Local Government TV

Monday, September 14, 2009

LVR is Now a Poof Blog, Too!

I've just broken a rule I've faithfully followed since I started blogging. I've taken down a few posts. I've even decided to privatize the Troll Parade, where I spotlighted a few local trolls and gave them an opportunity to spew their venom away from the rest of us. I'll explain my reasoning tonight.

Update: I've reversed myself on the Troll Parade. Trollvilla first heralded it as a victory for him (that's OK), but then simultaneously claimed that my sole reason to privatize the blog was so he'd be unable to defend himself. My mistake.


  1. I'm finding the perspective of this blog more and more disingenuous every day. Double standards galore for favored pols, trying to deflect legitimate criticism of those favored pols and community leaders and an unwillingness to even consider that other people just might have it right or offer a more informed perspective.

    Blogs are relevant to politics, but the LV blogs are only relevant to those who care to read them any more. It has become the classic echo chamber form of media.

    And that's a crying shame.

  2. First, I make no apology for having a perspective, whether you find it disingenuous or not. I have a point of view and do not hide it, although I try to be fair. I have no training as a journalist, so I think that's the most honest way for me to write. If I were to try and feign objectivity, I'd fail.

    Second, while I have a point of view, I'm interested in the opinions of those who disagree with me, and have in fact changed my stance on some issues as a result of discussions here.

    Third, I'd like you to name any blog that's relevant to someone who does not read it. That does not even make sense. But all blogs, and even newspapers, tend to attract readers that agree with them more than those who disagree. The NYT and WSJ, both of whom hold themselves out as fairly objective, are regularly derided by those who disagree w/ their edittorial philosophies. The same is true for blogs like Daily KOZ and Michelle Malkin. A person interested in the truth would read both.

    I have a point of view but make an effort to be informative and lucid. I certainly am no echo chamber for anyone. But if that's how you feel, you should not waste your time here. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.

    It seems to me that you're just looking for an excuse to take a swipe.

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  4. "my sole reason to privatize the {Troll Parade} blog" -B.O.

    I'm dyin' to hear THIS one.

    Troll Parade now PRIVATE ...

    * to prevent people other than grieving family member TARGETS of O'Hare's torture from reading O'Hare's evil intent?

    * to prevent law enforcement from reading it?

    * to prevent The Morning Call from (finally) getting spooked w/ their linkage affiliations w/ O'Hare?

  5. "Trollvilla first heralded it {PRIVATE Troll Parade} as a victory for him (that's OK), but then simultaneously claimed that my sole reason to privatize the blog was so he'd be unable to defend himself. My mistake." -B.O.

    Yeah, I'd say. You got caught tying Villa's hands before you and your buddies started slugging him again behind NOW LOCKED doors. Like Villa was ever on your list to get a "key?" I kinda doubt it.

  6. Arthur Mercante should stop this fight, Villa's killin' O'Hare (virtually speaking, of course).

  7. I changed the settings to make the blog only available to me, not to me and those I choose to invite. But since you apparently desire it to remain public, you have your wish. You sure got me.

  8. What the Hell is all of this about? Have I just entered bizzaro world?

  9. 6:25

    You need serious mental help.

    You really do.

    There ARE people who can help.

    Personally, I hope you self-destruct. It appears as if your hate has you on the right path.

  10. Bernie,

    One cannot trust that the blogging public’s posts will be relevant to the subject at hand or respectful of basic norms of civility. A moderated site with established minimal standards is often a more informative read.

    Scott Armstrong

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  12. Boy that Villa guy sure is NUTZ ain't he? He makes NO sense at all! Ever! Not even once!

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  14. Scott raises a good point. Many local blogs have enabled moderation because of the anonymous personal attacks posted by Villa. Because the blogosphere has pretty much rejected his message of hate he's trying to destroy it. Moderation will eliminate the bullshit, but it also destroys the spontaneity. I think the best feature of this blog is not what I write, but how my readers react. So I don't really know what to do.

  15. Repetitive attack postings every day like "Ugly Truth about O'Hare' only produce desensitization on the part of the readers. You stop noticing them after the third or fourth day, much less stop reading them. Let him go to town.

  16. Hey Bern, did you know that Lehigh Valley somebody is the #1 rated most influential blog.......

    At the Allentown State Hospital?

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  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.