Local Government TV

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wayne Grube Memorial Park Forgotten by Norco Council

In times past, a public construction project was always accompanied by at least one or two human sacrifices, just for good luck. Today, all the grand poobahs still assemble near the construction site, but they've stopped killing people, unless they start giving speeches. Now it's just some back-slapping and a dip of some ceremonial shovel into some clump of ceremonial dirt. It's called groundbreaking and there's usually a news account to show where our tax dollars are going.

Construction at Wayne A. Grube Memorial Park, located in Weaversville, began this Spring. But the poobahs forgot all about the official groundbreaking until Wednesday. Actually, Northampton County Exec wanted to do that in May, but all the other poobahs complained they were unable to make it and he was doing it too close to an election and blah, blah, blah.

So Stoffa waited. The election's over. Nobody can accuse him of playing politics if he conducts a groundbreaking now. Amazingly, most of the little poobahs never came. Tuesday's ceremonial groundbreaking included Patti Grube, widow of the man who fought for that park over 14 years. In addition to Stoffa, Council members Ron Angle, Peg Ferraro and Joe Joe Capozzolo were on hand.

Six council members never showed. Some undoubtedly had valid reasons. Maybe the rest were afraid of becoming human sacrifices, but their absence was an insult to Patti Grube and the memory of her husband.

Phot Credit: WFMZ.


  1. That's a real shame that they all didn't go, especial the COuncil Prez. It's not exactly the kind of ceremony that happens every day.

  2. Angle is an insult to Patti Grube and how he played her for political gain after Waynes death.

  3. Anonymous 3:16

  4. My mistake I clicked on this story because of the picture. I thought Norco found a place for Michael Jackson up there in Weaversville. What with the umbrellas and black clothes and all.

  5. I thought they found Jimmy Hoffa.

  6. The LongDems have nothing politically to gain anymore since Ann lost. Why would they go? But doesn't Dertinger always scream about being the Open Space mascot even though he never did anything for open space? Where was he to steal the limelight from Patti? I'm surprised.

  7. Some pols could learn from the example of Julie Harhart who will appear at the opening of a can of tuna if asked. People make fun of her for it until it's their event and then they really appreciate it.

  8. Its good to see Joe Joe was there there

  9. I ride my bicycle through this park on weekends when no one is around and I just can not believe how they are building it. The placement of the tunnel just seems like poor planing and wasteful. Then there is the landscaping. This is costing the Me/us tax payers $$$$$$$. Plus how long does it take to build a park? No one can use it and it's been under construction
    for ever.


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