Local Government TV

Friday, July 31, 2009

Glenn Reibman Reputedly Decides Against State Senate

I've just been informed by a highly placed source, who asks to remain anonymous, that former Northampton County Exec Glenn Reibman has decided against seeking the state senate seat being vacated by Rob Wonderling.
Update: The Morning Call has a similar report.


  1. Well haters good for you you got your wish. For only a half-million dollars the GOP ensured an anonymous out of area guy will surely represent you.

    Roy Shuman the sometime Republican head claims it must be done this way, baloney it is not legally specified.

    Shuman Puppet Stoffa, in order to keep himself the Republican darling, even agreed with his benenfactor saying well I guess we need the representation.

    $400,000 is no big deal to the GOP and the haters. Your conservativism is a shame, just like your "good government".

  2. I guess Reibman must have read all the comments on the MCall website under the article announcing his bid and realized he didn't have a snowball's chance in...

  3. Anon 12:04,

    First of all, I don't know what the law provides concerning special elections and whether the timeframe is mandatory. I will try and find out. It appears to be that Rendell is just using this as part of his battle with rs over the budget. You claim the law does not require the election, but provide no authority for your anonymous assertion.

    Second, I read the ET news account, which makes pretty clear that Northampton County officials are none too happy about the county funds that will be spent to make this happen.

  4. the lt gov is required to announce the election within a certain amount of time. the date is traditionally set by the lt gov to help the lt gov's party win the election. sometimes that is the day of the next regularly scheduled election. sometimes that's on a different date. either way, complete discretion.

    and 400k is not small money when we are talking deficits. that 400k could be used to fund an elementary school's programs, provide health care to a lot of seniors or more. seems like we are just wasting this money when there are viable alternatives.

  5. "the lt gov is required to announce the election within a certain amount of time."

    That does not really answer the question. What does the law provide about when the special election must be held? If it mandates a special election within X days, then this is all academic. If it does not, then I'd agree we should wait.

  6. Wasting money? Cry me a river. 400K gets you a restaurant on Hamilton St. too.

  7. The Pa. Constitution provides, "Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either House, the presiding officer thereof shall issue a writ of election to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the term."

    Although the Constitution imposes an affirmative obligation on the oresiding officer toissue a writ of election, it does NOT specify that the election must be held w/in any given time period. under these circumastances, it appears that the special election could wait for the general election. Scheduling one w/ little time will give an edge to those with deeper pockets or more name recognition.

  8. The situation with this seat is an ongoing disgrace. The gerrymander, the resignation, the selection of an unknown state rep over a high profile former DA, and the timing of the election. The fix is in for Senator Mensch (R-Asher, THP Properties).

  9. I don't understand what Stoffa and Shuman did. IS it their fault he wanted to run or their fault he dropped out, or both? I missed that memo. Bernie, can you translate?

  10. Sure, I speak whack job fluently. Her's what anon 12:04 is reeally saying.

    "I'm a political hack who is looking for a job with Reibman just like the one I used to have. I really hate Stoffa because the bastard cut off my unemployment. Sure, I quit my job, but Stoffa should have continued to let me suck on the public teat.

    "Stoffa believes in hiring qualified people instead of cronies like me. So I'll do what cronies do best. I'll lie, and I'll do it anonymously. I'll try to blame Stoffa for Reibman's refusl to run for the state senate. Who cares that it's not true? I'll dirty him up.

    "Because he's a nonpartisan who actually hires Republicans from time to time, I'll call him a Shuman puppet, too."

  11. Under the state Election Code, a special election can be called no sooner than 60 days from the date the election notice is filed.

    The main reason for this is to give candidates a fair opportunity to get out their message.

    Mr. Scarnati waited 4 months to hold a special election after Sen. Rhoades passed away on Oct 18, 2008. Sen Rhoades name remained on the Nov 4 ballot, however the Special election was held on March 3, 2009.

    I'd rather see $400K go to support area food banks, cleanup liter along our State roads, or support 3 or 4 entry level cops for a year.

  12. I know people love to come on this blog and attack Reibman and anyone who ever worked for him but I know some of those people and they aren't what some infer.

    I am not defending Glenn Reibman by any stretch but I do think the decision to hold the election early was total BS.

    Some on here take pride in saying, "Call you as you see them".
    This has nothing to do with Reibman, what the GOP did was plain wrong and wasteful. Saying Demo's also did it makes you part of the problem and not the solution. Hear that Roy Shuman.

    Really, was it worth $250,000-400,000 to accomplish what would probably have happened five weeks later and that is the Republican from Montgomery County getting elected.

    If this good government talk has any meaning other than self-serving crap, everyone should be outraged.

  13. I think the special election timing is a red herring. Reibman probably paid for an informal poll and realized he didn't have a chance and is blaming it on the timing.

  14. Just thinking of Reibman makes me want to vomit

  15. 11:12, thats what your mama told me about seeing you.

  16. Who did Reibman's "informal poll"? Was it the anti-Angle Tom S.? Or maybe Solomon? It would have been a hoot to see Reibman running with Solomon coming back from the graceyard to pull his strings.

  17. Anon 8:07

    I assume you meant graveyard and you're right it would have been a treat to see Reibman run a campaign with Solomon, if he was still around.

    Whoo! Whoo! The gravy train is leaving the station again!

    The Rs would have had a field day with that one.

    Seriously, though, do you really think that any Dem in their right mind would want to run in a special election for a seat in what amounts to an almost permanent minority inae Senate Dem caucus that is led by Bob Mellow?

    It would be more fun to just stick pins in your own eyes.

  18. just thinking of Reibman makes me want to vomit

  19. 1:03, you already used that line. I suggest a better joke writer.

  20. ahhh I see now you enjoy licking Reibman's boots, do you wear a brown shirt?:):):)

  21. You don't understand, I resent the process of the special election. Since Mr. Reibman was never charged much less convicted of any crime, factually he is at least if not probably more innocent than you.

    As far as brown shirts, you would be familiar with brown living up Shumans and Stoffa's arse's.

  22. I still don't like him... that is my right

  23. you must love sniffing Reibman

  24. I am a Stoffa supporter who thinks he is doing a great job, with a few exceptions. That said, Glenn Reibman was not the devil some people believe. Along with some errors, he did some good.

    By the way, Michael Solomon is not in the graveyard. He is alive and well, and he has not gone away.

  25. I leave that to you mancrush boys.


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