Local Government TV

Friday, August 21, 2009

Is Bi-County Health Bureau in the Morgue?

I'm beginning to think Lamont McClure is a fiscal conservative. At the end of last night's Northampton County Council meeting, Ron Angle had two suggestions on how to save money. He recommended dumping Gracedale, the county nursing home, and privatizing the county jail. McClure, while he disagreed with those two suggestions had a few of his own.

"The bi-county health bureau, let's not pretend we can afford that. The new treatment center, out in Bethlehem Township, that will be between 3 and 5 million dollars a year. Let's not pretend we can afford that going forward. I understand there is talk of creating a new organization within county government called a child advocacy center. I don't know that we'll be able to afford that. Let's focus on our core functions of government as opposed to continually expanding what our obligations are when we have no opportunity to fund them."

This, of course, was music to Ron Angle's ears, who revealed that two Lehigh County Commissioners have privately assured him . "I would like to add something to that. I detest gutless people, so I like Mr. McClure. He and I have been clear from square one about the health bureau. We didn't buy into it, we've been honest about it and said no, and took the beating from the public cuz' ya' said no. That's where we're at.

"I've gotta' tell you, I have talked to no less than two Lehigh County Commissioners, for obvious reasons I can't mention names, who both said to me they're not going to support this in the end, either. And I said to them, 'Why did you push this thing ahead?' They said because we don't want to make the public mad. So we are not prepared to pay millions of dollars for a health department in Lehigh County at this point in time because we're broke.

"This is what I mean about gutless people. You people who went along with this bi-county health agency - this la la land, pipe dream craziness - you didn't want to hurt the people in the audience.

"Stop to think a minute. I have set here and made it clear from square one. This will never pass and it won't. And you people setting here won't ever admit it, but you knew it would never pass either, but you went along to git along. The problem with all that is, is that you've got a group of people now meeting on that health board, who I think finally woke up by the way, because they talked to a few people now who have said honestly - behind the scenes they told 'em - it isn't going to fly.

"I will give anyone here who wants to bet me money five to one odds - I'll cover whatever you wanna' bet - there never will be a bi-county health agency.

"Now what have you people done? You've led some people to believe there was, you put a board together, ... and in the end you're going to shoot it down for the reasons Mr. McClure just said. We can't afford to do this."

I've posted a video of Angle's remarks above.


  1. Perhaps, instead of "God Bless Charles Dertinger", or whatever used to sprinkle commentary on this blog, we should instead be saying "God Bless Lamont McClure." I can't believe I just wrote that, but at least your quote from the last meeting is cause for an alleluia...even though some don't like to hear about the perpetual costs of the proposed health bureau or treatment center (aka, increased taxes)once implemented.

  2. I was told that at the meeting with Jerry Seyfried and Ron Heckman, Angle asked both if they had to vote today would they vote for a Health Department.

    Heckman who apparently worked on the bi-County negotiations for years and is a proponent of a Health Department said he could not in good conscience vote yes today because he believes the dollar figures are not correct and the cost will far exceed the projections. Apparently Heckman did add he has been out of the mix and Mr. Stoffa and the other advocates may have newer information he has not seen which would prove him wrong.

    Angle actually told Heckman he agreed with him. Strange political bedfellows all the way around.

  3. Think about it. What govt. official wants to give up anything? Why Harrisburg is still charging taxpayers a fee for the Johnson Flood! Bernie, it would be interesting to know how much taxpayer supported expense
    went into the Regional Health Bureau planning process to date.

  4. Gotta love Angle. I want every dime (including gas money) used for this dog and pony show refunded to taxpayers. It's no wonder government is despised and mistrusted.

  5. I might not agree with Angle on many issues but he makes a hell of a lot of sense here. Anyone who supports this health bureau is out of their minds!!Period. I understand neither McClure or McHale support this also. Cheers to them! Not only is it ridiculously expensive, even with State funds, but it will hurt Human Services. Any casino monies used for the health department will be monies that a badly depleted Human Service Department will not get. With State funding cutbacks Human Services will need every penny they can muster!!Period!!

  6. Anonymous 7:23

    Even Angle gets sane now and then. I'm glad he's fired up on this issue. He should be. The ironic thing here is that the guy he supported to take Niper's seat supports the health department. I guess it's not that big of an issue to him as he makes it out to be.

  7. Human services will ALWAYS need more money. Poor arguement for not moving ahead with health dept.

    If health dept costs the county more than 1/2 million a year, it should be shot down. However, 1/2mil to draw down 2-3 million of new money, create 40-50 new (non-gov't) jobs and improve health is a smart investment. 500k is 2 dollars per person per year.

    FYI- a Children's Advocacy Center does not cost the county money. It saves the county money by coordinating child abuse investigations and reduces the trauma on the hundreds of abused children in NC by making them go through one interview instead of 5-6. No new county positions, just better coordination between county agencies.

  8. "Angle actually told Heckman he agreed with him. Strange political bedfellows all the way around."

    Thia is baloney. Angle has consistently opposed the health department.

  9. " I understand neither McClure or McHale support this also. Cheers to them!"

    McHale has consistently supported the health department.

  10. " he supported to take Niper's seat supports the health department." He also supports Stoffa, who believes a bicounty health department is a good idea. How one comes down on issues is of very little importance so long as one first believes in open and transparent government. Everything else is bullshit.

  11. Anon 9:03, Good argument, so long as real estate tax revenue is not used. I believe Stoffa is eyeing the casino money to fund this. I'd also point out that the state is really throwing a monkey wrench into the ability of county leaders to do any planning.

  12. If you get rid of the jail, Gracedale and social services, what are the core responsibilites of county government that are left? The coroner's office? Let's get rid of all govt....fire dept., police, roads, highways, Medicare, VA....let's all live in caves.

  13. I'd agree. Those are all core county functions. And I don't believe in privatizing a government responsibility.

  14. I don't think we'd live in caves, but we'd live in our houses and everywhere we'd go there'd be retarded, paralyzed, ancient, mentally ill, deaf, blind, maimed, sick, drug addicted, alcoholic people living on the street begging.

    For 2000 years or more, people tithed. It was part of the Christian tradition to give ten percent of your salary to the church and most of that was used to take care of the poor and those that couldn't take care of themselves. The church did it, not the state like today. Now no one goes to church much less tithes, yet so many are gung-ho to end all social, rehab programs. The county has taken over what the churches used to do when people "believed." This thing of not taking care of anyone and just keeping as much of your money as you can is a new concept born and bred here in the US. God bless us. I don't think there are any Christians left, at least not in the US- unless the new concept of Christianity is to keep as much money as you can for yourself and detach yourself as much as you can from your community, live as far out in the country as possible with as high a wall as possible, get as fat as possible and watch Dancing with the Stars. Then we are very Christian.

  15. Yes, and many would rather not subsidize a poor man's sandwich for fear he'll hear a Christian sermon.

    Government is our new god. It's all the rage.

  16. How many times did I hear Wayne Grube call Gracedale the Crown Jewel of Northampton County, PRIVATIZE Gracedale, God Forbid. He had family there, I had grandparents there, clean and caring.

  17. This discussion has taken some interesting turns. I'd like to tie two of the points together- a regional health dept and the privitization of government services. In this case, we have (arguably) the best of both worlds. Since the health dept is regional (two counties), it must be set up as a "commission". This means neither county owns it, but has complete control over how much money goes into it. No growth in gov't, as all of the employees work for the health dept, not the counties. However, all budgetary decisions have to be approved by the two counties, so they determine the rate of growth and how much money each conuty contributes each year. The counties maintain control over budget, but don't have the headaches of another county department.

  18. Anon 12:54,

    i don't really consider a health board as the privatization of a government service. That remark was intended for Angle's suggestion that we privatize jails. I oppose entrusting that kind of obligation to a private entity whose goal is to maximize profit. I do not oppose privatization to some form of nonprofit that specializes in those services.

    Anon 12:42,

    Ron thinks Gracedale is a white elephant that has outlived its usefulness. Many of the services it offers can be obtained elsewhere. And he's probably right. Look at the large number of empty rooms. Are we to continue to maintain this bc it once housed your loved ones or mine? Does that even make sense?

  19. "That remark was intended for Angle's suggestion that we privatize jails. I oppose entrusting that kind of obligation to a private entity whose goal is to maximize profit"

    However, as reported in the Morning Call last month:

    "Atiyeh has said he is prepared to build a prison in the township...Atiyeh has said he has already talked to private groups that are interested in running the prison that he would build"

  20. Yes, but they will not be responsible for security. The county will have corrections officers at that facility. There will also be a treatment center and that's where that private entity comes into play. I believe it is a nonprofit, but am not certain.

  21. WOW, Heckman and Angle agree on a topic and you still slam the guy. Did he refuse to bend over for you.

  22. Glad to see someone has some sense when it comes to spending money in The Valley.

    What is the ultimate value for the dollars invested?

    To answer that question look at what we have in each county individually.

    Now imagine what you will get if they come together.

  23. "Government is our new god. It is all the rage."



    How is Cash for Clunkers going? I hear the paperwork is a nightmare and, therefore, dealers ARE NOT getting paid. Government bureaucracy at its finest!


    Ex- FHA and VA loan processor

    :) :) :) :)

    (Yes, I know what a HMDA form is and what it does)

  24. "WOW, Heckman and Angle agree on a topic and you still slam the guy."

    Didn't slam Heckman and don't think he ever said he opposes a bi-county health department. If he did, I'd have to hear that from him, and not some anonymous hack.

  25. Angle sort of looks like porky pig.

  26. You don't have to take the word of some anonymous hack. Just go back to the minutes of the meeting when council was voting on Niper's replacement. If they took it down correctly you would see that heckman thought the bicounty was a bad idea. Not only because it will drain human Service funds but I would guess that he is smart enough to realize , unlike others here, that once the state gets involved ( you know , the state of Pa. the one that's broke)they will eventually cut or remove state funding as they do in Human Services and leave the County paying for the Health department. Then what??Increased taxes. Less money for abused kids..Damn, Heckman and Angle are smart..And you are wrong on McHale too..She realizes that heckman, McClure and Angle are right on this issue.

  27. I did go back and look at the minutes of that meeting. Heckman stated he supports a health department, but now has questions. In factm, he said he'd allow it to proceed. McHale has NEVER publicly expressed opposition. She has always voted in favor if it. So is she gutless?

  28. How's this Bernie..I taked to her ..She said she doesn't support it. No she isn't gutless. She obviously looked at the facts and changed her mind. That makes her enlightened, not gutless.

  29. talked to her, srry..Can't spell..

  30. What facts exist now that didn't exist at the second meeting just a month or so ago? Why did she not open her mouth then? Why didn't seh open her mouth when Angle spoke? Or if Angle is not good enough, why not w/ McClure? Because she's gutless, willing to appear to be all things to all people until she sees which move is most politically expedient. You, an anon, talked to her? You, an anon who is afraid to identify yourself, are no judge of courage.

  31. Yeah, Identify yourself so ohare can report you to Falk and she will intimidate someone in to firing you.

    Sorry ohare you work for the enemy.

  32. Of course, I know the real gestapo in NC, and it's not Connie Sutton Falk. It is the people who keep hit lists of other workers they want out of the way. It is one employee who spends all his time spreading idle and malicious gossip, to the point where most courthouse workers can't abide him. It is some (not all or even most) deputy sheriffs who got very angry when Stoffa noticed they were weakening courthouse security by going out the wrong doors so they wouldn't half to walk as far as other workers to get to their cars, which are mostly illegally parked.

    Stoffa won't put up with your bullshit because he, unlike them, he recognizes he works for the taxpayer.

  33. You are correct. Angle is a taxpayer.


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