Local Government TV

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dent: Health Care Reform, Like All Good Things, Should Come in Small Packages

In an eloquent address to Congress tonight, President Obama noted that there's already a consensus on eighty per cent of health care reforms. Now, he wants to deliver on a gigantic, thousand plus page, bill that allows Americans to keep existing insurance plans while establishing an "insurance exchange" to deliver affordable insurance to those not already covered. His rationale? It's the right thing to do.

“That large-heartedness – that concern and regard for the plight of others – is not a partisan feeling. It is not a Republican or a Democratic feeling. It, too, is part of the American character. Our ability to stand in other people's shoes. A recognition that we are all in this together; that when fortune turns against one of us, others are there to lend a helping hand. A belief that in this country, hard work and responsibility should be rewarded by some measure of security and fair play; and an acknowledgement that sometimes government has to step in to help deliver on that promise.”

Ironically, that's pretty much the same sentiment expressed by Republican House members during a blogger conference call conducted this afternoon. Chief Deputy Republican Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL) and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) were the participants, and all agreed our system needs a major overhaul. But what Charlie Dent and others proposed is a series of small bills to enact reforms now where there are areas of agreement. "We already have a bipartisan consensus on patient-centered care over government-centered care. We agree to incentivize. We agree on prevention and wellness and on coverage for pre-existing illness."

Dent's Tuesday Group, a coalition of centrists who first gained notoriety for challenging former President Bush's handling of the war in Iraq, already has a package of individual health care reform bills that separately address regulatory relief, individual tax breaks, malpractice limits, pooling, preventive care and promoting efficiency by computerizing patient records.

These Congressmen return to D.C. amazed by how their constituents react to the single-payer health care solution. "I have never seen anything like this with the engagement of the American people," remarked Rep. Biggert. She also questioned the 27 nationwide speeches that President Obama has already given to sell his health care reforms. "If it was good, you would not have to spend so much time selling it."

Congressman Dent warned that if the single-payer health bill passes, it will cost jobs here in the Lehigh Valley. He pointed to a major burn center that will have to close its doors. In addition, Guardian Insurance has told him that dental premiums alone will force the elimination of between 300 and 500 jobs. "This is a very big issue. It's 17 or18% of our economy."

So will Obama listen to these concerns? Is his door truly open, as he has promised?

Stay tuned.


  1. He is so out of touch with the average person. I got three letters from him in one day all addressed to me with my last name spelled wrong all three times. Inside, among the many inaccuracies, he stated that Obama's plan would prevent me from choosing my own doctor. I've never chosen my own doctor. My insurance companies via my employer have and I've switched doctors every time I got a new job which is five times in the last ten years thanks to Bush's lousy economy. My medical records are lost. I don't know who has them and I can't even remember all the names of my last five doctors. Thanks, Charlie. Enjoy your privileged Congressional insurance that doesn't discriminate against pre-existing conditions and doesn't drop you when you get sick and is paid by the FEderal govt. As long as you're OK, then *&^% me.

  2. Ohare once again drinks the Dent juice and parrots this partisans' group jerk.

    The president is the only one who cares. Dentabotic is just regurgitating the Republican "protect the Insurance company" gruel he is instructed to do.

    More detail on the Gaurdian Insurance issue. An Insurance Compnay crying wolf over proposed healthcare reform, wow, didn't see that one coming.

    Of course in the ohare world any nonsense Dent spews is instant truth.

  3. When you have to resort to personal attacks to make your poits, you've already lost.

  4. The first two posters are dead on ohare. You are the one who is lost.

    Dent has his lifetime benefits and everyone else, tough crap.

  5. It's hard to take Charlie or any Washington politician seriously on the matter. Charlie has a Cadillac health plan and wouldn't dare extend it to the rest of us because its cost is sinful. Congressmen and women should not receive any health care benefits. They should be required to pay for their own plans.

  6. If you rob me at gunpoint, it's robbery, even if you use the money to pay for your sick mom's treatment.
    When the majority votes to take my money by force for nationalized healthcare, it's still robbery; there is no moral difference

  7. Charlie had his secretary personally hand type a letter to me yesterday (along with only a few 1,000 other of his closest friends).

    In it he stated that he has been "busy developing, with his colleagues, their own"...
    Medical Rights And Reform Act ".

    He also has a Facebook page "congressmandent".

    No word whether he chats in it however.

  8. THere's more to being a Congressman than giving out Walmart-bought certificates to dying veterans of the Spanish-American war. Dent's got to get in touch with real working people. He is out of touch, I agree.

  9. I see. Supporting reforms that include requiring insurance companies to accept people w/ re-existing conditions is out of touch. So is the encouragement of prevention programs or pooling arrangements. So is tax breaks for people w/oo insurance or attemption to replace all that paper w/ computerization. And how ridiculous is it for Dent to think people should be able to pick their own doctor.

    I guess what is really "in touch" is taking no position at all, which is wnat Callahan has done.

    Thanks for straightening me out, everyone.

  10. http://joewilsonisyourpreexistingcondition.com/

  11. Dent just parrots the Republican line. His failure to help people against the Health Insurance Compnies will cost him his seat.

    Next year be prepared for a mailer with Dent and Joe wilson's picture together as the voice of the Repubicn Party.

    He offers no real solutions only words.

  12. I see. And Callahan has run from this issue.


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