Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rich Grucela: A Nurse in Every School

Imagine a 17 year old high school senior who suffers a rare heart attack at school. Imagine a ten year old who suddenly experiences seizures in class. Now imagine that in both of those instances, there's no school nurse. The ten year old survived, but the high school senior is now dead.

State Rep. Rich Grucela (D-Northampton) has just introduced legislation designed to save lives. It will require every school district to employ full-time nurses. These professionals are often a child's only resource for conditions like asthma and diabetes, or drug and alcohol abuse, school violence and teenage pregnancy.

"School nurses are of fundamental importance to a successful school system," said Grucela, a former teacher who also serves on the House Education Committee. "They help create and maintain a safe school environment through education and outreach, in addition to performing essential health screenings and immunizations. They are also familiar with and can monitor chronic illnesses, which could require immediate attention at any given time."

"Most importantly, if a medical emergency arises, a school nurse is a professional health-care provider who is on hand to immediately assist a student," Grucela added.

The cost for this proposal would be evenly shared by the state and individual school districts.

According to a 2008 National Association of School Nurses report, Pennsylvania schools have one nurse for every 832 students. That's much better than the national average, which is one nurse for every 1,461 students. More than 50% of U.S. public schools have no full-time Registered Nurses.


  1. Who is gonna pay for it Bernie ? School taxes are high enough--another unfuded mandate in the works.

  2. That's definitely a drawback. I think it should be funded completely by the state.

  3. Gee another kiss your mother resolution from Grucela, he is becoming quite good at this. So the state orders every school has a nurse. Registerd or Practical?

    Based on past performance the State will promise an amount of funding then underfund.

    Thanks Rich for giving us another poorly funded mandate, mighty big of you.

  4. Will Rich, the arrogant public pension compiler, be voting with his dog-whipping master Rendell to increase my income taxes 16%?

    He is the worst example of a populist political do-nothing who's always first in line to get his - by killing the taxpayers he so loathes.

    Where's pension-grabbing Friedman as well on raising my taxes in this economy?

    Gutless Rendell lapdogs, both.

  5. It's Freeman. And I'd like to hear his answer to your simple question.

  6. An LPN maybe or a certified health/first aid worker but who's gonna fund it? Back in the day we had a school nurse but Eisenhower was president then! Don't we train teachers in first aid and first response stuff..then call 911. I don't get where he's going here.

  7. Is this why they want to pass table games? What happens when the gambling money runs dry?

  8. Who is gonna pay for it Bernie ? School taxes are high enough--another unfuded mandate in the works.-

    You. Quit your whining and join society.

  9. Bernie, am I correct in assuming the negative bloggers re: school nurses are parents and grandparents of very healthy kids who don't have to concern themselves about diabetic, asthmatic or heart afflicted kids; or kids who suffer from migraines-but perhaps being a middle of the roader, some liberalism is popping out coming from a mixed family of D& R's. Carol

  10. Carol, I understand the unfunded mandate argument, which is why I think the state should pay. But we should do everything we can to care for our children. They are our most precious asset.

  11. "hehe... turn your head and cough!!!"

  12. I think kids are our most precious assets and I'm opposed to populist legislative impulses that are big on fanfare for political sponsors, but short on details about funding such mandates.

    Being opposed to poor government does not mean one is opposed to properly caring for all Americans. Carol's assumptions are insulting.

  13. Anon 4:12, How sad and how true.

    That is the big guilt trip the folks who enjoy spending your money love to play. The Health Department people do that as well. The poor, poor children. They love using other peoples money for their causes.
    When the practicality or other real issues are questioned they pull out the kids, disabled or other group.

    These public dole robbers have no shame and no scruples.


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