Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three Apply For Northampton County Council Vacancy

Three local government veterans - two of them former County Council members - have applied for the vacancy created by Diane Neiper's resignation from Northampton County Council. They are former County Council member Ron Heckman, former County Council member and County Exec Jerry Seyfried and former Bethlehem Township Commissioner Bob Birk.

Whoever is appointed will only serve until the end of this year. Unless gridlocked, Council will select Neiper's successor on July 8th.

I'll have more details about these applicants tomorrow.


  1. You have already declared your undying love for Seyfried. I'm sure the details about the other candidates will be unbiased, like Ayatollah's Khomeini's announcement that the election in Iran was fair..Right!

  2. Stop the incestuous compulsion to appoint retreads. Can't we get those two get a hammock at the bridge commission? Good grief. Enough already.

  3. Hey Anon 5:00, study any English lately, or still unemployed.

  4. Anon 3:46,

    If you want "unbiased" news, read the newspapers. I have a POV and think it is more honmest to express it.

  5. Anon 5:00,

    Council is in serious trouble and would benefit from the appointment of people who served when council was classy. The last thing it needs is someone who is serving 5 months on a job that takes two years to learn.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Let me rephrase what I deleted:

    Considering it is for such a brief period, I would be inclined to agree with Bernie on this one re Seyfried.

    I won't mention names, but one of the others is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and will be a yes man for what ever position he thinks is expected from his political party.

  8. I go with Seyfried. Heckman is just a parrot taught what to say.

  9. Bernie it is sad what you have done here. Already your buddy outhouse has attacked Heckman, that is pretty obvious.

    Both Jerry and Ron would add a hit the ground running knowledge of County governemnt and both are smart and independent.

    You have made your strong opinion known and it will be hard to read any honesty in your "details" from this point forward.

    You really are just setting up a shooting gallery for your pals to attack Bob or Ron as your own buddy already has and you really aren't doing Jerry any favors. Do you really think members of Council are going to be bullied by you and your trash talking friends into voting a certain way.

    Council knows the score on both you and Angle, give it a rest before you totally destroy whatever chance the guy may have.

  10. Lighthouse is entitled to express his opinion here, as are you. That seems to scare the hell out of you, so don't read it.

  11. It's amusing to see comments in favor of the "hit the ground running" approach for a job that purportedly "takes two years to learn."

    What ridiculous bullshit.

    Enough with insider buddies and typical cronyism in NorCo. We keep recycling the same old hacks.

    It takes exactly three seconds to learn enough to be equally as idiotic as the current group of space fillers.

    Here we go again.

  12. "...has attacked Heckman, that is pretty obvious." Anon 5:37

    How is it obvious? I purposely worded it candidate-neutral. You may be wrong, you may be right, but either way you are assuming.

  13. I attend most council meetings and have been watching that group for many years. There is definitely a two-year learning curve. That was part of the problem with Neiper, McClure & Dertinger. Each assumed there was noting to it. Each was eventually embarrassed as a result.

    Whoever serves will be there just five months, but will have to help with a budget and a bond. We need veterans right now.

    In November, voters can install some new faces to serve four years, but right now that body needs people who know what they are doing.

  14. I attend most council meetings and have been watching that group for many years. There is definitely a two-year learning curve. That was part of the problem with Neiper, McClure & Dertinger. Each assumed there was noting to it. Each was eventually embarrassed as a result.

    Whoever serves will be there just five months, but will have to help with a budget and a bond. We need veterans right now.

    In November, voters can install some new faces to serve four years, but right now that body needs people who know what they are doing.

  15. You can say that again.

  16. "It takes exactly three seconds to learn enough to be equally as idiotic as the current group of space fillers."

    That could be the funniest comment ever made on this blog.

  17. Joe Reibman would have been the best candidate of the group. He is a class guy .

  18. Does Seyfried`s pension from the county get suspended or does he keep adding to his tax supported benfit longevitywise ? Isn`t it the same for Heckman ?

  19. Dude, it's only a $7,000 salary and only for five months. Both were paid higher sums when they worked for the county so it won't increase their pensions, which they incidentally earned.

  20. Seyfried is a confirmed moron. Heckman has a functioning brain. Watch what Angle does should be amusing!


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