Local Government TV

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Ron Angle Praises Downtown Allentown

A few weeks ago, when Ron Angle was warned he and fellow Norco Council members had to go to an evening meeting in downtown Allentown, he quipped, "Take off your hubcaps before you go." That simple joke resulted in a firestorm of angry comments, which ran from accusations of racism to demands for an apology.

Well, folks, before the Northampton County Bulldog invaded Allentown last night, he did remove the hubcaps from his truck. But I'm happy to report that he had lots of nice things to say about the Queen City on his way out of the downtown government center.

"The game is canceled - rain - but I got a good deal on a Rolex in the parking lot - $8 - and a girl in a miniskirt offered to show me the town for $20. It's a really nice place."

He explains the Rolexx deal in more detail in the video above.


  1. And this is better how? Apparently everyone in Allentown is a crimminal scam artist. Is this guy for real?

  2. I want a reality show where Angle is forced to live anywhere east of 7th St. for a month and we get to watch him. That would be funny. It could be on the same cable access channel that is now broadcasting every local government body except the hillbilly retards of Norco Council.

  3. He already lives east of 7th Street. Tomorrow, I think he'll unload a suitcase of those Rolexx watches in Portland. You Allentown folks are helping his empire expand.

  4. That was funny.

  5. That was sad. In the head of a bigot.

  6. Ya know, if Ron promises a Rolex in every house, he can run for Allentown mayor and win!

    Bernie, when you write these funny blurbs, you make my morning. Not crazy about the sad ones but they are important, too, but these are your best.

    Oh, where did he find that Rolex?

  7. It was funny.

    Allentown better learn to roll with the punches. Sometimes it takes the view of an "outsider" to point out the truth.

    I think Ron Angle missed his calling; he can be charming and funny when he wants to be.


  8. Angle making fun of urban areas is red meat for Slate Belters who share Ron's dim view of "niggers" and "spics," words routinely uttered there.

    I'm not so sure this is funny. It's more uncomfortable.

  9. What an idiot. This has nothing to do with his hillbilly view of urban areas. He is just rude. Imagine Mike Dowd attending a meeting in Bangor and joking about how many toothless hicks greeted him on the street selling moonshine from the back of their rusted out pickup trucks. Oh wait, can't imagine that- Dowd has class.

  10. This just display's his ignorance. Anyone who knows Allentown knows no one will ever offer you a fake watch on the street or you will never see a prostitute in a mini-skirt here.

  11. I resemble that remark? Lay off the Slate Belt. Ron lives closer to Portland..not Bangor! We do not use the N or S word here..friend! Moonshine? We hunt and fish and swim in the quarries. Come and visit..you'll never leave!

  12. HEY that looks like my watch!!

  13. Ron will make people who are unwilling to face the truth very uncomfortable. A-town has a crime problem. He is not being racist or bigoted by noting that A-town has a crime problem. He is being honest.

    He's also being funny. He points it out in a humorous way and can roll w/ the punches himself. I mean, look at his frickin' hat. You think he doesn't go thru a day w/o a few people knocking him over how he dresses? You think he doesn't hear slate belt jokes?

    Elitists like the Nutty Professor are probably outraged by Angle's comments.


  14. LVCI, Just talked to Ron. He can get that watch back to you for a $15 handling charge.

  15. Anon 8:24,

    Those words are "uttered" throughout Pennsylvania. The Slate Belt is a small blip on the racist state map.

  16. I hope Auriele Theile buys a home next to this guy.

  17. okay, let's run with the political comedy then.

    i hope he finds the rotten fish we left in his glove box before it gets too hot outside. that was a present from the friends of the Farmer's market.

    And in a true act of political comedy, Ron Angle now has bumper stickers on his tail gate endorsing Obama, Pawlowski, Cunningham and Dertinger. That'll teach him to come to Allentown and try to take my parking space.

    and we should probably tell him that it wasn't a real woman offering to show him around town for $20... it was actually Charlie Dent, except he mistook Ron for an insurance company executive and had to quickly scamper off leaving his high-heels behind.

    it would be well worth noting that glen reibman was part of the welcoming team that rolled out the rug for Ron. Glen offered to introduce him to a couple of his friends in the back of Ron Rossi's office, but Ron didn't like the idea of a blind fold and handcuffs. Instead, Jim Hickey showed up with the monkeys flying out of his ass entertained Angle while the monkeys picked his pockets... all they found were empty cigar wrappers and a note that said "You have a great ass. Love, Bernie".

    Finally, Ron's friends at the Allentown Jewish Community Center decided the best welcome they could offer to Ron was an honorary roast as a fundraiser to help the JCC with its after school programming. The event was canceled as the local jewish leaders couldn't figure out how to make this fat pig kosher for the roasting.

  18. She could give Ron a tour of MOMA and he could introduce her to his pigs.

  19. I better enjoy Ron's racial humor when delivered in the original German.

    So three pork chops and a porch monkey walk into the Portland Diner with a yid and boyscout to attend a crime fighting seminar ....

    Lighten up! It's only a joke. Right?

    I think his remarks were funny, but had they been uttered by anyone on Bernie's shit list, the tone would be quite different.

  20. Anon 2:25,

    Pretty damn good. How the hell did you find out about that little note?

  21. Anon 2:35,

    Not so good. You really have to reach to make anything racial out of what Ron said.

  22. Tell Angle we need to make room on his farm "Castle" because there's no room for the un-washed in Allentown anymore.

    Meet your new neighbors. Also we will be replacing your guards dogs Pat Browne, Karen Beyer. and the rest of the GOP - along with some "go along Democrats" the next chance we get.

  23. thank you bernie. I love good comedy, both writing and reading. I'll keep them coming in other posts that you do in an effort to lighten some of the moods. consider it a service from your anonymous friend from the federal grill.

    How did I find out about the note? one of the monkeys posted it on a twitter update. damn monkeys are so advanced now adays. I remember when it was hard to teach them how to throw their crap at school group tours. now they use iPhones. I don't get it.

    Oh, another tid bit from last night: Sen. Browne's staff is concerned about the picture Ron posted outside of the senator's office that includes Ron and the Senator shaking hands and indicating Ron's endorsement. Sen. Browne thought he had paid good money for that picture to be destroyed, but clearly he was mistaken and is now worried that the inflamatory nature of the photo could cost him in 2010. They want to know what the Senator did to bring this on him at such a sensitive time.

  24. Is Angle breaking the law with that cigar?

  25. What an idiot. This has nothing to do with his hillbilly view of urban areas. He is just rude. Imagine Mike Dowd attending a meeting in Bangor and joking about how many toothless hicks greeted him on the street selling moonshine from the back of their rusted out pickup trucks. Oh wait, can't imagine that- Dowd has class.-

    This is spot on. Unfortunately, others from up yonder fail to see it.

  26. Hey Federal Grill guy, don't you know that use of the term, "monkey" is no longer acceptable given our country's recent "change?"

    How about a little sensitivity?

  27. William Jefferson ClintonJune 4, 2009 at 3:35 PM

    "Is Angle breaking the law with that cigar?"

    As long as he did not impale, no.


    The REAL First Black President

  28. "Angle making fun of urban areas is red meat for Slate Belters who share Ron's dim view of "niggers" and "spics," words routinely uttered there."

    Believe me, WE know it's NOT just routinely uttered THERE...

    - J. BLACK

  29. the only thing unacceptable about the use of a monkey is that the poor creature touched ron angle. though the flying out of hickey's ass may have been unacceptable... there's room to debate that matter.

  30. I do not like all this negative monkey bashing. Poop flinging may be in order. After watching Angle's ridiculous video, I know where to aim my next pile.

    Angle reminds me a grade school bully, looking to score laughs with mean spirited humor.

    Don't worry - I'm still pro humor. But Angle needs to pick on someone his own size. Too bad he doesn't seem too concerned about earning respect, just some laughs...

  31. Look on the bright side of this embarrassment for Northampton County Council,
    They now understand a quorum is five members.
    My work is done.

  32. "Believe me, WE know it's NOT just routinely uttered THERE... "

    How the hell would you know that? You're not there. Actually, the worst spot in NC for racism is supposedly Nazareth. I've heard a few racist remarks here over the years, but it's no worse than anywhere else.

    The notion that the slate belt is some secret meeting venue for the KKK is just as ridiculous as suggesting that every A-town resident is a gangbanger. We get these notions and it's hard to break them.

    Ron is a bit of an instigator. If he knows something pisses someone off, he pours it on.

    The best comeback is not to get all indignant, but to come back at him as my pal from the Fed'l Grille did.

    It really is just humor.

  33. I found it funny that Ron was carried in on a chair carried by three darkies. That was funney but all in good fun.

  34. The racial connotation is ALL in your mind. You just reveal your own intolerance.

  35. Uhhh, no, Bernie. I experience intolerance EVERY DAY in the Valley when I read these blogs in the Mcall that do NOT just come Nazareth. I experience it as I walk the streets of Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton and I go into their court houses and see every one from the judge to the bailiff to the recorder is White and the only people of color in the whole building are those in shackles and heading up state. I experience it as I walk into the City Halls and go to talk about events and issues and find the leaders of the City, as well as department heads, seem surprised that this young Black man has actually rallied and organized people to do positive projects. Intolerance is not just about racial slurs, white sheets, and swastikas, it's about deliberate non-action. It's about the "ignoring" of a people when you see an OBVIOUS problem. It's about being callous to those who you know need something MORE than welfare and housing, but you just continue to hope the problem disappears and goes away.
    And you are right, Bernie, I am intolerant. I am intolerant of clueless leadership, an assuming public, and people who love to complain and moan but won't step out of their homes and away from the blog world to "make something happen.."

    - J. BLACK

  36. Lost in this discussion about Ron Angle's observations of Allentown is the fact that the N-County council members apparently blew off the meeting. That was far more embarrassing to me as a taxpayer that Angle's comments about the city.


  37. The notion that the slate belt is some secret meeting venue for the KKK is just as ridiculous as suggesting that every A-town resident is a gangbanger. We get these notions and it's hard to break them. -

    How can you say this and then defend this yokel?

  38. How unfortunate that Ron Angle's intelligence cannot be directed in a responsible, respectable avenue of thought and activity; however, he is consumed with the need for notariety and PR acknowledgements, no matter he is known for "stirring the pot", one can stir forever and nothing is accomplished other than another lawsuit, another tenant surviving the landlord or another picture in the paper. Yes, Ron has some smarts, but !

  39. That vid was fantastic! I love Angle

  40. I have seen racism mentioned here several times on this topic and we all have heard the name calling. But the biggest problem now is the drugs and street gangs. Bloods, Cripts,Latin Kings, MS13, etc are racist as well. The problem is they will kill anyone including there own race over drug turf and gang turf. Allentown has had 3 or 4 murders in just the past month and I feel sure it was over gang or drug turf. This has all started in the last 10 or so years. J. Black, I agree with you, but untill all these drug and gang shootings stop, not a thing will change. I have never owned a hand gun. Why are these people shooting each other? Henry

  41. That ridiculous "drug sweep" last week isn't the way to solve any problems. Instead of focusing on real crime, the APD decided it best to sweep up 15 people on petty victimless crimes. How much time and resources did that waste?

  42. Resident of AllentownJune 5, 2009 at 12:45 PM

    I thought Angle's statement was funny and was directed at Allentown's crime problem.
    I think the people who saw it as racism are the true racists.
    Are you saying only minorities could steal or are likely to steal the hubcaps?

  43. Henry, this is a comment I wrote recently on a MCall blog, maybe it will answer your questions:

    When will Allentown leadership and residents realize that no one is going to be driven away, cleaned out, or transplanted ? We "undesirables" need to be utilized because many of us would rather work than do illegal acivities. Unfortunately, with felony convictions and a lack of education and training, our opportunities are limited and far between; and I'm sorry to say, we refuse to go hungry, let our families go hungry, or even deny ourselves creature comforts, if we know of other ways, whether it is legal or illegal, to make it happen. We aren't telling you to feel sorry for us or even give us welfare, but all of the money being used for Anti-gang Initiatives should be used to create entrepeneurial opportunities and businesses which would be a TRUE Anti-Gang Initiative.
    Gangs do inhabit Allentown, as well as persons of color, ex-felons and convicts, young mothers and fathers, those limited in education, and the list goes on and on. THESE are some of the residents of Downtown A-town and many are willing to do constructive and legal work/projects if given the chance. Many have families that they want to support and wish to do tasks that make a decent wage without having to constantly duck, dodge, and look over their shoulders, but if there is nothing out here but hatred, discrimination, naysayers, and government officials overlooking us as if we don't exist, well, then people will do what needs to be done to survive...

    J. BLACK
    www.5minutes2shine.bl ogspot,com

  44. If Angle wants to talk in that particular context, he should do stand-up. But he's not a comic. He's a public official and took a crap on an entire town. Ignorant and clueless. What a jerk.

  45. Does Alfonso Todd AKA J.Black have a point? He comes off as very angry. Dispite giving lip service to personal responsibility, he appears to play the poor victim card on every post. As well as advertise a website and push some initiative he wants funding for.

  46. ANONYMOUS 12:49,

    Angry ? I have a right to be angry because people like yourself don't SEE my point when it is right before your eyes. Allentown has changed drastically and it will continue to sink until we include EVERYONE and ALL the resources we have, no matter political affilitaion, religion, past history, race, etc., to make a difference.
    As far as a victim, I am far from it. I enjoy the Valley and could easily go to work, buy a house, get a car, get married and live life happily ever after. I go to exclusive parties, hob knob with the IN and OUT crowds, and dance until dawn on the weekends. I am independent, I like me, and the sun is shining as I type this, so I am FAR from unhappy. I think I am more of what you would call a CONCERNED citizen, but I guess I would be stereotyped by you, as the typical "angry Black Man". Go figure... Please go to my previous writing, read it, and then THINK before you blog again. It would be appreciated. PS: As far as coming off as the victim, I was writing in what many writers call a "first person" perspective. I often write and speak for those who may not have the voice, abilities, or tools do for themselves. Often, I see people misrepresented on various blogs and people have no clue what REALLY is happening in the the streets of A-town besides the Mcall's negative take, so I try to shed a little light on the subject. I have been doing it for 2 years now. It's called community advocacy and activism, you should try it sometime...
    Lastly, I am a promoter, events coordinator and am a co-owner of
    BLURB Media/Promotions, a small Allentown business, so it comes naturally to let people know what I do. It's what I USE the internet for. Sorry if you hate the pushiness, but tell your radio, TV, and web provider this the next time an ad flashes across your screen; and as far as funding for an initiative ? I am ALL about self sufficiency. I gave up on asking for grant money and City help a while ago. The City actually asks ME for help with their events, projects, and programs; and I gladly do it because it's not about me, them, or personal opinions, it is about the residents of Allentown !

    Just Keepin' It Real,

    Alfonso Todd

  47. J.Black, with the addiction of the drugs and the lure of easy money and 14 year old kids joining gangs,I don't know if your ideas will work but I sure hope they do. People are afraid to leave their homes at night. And it isn't just Allentown, its Easton and many other cities too. My brother lives near a few miles outside of Nazareth. He took in two foster kids, on of whom got involved in the drug trade. One night two years ago someone stopped outside of the house and pumped 16 9mm slugs into the house. Something has to change because the crime is only getting worse. The lure of making thousands of dollars in one or two days is a lot different than working for $10 an hour. Legalizing drugs will only make it even worse. The high school drop out rate is horrible just making the matter worse. I don't see any way out of all this so I hope your ideas can help. Henry

  48. Bernie O'Hare, Ron Angle and these racist comments makes me ashamed to be white. I know that low intelligence and ignorance are probably statistically spread evenly across all populations, but based upon my reading of this blog, I think my race has a serious problem. At least based on this blog, its posts and comments.

    J. White

  49. J.White... racist is a word, that can be solved. Bullets and illegal drugs from drug gangs, gang members, and bullets from illegal hand guns shooting people on the streets is entirely different. It will happen in your town too, and when it does, I think you will change your toon pretty quick. If you are ashamed of being white go out and do something about it. Thank you. Henry

  50. " The lure of making thousands of dollars in one or two days is a lot different than working for $10 an hour. Legalizing drugs will only make it even worse. The high school drop out rate is horrible just making the matter worse. "

    I'm sorry sir, but you contradict yourself. The end of prohibition 2would mean the end of making those "thousands of dollars". The prohibition is what props up the gangs with money to buy guns and lure recruits into the lifestyle.
    Just as the end of the 1st prohibition delivered a huge blow to organized crime in the past so would the end of our 2nd prohibition destroy gangs in the present.

  51. It is the addiction itself that is the problem, do you want to drive on R22 with people smoking crack in their cars? Drunken driving is bad enough. I take it that you want to legalize crack, heroin, pot, crystal meth...

  52. To all the Angle acolytes: remember he was finally thrown off waeb for the very reasons von Brunn gave for assasinating the security officer at the Holocaust museum. To wit: jews control the media. jews control the money. Angle and Von Brunn same thread of paranoid right wing populism...keep enabling such hateful people and you reap what u sow!


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