Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Is Northampton County Sheriff's Department Bloated?

Just how big is Northampton County Sheriff's Department?

Sheriff - 1

Chief Deputy Sheriff - 1

Executive Secretary - 1

Administrative Specialist - 1

Clerical Specialist -1

Clerical Technician - 1

Criminal Supervisor (Lt) - 1

Admin Supervisor (Lt) -1

Security Supervisor (Lt) - 1

Deputy Sheriff - Sergeant - 6

Deputy Sheriffs - 42

Part Time Deputy Sheriffs - 12

Part Time Court Security Officers - 2

Part Time Security Screening Officers - 5

That's 76 people. Northampton County poured $5.2 million into that department this year, which translates to $72 thousand per person. Of course, some of that money is spent on bullets and gas masks.


  1. A lot of wasted money. Whenever i see them at hearings they're all visiting each other like they have nothing to do and are bitching about everything like old women at a coffee clutch. you need the jaws of life to get some of them out of their chairs.

  2. Good for the County. Better to spend money on a top notch security force than one of Stoffa's hairbrained schemes like a Health Department or a Bethlehem Twp, prison for Atiyh.

  3. God Bless the brave Northampton County Sheriffs. God will damn hater ohare.

  4. You Go Bernie!!! Golly Gee can I get me one of those cushy gigs EVERY WORD you have said is true. Oh, Don't even Get me started.Hey, I got an idea why don't the sheriffs protect the people of the City. I am sure the police could use it.

    There are unfortunately a lot of things Mr. Stoffa gets blindsided with.........
    And Mr. ANONYMOUS You live in a house infested with ants and I am one of your constituents and you DO NOT WANT A BOARD OF HEALTH ... GET REAL .. The place should be condemned . It's all about who you know and obviously you know squat!!!

  5. The folks who know the truth and have put forth the truth are "censored" and "deleted" by the blog administrator. In ohares world oppossing viewpoints that don't kiss his ample ass are attacks. Meanwhile those who actually attack sheriffs by name are allowed to do it, hypocrite.

    So good for you ohare hate choir, you can hear yourselves since anyone else is dleted.

    God Bless the sheriffs for being there for us. Assclowns like Stoffa and his choir of criminals like Angle and ohare will eventually fade from the scene.

    We the people thank the Sheriffs Department. If you are on the ohare hate list, you must be doing a great job.

  6. Is this the same group who recently won an an arbritration award where 2 deputies must be assigned to each hospital shift for a prisoner ? for a total of 6 deputies per 24 hours...even though the in mate is shackled to the bed or in hand cuffs ? Do they expect the patient to walk away with a bed on his back ? And you want them to cover the entire county ? They would need 4000 deputies at this rate plus oodles of overtime. No thanks...they can`t handle what they have now !

  7. They won the arbitration and Stoffa lost, because Stoffa was wrong. The arbitration rightly saw that Stoffa was interefering in the proper functioning of a law enforcement agancy.

  8. I suspect Stoffa will pursue a reversal of that determination bc it is ridiculous to have 6 deputies babysit one inmate over 24 hours.

  9. As of now professional sheriffs-1, incompetent Stoffa -0.

    Facts, ohare, facts!

  10. hey, guys who can't be real cops deserve jobs too

  11. The sheriffs could actually bar ohare from the courthouse due to his unstable menatal condition and his past record. They let him in and are polite, not even doing a body search.

    He repays them by attacking them as he was instructed to by Stoffa.

  12. Try and ban me and watch what happens. That building belongs to the people, not you.

  13. Please don't ban him. He will file another one of his goofy lawsuits. Of course he will lose but it will cost real taxpayers thousands just to fight his nutty suit.

    He has already cost the County thousands over the years. of course since he doesn't pay taxes its not out of his pocket.


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