Local Government TV

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Congressman Dent to Host Nazareth Town Hall

NewsOverCoffee reports that LV Congressman Charlie Dent will host a town hall on Monday, between 10 and 11 AM, at Nazareth Borough Council chambers. That's the old library located at 159 W. Center Street.


  1. Is there a specific topic or reason for the meeting?

  2. AJ, Dent has these periodically throughout his district. No specific topic is ever mentioned. Since this one is in Nazareth and I have a few readers here, I thought I's point it out. Ross beat me to it.

  3. I wonder if he'll pre-select the audience with planted softball questions like our inch-deep president, or just wing it.

  4. I know, right? Soon he'll hire a gay male prostitute to pose as a reporter and ask pre-planned questions. Oh wait, that was W.

  5. 12:00

    I guess the only way to defend Obama's early, disastrous performance is to compare him to one of the worst presidents of the modern era (i.e. Bush). My, how expectations have been lowered. His sheep will start calling him a white guy soon.

    Aim high Obamamoonies! Your guy is not the worst president in history!

  6. Boonie, will you be there with your note book and ask Charlie why he voted to let the polar ice caps melt ?

  7. Yes, Charlie should explain why global warming has delivered one of the coolest Junes on record.

    The first Earth Day featured dire warnings of an Ice Age within 10 years.

    And now Chicken Littles like 9:04 want me to ditch the heavy sweaters?

    Keep wiping with one square and reading under dim lights to offset Al Gore's mansion's profligate energy use. He knows you're an asshole, but appreciates your playing along!

  8. "Boonie, will you be there with your note book and ask Charlie why he voted to let the polar ice caps melt ?"

    Yes, it's all Dent's fault! I also blame Dent for Pluto not being formally recognized as a "planet" anymore...

    What is this world coming to?

  9. AJ, good to see you around. It's been said by Bernie and others that Dent ticks off the far right and the far left - as far as I'm concerned, that means he agrees with the vast majority of the country. I'm more conservative than he is, but I've voted for him many times (state and federal). He works hard and makes informed decisions. I may disagree with him but never will I question his motives.

    I'll take Dent over radical right or left anytime.

    The Banker

  10. So Dent left LVR for another blog?

  11. Banker,

    We agree. He is a centrist and we need more, not less, of them.

  12. Dent vote with George W. 90% of the time. This is not moderate. And, Charlie is the most negative vicious campaigner in Lehigh Valley history. No politician in the Lehigh Valley has ever aired more negative campaign commericals than Dent.

  13. Dent is a centrist and has been consistently rated as such by nonpartisan publications like Congressonal Quarterly. He voted with the Bush adminisration around 60% of the time. Those are the facts.

    Bennett attempted to portray him as a Bush clone, but he is not. Bennett had the figure at 80%, but even that is wrong. Like you, she never provided any authority for her assertion.

    You are certaily welcome to come to this town hall on Monday and challenge Dent for being a Bush clone.

  14. It's funny Bernie - the far left thinks he's a conservative, and the far right thinks he's a liberal. Perfect in my book.

    The Banker

  15. Charlie is pro-abortion, pro-experimenting on the remains, pro-death penalty, and pro killing anything that moves with a rag on its head in the middle east - including worthless collaterals in Pakistan - oops on that! Those are the facts. He's for a lot of death.

  16. Bernie,

    You and I will disagree on centrist being good. I'm probably on the liberal scale. I'd rather have a conversation with Scott Armstrong and Joe Hilliard than Charlie Dent.

    Simple reason, Joe, Scott, and I will agree there are problems with our society. We just won't agree on what the solution is or what caused them.

    Charlie and the other centrist won't even acknowledge the problem and will look for the quickest band aid to get him through the next election cycle to kick the problem down the road to be solved later.

    Centrist are great when the system is working, they are absolutely inept and horrid when the system isn't.

  17. Charlie Dent is certainly a centrist. He believes in nothing but staying in office. He's never led a revolt or sounded an important notice on any issue of importance. He's a show-upper who's been nearly invisible in DC.

    Grucela and Freeman are small pond versions of the same thing. Those two worms are still silent on the massive tax increase their about to support while unemployment is 10% and working families are trying to figure out how to pay for Rich Grucela's pension.

    They are vacuous centrist pension compilers who've accomplished exactly nothing in their time at the public slop trough. They are shameful examples of everything that's wrong with politicians.

  18. Anon 8:23, 9:20,

    I completely disagree with both of you. The problem in this country right now is that no one is listening to each other. The far left and right are both intolerant of any views that don't accept their formulas verbatim. On a national level, it results in someone like Specter being ostracized. On a local level, Stoffa finds himself in trouble for being nice to Rs.

    The truth is that neither ideology is completely right or completely wron and what works in one situation may not work in another.

    Without centrists, Congress will eventually end up in gridlock. We really need people who are willing to look at the big picture and apply common sense solutions.

    As for being invisible, Dent co-chairs the Tuesday Group, which got Bush to re-evaluate his flawed Iraq policy. Dent has been invited to the white house. We really do need to start listening to each other instead of censoring or shunning people with differing views.

    By the way, I do not consider Freeman a centrist. He is fairly liberal. He has authored some significant legislation, including the Main Street/Elm Street initiatives. He is sponsoring legislation for tax relief to cities that are hamstrung by tax exempt properties. And Grucela took his cost of living raise and is paying it into Northampton County human services. That says something about him.

  19. Bernie,

    That we will agree with neither side is listening.

    However, our "centrist" are not really "centrist" they are people who are bought.


    I think Charlie probably started off doing things for the right reason. However, I don't believe that Charlie and a lot of the congressmen in the middle on both sides really are voting their beliefs on most issues.

    It is also the nature of the beast. Charlie can't afford to take a strong stand on any one particular issue. He has a 50-50 district and he needs to pull people from the other 50 to win.

    I always wonder what our government would look like with real campaign finance reform?

    Would we talk more about real issues and less about politicians affairs, their haircuts, or how they look the part or would we talk less. Is it the American people that are responsible for this system or is something that has been propagandized as good to them?

    At the end of the day. Bernie I think we can agree their is a shortage of critical thinking and common sense in this country right now, and that is why we are in the mess we are in.

  20. The Obama-Soros money machine blew to smithereens any chance for real campaign finance reform.

    Most of their money is untraceable and a friendly press and blogosphere don't consider it an issue.

    Pay to play only pisses off Bernie when it's employed against one of his candidates.

  21. He is going to massage O'Hares , ah, ah , ah...ego, thats it rub that ego!


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