Local Government TV

Friday, July 17, 2009

Silence of the Lambs

Boy, those LongDems sure are quiet this week. By Friday, I've expect to have read that I'm a drunken disbarred lawyer at least seven hundred times. This week, it's only been about fifty or sixty times, and those are mostly ex-clients.

It's amazing how a little thing like a statewide grand jury can shut them up.


  1. They've been a little busy this week doing laundry after ****ing in their pants so much because of Severson.

  2. I think they're hiking the Appalacian Trail but I also heard they might be in Argentina.

  3. OK, OK..You are a drunken disbarred attorney. Now shut-up and go to bed!

  4. I was in the hospital from July 4th to July 8th. Please tell me what happened. What did I miss?

  5. Corruption never takes a vacation. They're working on their next diabolical scheme to continue losing control of their own party. Carry on my wayward sons (and Ann).

  6. Your posts the past few days have been very informative and important.

    I, too, noticed the "silence".

    Sadly, I also noticed the relative "silence" of the Morning Call (one bare bones article the day after the Express'). The Express did have one good article. However, this media "silence", in the midst of summer vacations, etc....I am sure there are those behind closed doors that are thinking that if they keep silent, "this too shall pass." It is too often true that for the American voter, ignorance is a happy bliss.

    Keep up with your reports, and hopefully when the trial happens, the MSM and public will pay attention.

  7. not so casual observerJuly 17, 2009 at 9:17 AM

    All I hear is the hum of papershredders

  8. If they had trouble finding Allentown for the Lanta and bi-county health commission meetings, I can only imagine the confusion and disorientation of driving to the exotic and foreign land of Montgomery County. They're quiet because they're so busy with with compasses, GPS Systems and Indian guides.

  9. I think it's very sad that the Call isn't covering this. I think if the Call focused more on local news they might have a chance of surviving. Instead, they're covering a woman in Macungie who sees the image of the Virgin Mary on a rock she found in a creek.

  10. I can hear them from here, "WHO, ME?"

  11. Anon 10:45 AM,

    And what's wrong with that?

    Peace, ~~Alex

  12. It has been a while since someone has written "God save/preserve/bless/sanctify Charles Dertinger."

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. "It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt."

  15. Outhouse, you have removed all doubt.

  16. Funny, I was expecting that come back, but at least it proved you guys were reading LVR, if silently.

  17. Outhouse is clairvoyant or just a bullshiter. We all need to ponder that.

  18. The July meeting of the LV Clairvoyants Society has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances.

  19. God help Charles Dertinger.

  20. Outhouse is not aware of what town he is in much less the future. Probably just another o'Hare persona or an Angleite.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. The Clairvoyant Society's meeting was rescheduled due to the following notice from the Attorney General's office:

    "Severson will be prosecuted in Dauphin County by Senior Deputy Attorney General E. Marc Costanzo of the Attorney General's Public Corruption Unit.

    Severson is charged with 12 third-degree felony counts of tampering with public records or information; 12 second-degree misdemeanor counts of false swearing, 12 third-degree misdemeanor counts of false swearing, 12 second-degree misdemeanor counts of unsworn falsification to authorities and five third-degree felony counts of criminal conspiracy. He is also charged with one misdemeanor count of violation of the Election Code related to the Monahan negative campaign mailings and one misdemeanor count of violation of the Election Code related to reporting by candidate and political committees and other persons for the John Doe report."

    However, after the meeting commenced we decided that the writing was on the wall, so we adjourned.

  23. Maybe it's a Severson plot. Think of all the smear campaigning he can do after all these politicians get indicted because of him? What came first? The chicken or the egg? Money, money, money....

  24. Maybe it's a Severson plot. Think of all the smear campaigning he can do after all these politicians get indicted because of him? What came first? The chicken or the egg? Money, money, money....

  25. ok Bernie
    are you a "drunken disbarred lawyer"?
    inquiring minds just want to know

  26. Keep up the good work

  27. Thanks for keeping us informed


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