auto, Bud and Eraser

    You DA man

  19. Anon 9:07, The purpose of this post is to honor Joe's memory, not engage in anonymous personakl attacks. Angle and DeRaymond did have an altercation, which seemed to be much ado over nothing. While on the subject, Angle gave Joe just 10 days of free radio time, 20 hours of local talk radio right as the Iraq war broke out.

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  22. Joe chose a 'middle' finally that was strong and uncompromising. He defended the peace communities in Columbia, whose members are being murdered by both the 'left' and the 'right' for refusing to take up arms in the civil chaos there. From the same 'middle' he asserted the best in this country by opposing the school of the assassins, one of our blacker black eyes as a nation.

    I too had my differences with Joe, but I always thought he would be there, which is now the face side of my grief.

    I have chosen the 'anonymous' identity, but this is posted by Jeremy.

  23. I knew Joe from about 1972 to around the mid-80's, then lost touch. He was a good friend and we always didn't agree. I just happened upon LV Ramblings and read of his passing. I often drive through Freemansburg and always wondered if he lived in the same house. I guess I won't have to wonder anymore.
    From the time in '72 when seeking CO status during the Vietnam Debaucle to my doing Community Organizing in the mid 70's through the mid 80's Joe was a good friend and supporter and co worker.Thanks Joe! And, have a good long rest,Thanks for your friendship.


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