Local Government TV

Friday, September 18, 2009

Angle Predicts Northampton County Tax Hike

Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, waited until the end of last night's county council meeting before quietly predicting a tax hike next year. "My annual prediction is sliding between 11 1/2% and 13 1/2%. I'll let you know better in another week or two."


  1. In lieu of a double-digit tax increase, will Mr. Angle be proposing a commensurate spending cut as an alternative? Will taxpayers be told that the County cannot afford to reducing spending or enact cost-saving measures? In the midst of a longer than avg. recession (and yes folks, despite the talk, we're still in a recession), a percentage increase of >10% in taxes represents insult AND injury.

  2. DuHHH!

    For the past year it has been made clear by critics of this administration that after the election Stoffa will hit he County with a huge tax increase next year.

    Stoffa has pretended to be Mr. conservative eating out of the $60 million trough Reibman handed him. He also had the help of, "He is saving $10 million a year", uber apologist ohare. Facts are the County is broke.

    He is an incompetent lifetime bureaucrat who only knows how to spend tax money. Wait until the bill for his multi-million dollar Health Department comes due. Oh and his mult-million dollar prison, oh and his multi-million dollar parking deck.

  3. Obama says you need skin in the game so do not whine about taxes.

    In fact, EVERYONE will be getting hit with tax increases.

    On everything.

    Everyone, everything.

    Soon, be patient.

    Can't wait for Cap and Trade. Yay!!!

    Because Health Care Reform will be 'deficit-neutral'!!!

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  6. Any tax increase in these economic times is unconscionable. I thought Stoffa was fiscally responsible. Will Angle be voting to raise my taxes? I'll bet they float the double-digit idea and ultimately jam a 9% increase up our asses and tell us how great they are for saving us. They all need to go. Stoffa running unopposed is like giving car keys and liquor to a teenage boy. Get ready to pay NorCo taxpayers. We'll wish we got off as easy as the $186,000 parking spaces and luxurious council chambers - sans cameras.

  7. This is also the fault of Roy Shuman Northampton County Republican Chair. He made the Republican candidate for Executive quit the race and made Stoffa the defacto Republican candidate.

    So Shuman gave the GOP, the lifetime liberal bureaucrat Stoffa as our candidate. Republicans please remember that.

  8. Shuman's as Republican as Arlen Specter.

  9. Agree 6:23, that is why not one County Republican candidate wilkl get my vote. They are all in bed with liberal Stoffa and carry the Democrats water on County Council.

  10. The tax increase will be 9.45%.

  11. There isn't going to be any tax increase.


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