Local Government TV

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Allentown City Council: Public Needs More Time For Cedar Park Plans

A few short days ago, former Lehigh County Democratic treasurer Jacob Oberholtzer was urging us all to just trust the "pros" in King Edwin's administration. But last night, during a packed and lengthy Allentown City Council meeting, we learned that all the King's Horses and all the King's Men have been misleading us. What they've been circulating as their master plan of renovations at Cedar Beach, and what they actually intend to do, are two different things. It's pretty clear nobody has a frickin' idea what the hell is going on at Cedar Beach. If you think you know, you're wrong.

At least seventy people, most opposed to different aspects of the Cedar Park plan, were on hand. So were a dozen uniformed boy scouts from Troop 29 in Cetronia, who were obviously being punished for some reason. Seated in front of these scouts was Park Director Greg Weitzel, accompanied by his two grade school daughters.

He's the only person who actually followed First Lady Pawlowski's instructions to bring little kids because they "play well for any media that would be there." Lady P also ordered her minions to bring signs, but the only one I saw was one opposed to the megaplayground. Council Prez Mike D'Amore ordered it removed.

At first, it was unclear whether the public would even be allowed to speak on this item. D'Amore refused all public comment during "courtesy of the floor" because Cedar Beach was an agenda item. He said it would be discussed under Communications. So we all got to listen to some dude talk about pigeon shit from one of his neighbors, who must be Big Bird.

Once courtesy of the floor was over, D'Amore and Donovan suddenly suggested that the Cedar Beach item be referred to a committee of the whole on August 13. That way, King Edwin, currently on holiday with Lady P, could explain things to the unwashed masses. But that would also remove Cedar Beach from the agenda, and with it, the public's right to speak.

Council member Jeanette Eichenwald was having none of that, and forcefully demanded that courtesy of the floor be re-opened. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that the good citizens who are here have an opportunity to speak this evening."

She did, too. Everyone on council ended up agreeing with her. She is a forceful and persuasive advocate of public participation. Thanks to jeanette and an open-minded council, around twenty-five people did speak. The mother of an autistic and retarded child spoke eloquently about a specially designed playground, and no one disagreed with her. But most of the talkers last night oppose different aspects of the Cedar Park plan. For some, it's runoff. For others, it's the destruction of part of the passive features of the park. Interestingly, as citizens lined up behind the podium, Greg Weitzel left the bilding, arrogantly demonstrating how he really feels about citizen input.

Joanne Graves, one of last night's procession of orators, is the person who discovered we've been misled. She learned just today that the plan made available to the public is different from the plan city officials are using. That's some other plan, which is kept undr lock and key. City council members then acknowledged that these new plans are only being submitted to them now.

Here's some of what Graves, who I videotaped, had to say.

"I had a chance to meet with Mr. Weitzel today, for a couple of hours, and I did see the 'new' plan. It still has its issues, that's true. But the misrepresentation actually came from the people who are ... and that's the park and recreation and administration. That's what is out there, that's what was posted, big-time, at Mayfair, and that's what you see, coming across your desks, at this point. It's very, very unfortunate that this miscommunication came about, not from the good people of Allentown. The information that was to the paper, for a 567-person park, they claim that that's not going to happen and the administration has called and said, 'Where did that information come from?'"

"I have the minutes of the Rose Garden in May, and Mr. Weitzel himself gave the information to the public at that point, no matter what was said. So this 'destination park' has been over-exaggerated, that is true, but still all the wiz bangs are in place that make it kind of a nuisance.

"It's not the little park that was on the map for the west part of the park. That little park is in a flood zone and it was flooded this past weekend. There is no way anything on that park could be manageable for the children to play in. They love to play in the water, that's true, but the playground would be floating away. So that just can't happen anyway. So it's going to be moved over. Today, he said it was going to be 19,000 square feet.

"I think the problem really is administration and parks and recreation have given improper information to the public. So I seek the guidance of council to really find what is the true scoop and then, to follow the money."

Freida Camber (sp?), who followed Joanne, noted that neither Pawlowski nor Weitzel attended the first council meeting in which they expressed their concerns. At a second meeting, "It was noted, by a lot of people, that the mayor was here, but did not choose to enter. Mr. Weitzel wasn't here. This week, they are not present. ... The mayor called me, 9 o'clock at night, to urge us to recognize how misguided our information was, and asked me if I could meet with Mr. Weitzel. I did that with Joanne today for two hours. I think it is somewhat subject to misinterpretation to say we saw the plan. We did not see the plan. Mr. Weitzell had it on his computer, would not give us a copy, would not give us a copy of any of the information that he claimed to be relying on, the court case involving the Trexler Trust. So we came away, knowledgeable about two things. One was that this plan essentially is working very well in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, and is being contracted by Lewisburg Contractors. Secondly, what we have all been looking at and spending a lot of money to copy, is not the 'final' plan, but something in limbo land.

"The Mayor told me the council has approved this plan, whatever that might be, five separate times."

Audience member: "He's a liar."

Amazingly, one woman who was never was notified about this master plan was surprised to learn that it shows a walkway across her property. One of her neighbors noticed a similar encroachment on his property.

At this point, Council members were just shaking their heads. Michael Donovan noted he had only been provided with a revised plan the previous day. Mike D'Amore indicated that Council had told Pawlowski to scale back the plans and to make all parks handicapped-accessible. Julio Guridy said administration officials told him "people will be surprised" when they see Powlowski's latest power point on August 13. But if people were being provided with the facts, why would there be any surprises?

Council took three steps last night. First, they unanimously adopted a nonbinding resolution requesting that construction be delayed until there's a new plan that accommodates all interests. Second, they will meet as a committee of the whole on August 13, and both the Mayor and Greg Weitzel have agreed to make a presentation. Third, a Donovan-sponsored ordinance, which requires city council approval for any significant changes to city parks, was introduced.

Most people left as soon as the Cedar Park discussion had concluded, but Donovan mentioned something later that night that is far more troubling than Cedar Beach. He has concerns about another plan - the one from a "blue ribbon panel" that will solve Allentown's fiscal woes for the next thousand years. He believes the deficit may actually be larger than projected.

What we have here is a failure to communicate, Pawlowski's biggest flaw as mayor.


  1. How can we move forward with a plan that no one has seen? Yes, Council was presented with a "new" plan this week, but when I was commenting about this last night President Mike D'Amore acknowledged that they do not have the details and knew none of the legacy costs or could answer any other such questions I had. I think all they have is an artist rendering, and they start building it in two weeks? That is simply asstounding! (I know I misspelled Astounding, I thought it was somehow fitting so I did not correct it).

    It seems apparent to me that Council needs to more significantly use the power of the purse to force accountability on this and many other issues. If they can't pull this one back as they have approved the funding already, pick a line item from parks and indicate that they will defund it in the next budget in the amount in question unless the Administration answers the questions and permits changes to the plans based on public input.

    How in the Hell can we have a plan that would begin implementation in two weeks but the details are not public?

    I liked the comment made several times by other citizens to use the grant monies to upgrade existing playground equipment to make all of it handicapped accessible.

  2. Bernie,

    Jake is no longer the Treasurer for the Lehigh County Democratic Committee.

  3. Bernie,
    What about Right to Know law?

  4. Imagine council not even having a park plan and Weitzel refuses citizens' the right to see his plan?

  5. What about the park plans to use private property encroachment. Tell us more.

  6. Its just a conceptual plan to create a walking route up 31st St and east over to to Trexler Park.

    The consults threw it in there to cover the idea of connecting the parks but city will not move forward with it. They recognize it is not a good idea because of the big hill regardless of right of way issues.

  7. Bill said...
    How can we move forward with a plan that no one has seen? Yes, Council was presented with a "new" plan this week, but when I was commenting about this last night President Mike D'Amore acknowledged that they do not have the details and knew none of the legacy costs or could answer any other such questions I had. I think all they have is an artist rendering, and they start building it in two weeks? That is simply asstounding! (I know I misspelled Astounding, I thought it was somehow fitting so I did not correct it).

    It took guts for council to admit it didn't know what was happening. Wonder if Weitzel would also refuse them copies of new plan?

  8. "Interestingly, as citizens lined up behind the podium, Greg Weitzel left the bilding, arrogantly demonstrating how he really feels about citizen input."

    WoW! WHY DID HE EVEN SHOW UP???? Why did Weitzel take a job in the public sector if he's not interested in dealing with the public??? I found this astonishing.

    Of course, it is very asstounding that construction was set to begin in 2 weeks with no master plan. Either there is no plan (which wouldn't surprise me) OR Weitzel is HIDING the plan. What's the deal?

  9. It is amazing what a stir this is causing by citizens who have had their heads up their _ _ _ _ s for the past year. All Allentown property owners received a very nicely illustrated city guide last year that provided details about the Cedar Ceach Parkway plan. Guess none of the nay-sayers read it. Now that the construction equipment is on site the anti-Pawlowski mob has awakened to cry "foul"! This plan was discussed at Council on several occasions at typical council meetings when only three citizens and a few crickets show up. Where were the opponenets of the plan then? Greg Weitzell is a good man trying to improve the deteriorated state of the Cedar Beach facilities. I am proud of my city's park system and fully support this intiative.

  10. Anon 9:06 - I am assuming that you weren't there last night when it was made clear that even City Council doesn't know what's going on. Even if residents had showed up at earlier meetings, it is clear that they (like council) would not have had truthful information from which they could draw a conclusion.

  11. Bernie -

    I was at the meeting last night and I heard Frayda mention the Lewisburg aspect of the plan (as mentioned in your post).

    This intrigued me, since I believe Weitzel's last stop (and possibly hometown) was Lewisburg.

    This connection might be worth pursuing. I would love for city council to investigate (and make public) whether all the contracts were properly bid.

  12. To Anonymous 9:40 AM,

    That indeed should be the process. Unfortunately, last year, the citizens approved a ballot question to remove the verbiage of contract bids from the Home Rule Charter that says how the city must accept the "lowest responsible bidder". I believe the residents either didn't fully understand what they were voting on or because they were told this would save the taxpayers money. Both of that is alot of BS. All this did was to allow Pawlowski to openly award those who actively take part in his "pay to play" scheme. City Council was foolish to ever let the administration move forth with that ballot question. They actually complain now that there is no transparency. Well, yeah...Problem is people don't learn to think like the manipulative schemer that Pawlowski is.

    Kim Beitler

  13. Move over Maples. Good Grief Ms. Beitler.
    You may have hit the nail on the head!
    Lewisburg-bound, all aboard.
    Who are the bidders? Where are their headquarters. Who owns the bulldozer that just tore up the Rose Garden? Who decided on the park designers? Out-of-towners.

  14. Kim -

    Good point. Still, I don't think that it removed the requirement that contracts be put out for bid.

    It would still be worth seeing if there was ANY bidding, if the bids accepted were the lowest, and (if they weren't the lowest bid) what contemporaneous documentation is in the file to justify accepting something other that the lowest bid.

  15. "All Allentown property owners received a very nicely illustrated city guide last year that provided details about the Cedar Ceach Parkway plan."

    And if you can read, you'll realize those details are all wrong. The city would have done you a bigger favor had it sent you something you could actually rely on.

  16. "Jake is no longer the Treasurer for the Lehigh County Democratic Committee."

    Yes, I referred to him as the former treasurer.

  17. "What about Right to Know law? "

    Weitzell would have to disclose the plan.

  18. "Anonymous said...
    It is amazing what a stir this is causing by citizens who have had their heads up their _ _ _ _ s for the past year. All Allentown property owners received a very nicely illustrated city guide last year that provided details about the Cedar Ceach Parkway plan. Guess none of the nay-sayers read it. Now that the construction equipment is on site the anti-Pawlowski mob has awakened to cry "foul"! This plan was discussed at Council on several occasions at typical council meetings when only three citizens and a few crickets show up. Where were the opponenets of the plan then? Greg Weitzell is a good man trying to improve the deteriorated state of the Cedar Beach facilities. I am proud of my city's park system and fully support this intiative.
    9:06 AM"

    Council clearly stated last evening the plan they thought
    is not the plan to be. Weitzel's hiding that plan, according to several residents who recently visited him in his office.

  19. "What about the park plans to use private property encroachment. Tell us more"

    I can't do that bc I have no idea what they actually do plan to do. That was pretty m,uch the point last night. Everyone, including council, has been kept in the dark.

  20. Anonymous said... .. You may have hit the nail on the head! Lewisburg-bound, all aboard. Who are the bidders? Where are their headquarters. Who owns the bulldozer that just tore up the Rose Garden? Who decided on the park designers? Out-of-towners

    Well according to this article, Lewisburg's Park: "Playworld Systems ,"is a recreation equipment company headquartered in Lewisburg, took notice, and the two soon began making plans for a world-class park unlike any other"..... "Playworld Systems helped make the project a reality by donating roughly $500,000 in equipment, as well as money to help repair roofs and fix drainage problems at the park."

    Couple that with this information, on the "Cedar Creek Parkway Renovations " And you will see "Playworld Systems" will be the same supplier here as it was in Lewisburg's $2.2 million park as well.

    I don't know if that makes it a conspiracy however.

  21. "Its just a conceptual plan to create a walking route up 31st St and east over to to Trexler Park.

    Yeah, that was mentioned last night and council members soon realized they were wrong. It is part of one of Weitzell's goofy plans, and he was too arrogant to remain to answer this woman's concerns.

  22. Bernie -

    Council appeared concerned last night but was unwilling to take the steps to make the resolution binding on the Administration. We'll see if they have a different tune once Pawlowski returns from vacation. They may have gotten off his leash while he's been gone.

  23. If it's of any interest.. I could find nothing negative what-so-ever concerning Lewisburg's destination park, nor Playworld Systems.

    So I don't think one should be cynical in regards to that project nor 'Playground Systems'.

  24. I see Andrew Kleiner's dad posted on Lisa Pawloski's "Yes, we need a big playground at Cedar Beach Park (handicap access)!" yesterday saying..
    "in a sad attempt to stop the Cedar Beach project insisting they want more time for their input. ?!@%&*&%$ They were apparently too busy in their grass-roots efforts concentrating on the St. Elmo/A. Atiyeh thing to pay attention to anything else so they are running to catch the train, exept it has ALREADY left the depot... Again, sadly, they believe there was insufficient notice of the Cedar Beach project and several of their members are already opposed to it even though I am sure they know little about it in its entirety"

    Well he's right about one thing.. "I am sure they know little about it in its entirety

  25. Anon 10:51,

    Council's resolution is nonbinding, to be sure. I understand the argument for stronger action, which even could include an emergenc ordinance, but think they adopted the right approach.

    They are primarily a legislative body. Their powers are limited. I do not think, as a rule, the legislative body has nay right to interfere with the inner workings of an administration. That's micro management.

    On the other had, it cannot sid idly by when it is very apparent that the admin has actively misled the public and has acted contrary to the guidelines council set forth themselves.

    According to D'Amore, they told the mayor to scale things back and also told him all parks should be handicapped accessible. Now it appears that the plans being executed are not the plans disclosed to them or the public.

    It is a failure to communicate. Donovan blames the park committee, headed by Phillips, for that. I blame the administration for actively misleading everyone and refusing to provide copies of its most current plan to the people who would be most affected. I blame a parks director who walked out on the people who pay his salary. he apparently does not realize he works for them and should have been present for the woman who was worried abnout a city encroachment on her property. His failure to be there was an insult to the very people who employ him.

    Pawlowski is similarly obnoxious, telling people they don't know what they're talking about while simultaneously refusing to supply accurate information. Like Weitzell, he also refuses to be accountable.

    Council expressed its sentiments, but took no suidden actions. I think they handled the situation correctly. Between now and 8/13, Pawlowski's minions will be workig feverishly to scale everything back, and then on 8/13, Pawlwoski will ask why everyone is so upset.

  26. To Anonymous 10:27AM,
    Thank you for making me read the charter again. I have included below, for those die hard people who value our city's constitution, what our Charter reads and what was removed. You read through and assess for yourself.

    For Anonymous 10:10AM,
    I wasn't necessarily saying that a scheme existed in this case. I was saying transparency and open government have seemingly taken a back seat by the passage of this ballot question. Sorry, but the only blind faith I have in anyone is God for everyone else words are just words. Actions speak volumes.

    I tried to cut and paste but too many characters were included in my post. Please copy and paste this link in your browser if you're interested in the HOME RULE CHARTER 815 BIDDING PROCESS

    Kim Beitler

  27. Sorry still didn't paste correctly. If you are unsuccessful go to www.allentownpa.gov and look under government link - you'll find the home rule charter there.

    Kim Beitler

  28. All of the stater's home rule charters can also be examined at www.pacode.com . Allentown's is under the Lehigh County chapter.

  29. Bernie -

    I appreciate Council’s concern for process and am happy that there will be a public meeting on the subject on the 13th.

    However it is painfully clear that as of today nobody – including City Council – has been given sufficient details on the Cedar Creek Plan. It is also obvious that the “process” of public meetings, input, and review on the Cedar Creek Plan has not been sufficient.

    Although I was present at last night’s council meeting, I will not be able to attend the meeting on the 13th due to a prior commitment. I am sure I am not alone. Even if I were able to attend, there will surely be additional questions raised and items that need to be researched before they can be adequately addressed. More than one meeting will clearly be needed.

    We learned last night that the administration will now be making the (first) presentation of the (new) final plan on the 13th. Since this is the first time that the public will see the final plans (hopefully this time with sufficient details on legacy costs such as maintenance and security, actual equipment being installed, etc.), I would urge council to develop a new public hearing schedule starting from scratch.

    Contrary to today’s headline, the administration has shown no willingness to delay what they want to do. It is my understanding that no work at the playground was scheduled to begin until the 20th anyway, and nothing has been said about the work on other aspects of the plan. If construction and excavation starts before there is adequate public input, opponents will be put at an unfair disadvantage.

    Also, while the number of residents signing the petition might have been relatively small, it is important to note that they are not asking that the project be scrapped. They are only asking that the project be put on hold until there is sufficient public input and council scrutiny. By using the emergency provisions granted to them, City Council could temporarily stop work on the project and would have real control of the process. Council could then restart the project when it feels that adequate input, scrutiny and review have occurred.

    I’ll be kind at this point and only say that it is clear that the Administration has been less than honest with the public. For now, I will give council the benefit of the doubt that they were also kept in the dark. But unless council is willing to put teeth to the resolution, my skepticism about council’s commitment to real public input on the plan will continue to grow.

  30. I agree with every point you made. The problem with adding the teeth to a resolution is whether it is legal. MM, on his blog, says council should just adopt something, even an emergency ordinance, and let Pawlowski sue them. Well, it's not that easy. They can do that and Pawlowski can thumb his nose at them and just drive on. At that point, council would have to seek injuctive relief themselves and would look very much like a bullying, over-reaching body with little regard for process. I'm also not saying council should just roll over, and they certainly did not do that last night. They took a middle road, but whether they ultimately succeeed in stopping Pawlowski is very much an open question. If he does stop, I think it will only be because he thinks it will cost him too many votes.

  31. Bernie -

    I hear this park being referred to as "handicapped-accessible", while some at the meeting last night referred to it as a "handicapped playground" that their child would be able to use. I think I also heard one lady mention that her 20 year old MR son would love a playground like this.

    Are there special attractions within the playground that will make it funtional for children with certain handicaps? If so, which handicaps is the equipment geared to? Will there be age restrictions (as most playgrounds have), no matter if your child is handicapped or not?

    It seems many assume this park will be everything for everybody. I feel for the parents of children with any handicap, but I wonder if the accessibility aspect of the playground is being intentionally oversold to the handicapped community.

  32. The best time to get that question answerd is on 8/13 when Weitzell and Pawlowski will be at council.

    What I've read is that the playground will be handicapped-accessible and will have rubberized mats for kids in wheelchairs. I am unaware of any specific equipment for kids w/ disabilities.

    To be honest, none of us really know what is going on.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. ironpigpen said... Democrats in fine form as usual...Democrats are such a joy to share the planet with"

    So your saying only Republicans were at this meeting? I repeated this many times and I will again... by you excluding whom you deem to be liberals you lose a large portion of those who share the some of same views on certain issues. The world is not B&W. This kind of talk drives people away from the conservative party. How's that working?

    I've seen your arguments contrary to what I just said, but the facts remain people have many views contrary to their own party's line. I don't listen to everything my wife says, do you? Lord knows she doesn't listen to me either... and that's a good thing!

  36. Oops sorry Bernie i was responding as you were removing :)

  37. is IronPigPen affiliated with the Iron Pigs or the Pig Pen entertainment complex? If he is affiliated with either, I will not spend another penny at either location.

  38. He's unaffiliated and his sports blog is very informative. I don't know what has gotten into him.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. LVCI,

    You got the point.

    Mission accomplished.

    Have a pleasant day.


  41. ANON 2:10

    we stop our blog today

    by your order

    no kidding

    you can have a nice day too

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. bernie, in regard to your comment 11:59. consider the following. council has publicly admitted they only saw the plans at the last moment before voting on several occasions. this violates the 14 day due diligence clause of the charter. furthermore, although they approved apples, the administration has substituted pears. i believe based on these discrepancies, they could and should have asserted themselves with a cease and desist

  44. Once again Allentown City Council does a "mea culpa" and ruffles their feathers after the cow is out of the barn. During the Afflerbach years it was his insane mismanagement of the budget and obscene pension deals. Now it is Pawlowski's insideous playground "bait and switch". Get real people! This wasn't an issue for the past year. If Council went along with it, it was because a) they liked what they saw and gave it their full support, b) weren't paying attention or c) were derilect in their duties. Whether or not they were deceived by King Edwin isn't the point. I still support this initiative. But it will likely be delayed or derailed due to a vocal minority with convoluted arguments against it. "We're just livin' here in Allentown..."

  45. "Whether or not they were deceived by King Edwin isn't the point."

    I disagree. That is very much the point. Pawlowsk's communication skills are his greatest weakness. Council members are more than willing to accept responsibility for not looking at this more closely, but it is very clear they were misled. It may not have been intentional, but they were misled.

  46. Anonymous is so proud of the administration that he/she wouldn't use their name.

    Scott Armstrong

    Anonymous said...
    It is amazing what a stir this is causing by citizens who have had their heads up their _ _ _ _ s for the past year. All Allentown property owners received a very nicely illustrated city guide last year that provided details about the Cedar Ceach Parkway plan. Guess none of the nay-sayers read it. Now that the construction equipment is on site the anti-Pawlowski mob has awakened to cry "foul"! This plan was discussed at Council on several occasions at typical council meetings when only three citizens and a few crickets show up. Where were the opponenets of the plan then? Greg Weitzell is a good man trying to improve the deteriorated state of the Cedar Beach facilities. I am proud of my city's park system and fully support this intiative.

    9:06 AM

  47. See below an all too typical example of informed insight responsed to with insult.
    Scott Armstrong

    Anonymous said...
    Move over Maples. Good Grief Ms. Beitler.
    You may have hit the nail on the head!
    Lewisburg-bound, all aboard.
    Who are the bidders? Where are their headquarters. Who owns the bulldozer that just tore up the Rose Garden? Who decided on the park designers? Out-of-towners.

    10:10 AM

  48. This is much ado about nothing. Weitzel is a good man. It would be better if you could keep the character assassinations off of your blog, Bernie.

  49. Any public servant who arrogantly walks out of a public meeting rather than listen to what the people have to say, does not deserve his job. They've laid off the wrong people in A-town.

  50. Is that your anger speaking because you don't have a job and frankly are unemployable.

  51. I'm very surprsied to learn I have no job.

    If anyone sounds angry, it's you. Let me reiterate, the wrong people have been laid off in A-town. There is no excuse for the poor way in which Weitzel has mishandled this matter, and his disdain for the public warrants his removal.

  52. Bernie -

    MM's 3:09pm comment got me thinking.

    Why is council so concerned about "process" regarding citizen input yet so uncaring about "process" when they approve plans without having the plan in hand for the required 14 days?

    It would seem to me if council were honest they would declare their original approval improper.

  53. That's a very valid point, and one I had not considered.

  54. Why did you delete my point last night at 5:00 PM clearly indicating neither my brother nor I have anything to do with either the IRONPIGS BASEBALL CLUB or PIG PEN ENTERPRISES?

    I believe that is important - anyone wishing to employ economic tactics wishing to hurt me should direct them to the right place - ME.

    I even left out mockery of ANON 2:10 this time. How much more diplomatic does it get?

    So, hopefully, all boycott tactics will be directed to proper target.

    Should I leave my employer's phone number so somebody can call up and get me fired?


  55. Pig Pen,

    OT and insulting comments will not be permitted. Confine your comments to Cedar Beach. Your decision to discontinue your blog is irrelevant to that discussion.

  56. If one thinks the homeowners living near the park shouldn't have a say in what becomes of their neighborhood park take a look at the Lehigh County website assessment search records .

    I did a few samplings combining the total yearly County, City & school taxes they pay...amazing!
    28th Street
    College Heights (28 hundred block)

    Yeah I know, they only get one vote like everybody else but... If you drive this tax base out of Allentown will these properties too become rentals of the future!

    It's quite clear they're carrying a major portion of the load for the rest of the city.

    Take note many of the last names. Diversity


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.