Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Lou Hershman Will Refuse Allentown City Council Salary

Allentown City Council candidate Lou Hershman will accept no salary if elected to Allentown City Council. Here's a statement he released today.

"In light of the city's current budget deficit and bleak financial picture, I pledge to the taxpayers of Allentown that if I am elected as your city councilman, I will take no salary for the duration of my term in office.

"Tough times take leadership and sacrifice, even by elected officials. Elected officials cannot ask city employees to make sacrifices and taxpayers to pay more taxes, if they themselves will not make sacrifices."


  1. In spite of my disagreement with him on several issues, this is the type of leadeship we need at city hall. Way to go louie!

    what sayeth Hizzoner who is due a $30000 pay raise??

  2. I would suspect that he cannot refuse the salary. Checks would be written to him irregardless.

    However he could do whatever he pleased with his pay. I suppose he could simply not cash the checks, but perhaps a better idea is to monetarily sponsor organizations/projects that will be needed to make up the gap for upcoming inevitable loss of city workers/services.

  3. he will refuse it b/c he won't get elected. it's easy to speak with such nobility when reality allows for it.

  4. Seems like a noble statement, but then I remember the phrase "you get what you pay for."

  5. I believe Mr. Hershman may question Mr.Pawlowski's wheeling and dealings but the City Council will stand behind the mayor.I still have problems with Mr.Hershman's knowledge of the A.P.D. pension

  6. If you have problems with Hershman's knowledge of the APD pension, you should really have problems w/ Pawlowski. After all, it was pawlowski who conned hershman into supporting it, based on misrepresentations. Hershman has already stated this and has asked Pawlowski and his anonymous robo call boy, Rpb Hopkins, to debate the topic. Mr. Power Point does not want to do that.

  7. Lou Hershman is the only Councilor that will raise an issue and stick with it. The rest bring up issues and then let them slowly fade away.
    There is never any followup after the initial salvo. He is getting my vote if only for the fact that he is Pawlowskis biggest nightmare.

  8. Ditto to City Voter - Hershman is a bird dog and that is why eddy and bobby hopkins did what they did. Ooops, did i say eppdy and bobby, of course eddy denies all knowledge of the robo-calling?

    And what about the debate bobby, seems like you have checked out since the challenge.

    If i where king for a day, there would be a table, on one side would sit Phillips and Hershman, and the other hizzoner and D'amore, and we would let Bernie moderate!!! No fancy slides or charts for anyone to hide behind, just a couple of guys and the issues. Ah, if I where only king for a day....

  9. I am told if allentown declares bankruptcy, all pensions are in play again, reopened, possibly cut in half......

  10. Yeah they will debate this loon, right after Obama debates O'Hare.

    Hey Boondog better up the dosage.

  11. I see. They are willing to slander him with last minute anonymous robocalls, but are too cowardly to face him in person. That says a lot about Team pawlowski.

  12. More of Lou's posturing/grandstanding/showboating.

    What he should do is withdraw from the race and then refund the Allentown taxpayers the salary he collected when he was in office.


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